~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beast Wars v0.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Six Feet Under Translation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Patch released 8-16-1999 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Game: Beast Wars ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Platfom: Game Boy Color ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the latest version at http://come.to/sixfeetunder Email me at s1xftunder@hotmail.com Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I started working on this game when it was recommended to me by Pikaraichu when I posted a message on my site looking for ideas for a new project. I got plenty of requests for SD3, Pokemon Yellow, and DBZ, which were for obvious reasons I basically ignored. Somewhat discouraged by the results, I put up a 2nd message asking for something to translate, and among the crap relpies, was the only realistic idea, Beast Wars. I played it a bit and decided I'd see what I could do with it. Pikaraichu sent me some useful information on the and made numerous attempts to help out however he could with the translation, and the information he sent me saved me a lot of time. So.. as I started working on it I found that the main font was compressed, which basically means unless I figure out how to uncompress it, which probably won't happen anytime soon, or someone helps me out with it, it's stuck at basically how it is now. How to use it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use ips.exe or Snestool to patch your Beast Wars rom with bwe.ips. If you can't figure out how to use these, well, I guess you're just out of luck, because they're very easy to use. If you want english menu options on the title screen, use no$gmb and the savestate I've included. (If anyone wants me to make a savestate for another GB emulator, let me know and I'll make one) Don't ask me for the rom, you can figure out how to get a Beast Wars rom on your own. Anyone who would ask probably wouldn't even be reading a doc anyway, so it's probably pointless to even mention that... Progress ~~~~~~~~ Main menu is about %95 done. Only thing that needs to be done are the main options on the title screen, which are for some reason, not the normal font and are apparently compressed sprites since the only place I've found them is in savestates. Since the main menu had to be such a bitch, here's the crappy "I didn't know how to hack it, so here's a stupid text file" version: Single Team Quick Draw Password Option Special Ok, I just took a break from writing this, and did a little savestate hacking, and made a no$gmb savestate that will let you see the menu options in english. This should work well enough to get the game started, but if you ever return to the menu after playing for a while, or returning to the menu from the movelist, it will probably be back in japanese, since the edited savestate only works until the game loads the sprites from the rom again, and puts them back to normal. If you're ever back at the menu and it's in japanese, just reload the savestate. Want a savestate for something other than no$gmb? Let me know, and I'll make one. If you make one for another emulator yourself, please send it to me so I can include it in the next release. I don't like having to rely on a savestate for part of a translation, but it works fairly well, and it's all I can do until I can change it for real in the rom. Move list is 100% done, Including the secret characters, which can be found in the Options menu. There is a small ammount of other text that I can translate in the future, but most everything else is compressed, and will probably stay in Japanese unless someone wants to help out. Thanks ~~~~~~ Thanks to Pikaraichu for giving me the idea, helping out whenever possible, and keeping me going on the project, since I tend to not get much of anything done on my without someone giving me a kick in the ass to do something every couple days. Uh... I suppose that's pretty much it, I didn't go looking for much help on this project, although if I ever want to finish it, I'll probably need someone who can help me with the compression. 1999 Six Feet Under http://come.to/sixfeetunder s1xftunder@hotmail.com