-------------------------------------------------------------- 1999 Aufzugabenteuer (GB) Übersetzung - Version 1.00 von Effioso -------------------------------------------------------------- Mehr Informationen findet Ihr auf Effiosos Emu-Page: http://www.geocities.com/Timessquare/Ring/2606 -------------------------------------------------------------- The patch may not be distributed unless accompanied by this documentation. See the Legal section for details. -------------------------------------------------------------- INHALT -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Projekt History 2. Installation 3. Dank an 4. Legal / disclaimer 5. Schreibt mir -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. PROJEKT HISTORY -------------------------------------------------------------- - Alles ist übersetzt - Titel von "Elevator Action" in "Aufzugabenteuer" geändert Das Spiel wird mit diesem Patch komplett übersetzt. Kritik und Vorschläge sind immer willkommen. Schickt mir einfach eine Mail. -------------------------------------------------------------- 2. INSTALLATION -------------------------------------------------------------- Falls Ihr nicht wist wie man ein IPS-Programm benutzt, geht zu http://www.geocities.com/Timessquare/Ring/2606 und lest Euch dort die Infos unter Patches durch. Eine Sicherheitskopie solltet Ihr vorsichtshalber immer erstellen. -------------------------------------------------------------- 3. DANK AN -------------------------------------------------------------- * SnowBro Software für HEXPosure. -------------------------------------------------------------- 4. LEGAL / DISCLAIMER -------------------------------------------------------------- The Elevator Action Translation patch ("the Patch") is UNOFFICIAL and is not supported in any way by Nintendo. The Patch is freeware and may be redistributed freely as long as it is not modified, not applied to or distributed with any ROM image, and this documentation is included and not modified either. No money, goods, or services may be charged or solicited for the Patch, in original or applied form. Anyone using the Patch does so at their own risk. Effioso, nor any of the other individuals mentioned in this documentation will be held liable for any loss or damage arising from its use. -------------------------------------------------------------- 5. SCHREIBT MIR -------------------------------------------------------------- Effioso: E-Mail: Effioso@gmx.de --------------------------------------------------------------