Wizardry Gaiden I - Suffering of the Queen V1.1 8/1/2014 w*W*W*W*w \"."."/ //`\\ (/a a\) (\_-_/) .-~'='~-. /`~`"Y"`~`\ / /(_ * _)\ \ / / ) ( \ \ \ \_/\\_//\_/ / \/_) '*' (_\/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | jgs | | w*W*W*W*w ____________________ Current Patch Status ==================== 99% of the game is fully translated into English :D HOORAY!! After months of hard work, here is the end result. Next project.. Wizardry Gaiden II! Version 1.1 Update Special Thanks to Ken Arromdee for fixing the ROM to now work on Everdrives :D Also did some minor grammar corrections. _______ Credits ======= Tangyi_Chang - Project Lead & Hacker Gameboyre - Hacking uffmain - Hacking - Rebalancing Patch MrRichard999 - Hacking - Final text Helly - Translation Suzune - Translation Mark Patraw - Script Revisions & Game Assistance _________________________________ Wizardry Gaiden I Player's Manual ================================= Content 1. Spell List 1.1 Mage Spell 1.2 Priest Spell 2. Item List 2.1 Weapons 2.2 Armors 2.3 Shields 2.4 Helmets 2.5 Gloves 2.6 Miscellaneous 2.7 Event Items =========================== 1. Spell List 1.1 Mage Spell LV1 Sleep [Katino] Attempt to put one group of enemies to sleep. Fire [Halito] Fireball that deals 1-8 points of fire damage to a single target. Map [Dumapic] Allows you to view a map of the dungeon level that your party currently occupies. Shadow [Mogref] Lowers the Armor Class of the caster by 2 for the duration of a single battle. LV2 Bolt [Melito] Magical sparks that deal 1-8 points of fire damage to all the members of one group of enemies. Armor [Sogref] Lowers the Armor Class of a party member by 2 for the duration of a single battle. Fear [Dilto] Raises the Armor Class of a group of enemies by 2, for the duration of a single battle. Rock [Bolatu] Attempt to petrify one monster. LV3 Panic [Morlis] Attempt to frighten one group of enemies, raising their Armor Class by 4 and preventing them from taking any actions other than defending or fleeing. Flame [Mahalito] Firestorm that deals 4-24 points of fire damage to all the members of one group of enemies. Res [Cortu] Creates a magical barrier that may protect the entire party from spells and breath attacks. Dark [Kantios] Attempt to confuse one group of enemies. LV4 Elec [Tzalik] A giant fist crushes a single target, dealing 24-58 points of non-elemental damage. Blaze [Lahalito] Inferno that deals 6-36 points of fire damage to all the members of one group of enemies. Float [Litofeit] Levitation spell that allows the party to float safely above pit traps and chutes in the dungeon floor. Petri [Rokdo] Attempt to petrify one group of enemies. LV5 Summon [Socordi] Randomly summons a group of monsters to aid the party in battle. Frost [Madalto] Arctic frost that deals 8-64 points of cold damage to all the members of one enemy group. Cancel [Palios] Cancels out magical energies. Ray [Vaskyre] Attempt to inflict random detrimental effects on all the members of one group of enemies. Silence [Bacortu] Erects a magic dampenng field around one group of enemies, which may prevent them from casting any spells. LV6 Curse [Mamorlis] Attempt to frighten all enemies, raising their Armor Class by 4 and preventing them from taking any actions other than defending or fleeing. Dispel [Zilwan] Disruption spell that deals 500-1,000 points of damage to a single Undead enemy. Ice [Ladalto] Icy annihilation that deals 34-98 points of cold damage to all the members of one group of enemies. Doom [Lokara] Attempt to instantly destroy all enemies. LV7 Warp [Malor] Teleportation spell. Wish [Mahaman] Wish spell that invokes divine intervention on the party's behalf. A deity will appear and present the caster with a choice of one of three randomly. Nuclear [Tiltowait] The catastrophic energies released by this magic deals 10-150 points of non-elemental damage to all enemies. Astral [Mawxiwtz] Attempt to inflict random detrimental effects on all enemies. 1.2 Priest Spell LV1 Heal [Dios] Restores 1-8 hit points to a single ally. Harm [Badios] Inflicts 1-8 points of non-elemental damage on a single target. Lamp [Milwa] Lesser light spell that illuminates the dungeon, allowing you to see farther. Only lasts for 40 steps. Shield [Kalki] Lowers the Armor Class of the entire party by 1 for the duration of a single battle. Glass [Porfic] Lowers the Armor Class of the caster by 4 for the duration of a single battle. LV2 Wall [Matu] Lowers the Armor Class of the entire party by 2 for the duration of a single battle. Cafo [Calfo] Identifies the type of trap, if any, on a treasure bag/chest, with 95% accuracy. Seal [Montino] Attempt to silence one group of enemies. Find [Kandi] Gives the coordinates of missing or dead party members in the dungeon so that you know exactly where to look for them. LV3 Identify [Latumapic] Automatically and correctly identifies all opponents for the duration of your stay in the dungeon, or until dispelled. Soft [Dialko] Cures paralysis and awakens sleepers. Pray [Bamatu] Lowers the Armor Class of the entire party by 3 for the duration of a single battle. Light [Lomilwa] Greater light spell that illuminates the dungeon, allowing you to see farther. It lasts until you exit the dungeon or until the effect is dispelled by entering a magically darkened zone. Draw [Hakanido] Attempt to drain a single enemy's magic power, depleting their spell levels/slots. LV4 Heal2 [Dial] Restores 2-16 hit points to a single ally. Wound [Badial] Inflicts 6-30 points of non-elemental damage on a single target. Detoxify [Latumofis] Neutralizes poison in one ally. Ward [Maporfic] Lowers the Armor Class of the entire party by 2 for the duration of your stay in the dungeon, or until dispelled. Razorcut [Bariko] Deals 6-15 points of non-elemental damage to all the members of one group of enemies. LV5 Heal3 [Dialma] Restores 3-24 hit points to a single ally. Para [Lanifo] Attempt to paralyze all the members of one enemy group. Death [Badi] Attempt to instantly slay a single target. Revive [Di] Lesser life magic that revives one fallen comrade with 1 hit point and a permanent subtraction of one point from their vitality score. There is a chance of failure, if that happens, the dead character's body will be reduced to ashes. Necro [Bamordi] Randomly summons a group of monsters to aid the party in battle. LV6 Plague [Bamilwa] Attempt to confuse one group of enemies. Cure [Madi] Fully restores all the hit points of a single ally and removes all negative status effects. Drain [Labadi] Reduces a single target down to 1-8 hit points, regardless of their hit point total. Recall [Loktofeit] The party is teleported out of the dungeon and back to town, but the caster forgets the spell in the process and must relearn it. LV7 Meteor [Mabariko] Meteor shower that inflicts 18-58 points of non-elemental damage on all enemies. Life [Kadorto] Greater life magic that revives one fallen comrade with full hit points and a permanent subtraction of one point from their vitality score, even if all that remains is ashes. Expel [Bakadi] Attempt to instantly slay an entire group of enemies. Allheal [Madial] Greater healing spell that restores 6-20 hit points to all party members. --------------------------- 2. Item List [P]=Protects against [C]=Cursed [D]=Double damage to [R]=Resistant to [M]=Mage spell resistance (X% = Resist chance) [C]=Priest spell resistance (X% = Resist chance) [A]=Attacks may decapitate enemies [G]=Steadily regenerate hit points over time (X = points per one time) [U]=Use as an item (X% = Item breakage) [S]=Special 2.1 Weapons Name ST AT Range Damage Equip Special Properties Dagger 4 0 Short 1¡«3 FTMSLN Rod 3 0 Short 1¡«4 All Kris 3 0 Short 1¡«5 FTLN Sword 3 0 Short 1¡«6 FTLSN Mace 3 0 Short 3¡«6 FPBLN [P] Undead Axe 2 0 Short 2¡«8 FN Spear 2 0 Long 3¡«7 FLSN Hammer 1 0 Long 4¡«9 FPN Flail 1 0 Long 2¡«7 FPBLN Bow 1 0 Long 5¡«8 FLSN Longbow 2 2 Long 2¡«7 TN Baselard 4 2 Short 3¡«7 FTLSN Rapier 3 2 Short 3¡«9 FLSN Epee 0 0 Short 1¡«10 FLSN Katana 2 0 Short 6¡«13 SN Battle Axe 2 0 Short 5¡«11 FN Godendag 0 0 Long 1¡«8 FPBLN [C] AC+2 [S] Forget all spells Morningstar 1 0 Long 4¡«9 FPBLN [D] Insect Halberd 3 0 Long 5¡«9 FLSN Crossbow 1 0 Long 7¡«10 FLSN Seal Rod 3 2 Short 3¡«6 MPBLN [D] Mage, Priest [U] Seal 10% Earth Rod 2 2 Short 3¡«8 MPBSN [R] Level drain [U] Doom 25% Cutlass 4 3 Short 6¡«10 FTLSN [S] STR-1, AGI+1 Spatha 3 2 Short 8¡«12 FLSN Javelin 4 0 Long 7¡«13 SN Otenta 1 3 Short 10¡«18 SN [A] Pollaxe 2 0 Short 10¡«16 FN Life Wand 0 0 Short 8¡«24 PBN [U] Life 80% Laevatain 6 0 Short 8¡«13 FLSN [U] Flame 5% Holy Flail 2 2 Long 7¡«12 FPBLN [D&P] Undead Faustlance 2 0 Long 11¡«15 FLSN ST+1 [D&P] Demon [S] VIT-1 Scepter 1 4 Short 5¡«8 MPBN [U] Necro 15% Stormeye 5 2 Short 2¡«10 MBN [U] Elec 5% Cuisinart 6 4 Short 10¡«12 FLSN Harthnir 2 3 Short 8¡«13 FTLSN [D] Animal & Beast Bardiche 3 0 Long 12¡«18 FLN [D] Dragon [S] STR+1 Runebow 4 2 Long 7¡«14 M [D] Mage [S] Age-1, HP-1¡«4 Arbalest 2 0 Long 12¡«15 FTLSN Mjollnir 1 3 Long 12¡«26 F [D] Giant Dagger of Thief 5 5 Short 5¡«11 T [A] [D&P] Thief & Ninja [S] Change job to Ninja Saber of Evil 4 3 Short 8¡«18 Evil,FLSN [D] Priest Diamondeye 5 0 Short 11¡«17 FPBLN Sword of Jinn 0 8 Short 7¡«19 M ST+3 [A] [D] Insect [R] Cold [U] Frost 5% Gungnir 8 0 Long 7¡«24 LN [D] MagicCreature [S] AGI+1 Shuriken 4 4 Short 11¡«26 N [A] [D] Ninja [S] HP+1¡«4 [R] Poison & Level drain Muramasa 0 10 Short 10¡«50 S [A] [D] Undead [S] VIT+1 Excalibur 6 3 Short 14¡«19 FL [D] Legend & Dragon [S] Change job to Lord Sword of Sorx -4 0 Short 16¡«31 ML [C] [A] [E] [D] Undead, Demon & MagicCreature Game clear item 2.2 Armors Name AC Equip Special Properties Robe -1 All [M&C] 5% Leather Armor -2 FTPBSLN Chainmail -3 FPBSLN Breastplate -4 FPSLN Platemail -5 FLN Hard Armor -3 FTPBSLN Temperedmail -4 FPBSLN [M&C] 5% Copper Armor -5 FSLN Hauberk -6 FLN ST+1 Luxury Armor -4 FTPBSLN Silvermail -5 FPBSLN [M&C] 10% [G] 1 [R] Beast & Undead Musha -6 SN [R] Fire Best Armor -7 FLN [R] Fire Armor of Neutral-7 Neutral,FSLN [R] Petrification Armor of Hope -6 FPSLN [M&C] 10% [D] Insect Scarlet Robe -4 All ST+2 [M] 40% [R] Fire & Petrification Emerald Robe -4 All [C] 40% [R] Cold [G] 2 Armor of Hero -7 FPSLN [M&C] 15% Armor of Protect-8 FLN [R] Fire, Cold & Petrification Elvenmail -6 Elf,FPBSLN ST+1 [M&C] 10% [R] Fire & Cold [G] 2 Armor of Evil -9 Evil,FLN [C] 25% [D&P] Priest [R] Poison Domaru -9 SN ST+2 Hit+3 [P] Dragon Mythrilmail -10 FLN [M&C] 15% [R] Fire & Cold Holy Armor -10 L [M&C] 25% [A] [P] Legend, Dragon, Undead & Demon [R] All [G] 5 [S] Restore HP of all members 2.3 Shields Name AC Equip Special Properties Shield -1 FPTLN Buckler -2 FPLN Aspis -2 PTSN Scuta -3 FPLN [M&C] 5% Guardian Kite -6 FPLN [M&C] 15% [R] Level drain Dragon Kite -6 FLN [M&C] 25% [R] Death Yoroyi -3 SN [D&P] Fighter & Ninja 2.4 Helmets Name AC Equip Special Properties Helm -1 FPBSLN Hat -1 All Brass Helm -2 FPLN Steel Helm -3 FLN Kabuto -3 SN Crown -2 All [U] Warp 100% Ahmet -4 FLN [D&P] Insect 2.5 Gloves Name AC Equip Special Properties Gloves -1 FTPBSLN Gauntlet -2 SN Iron Gloves -2 FLN Kasuga -3 SN ST+1 [R] Petrification Silver Gloves -3 FLN [P] Beast & Undead Hobbit Gloves -3 Hobbit,FTPBSLN ST+3 [R] Cold & Petrification Myrdall Gloves -4 FLN [R] Level drain & Petrification 2.6 Miscellaneous Name AC Equip Special Properties Torch 0 - [U] Lamp Lamp 0 - [U] Light 35% Compass 0 All [U] Map 5% Magnet 0 All [U] Recall Poison 0 - [U] Wound Salve 0 - [U] Heal Smokeball 0 - [U] Wall Antidote 0 - [U] Detoxify Tonic 0 - [U] Soft Potion 0 - [U] Cure Sleep Pot 0 - [U] Sleep Rock Pot 0 - [U] Rock Fire Pot 0 - [U] Flame Devil Pot 0 - [U] Summon Ash Gem 0 All [S] Become ash 70% Regen Gem 0 All [S] Age-1£¨Invalid to characters under 18£© Mind Gem 0 All [S] INT+1 Pray Gem 0 All [S] PIE+1 Power Gem -1 All [S] STR+1 Life Gem -1 All [S] Full restore 85% Thief Pick -1 SN ST+2£¬[R] Poison£¬[D&P] Thief & Ninja Dragon Fang -1 All [D&P] Dragon Unead Ring -1 All [D&P] Undead Troll Ring -1 All [A] [G] Lord Ring 0 All [S] Change job to Lord Oberon Ring 0 All [D&P] Legend [R] Fire [G] 1 Devil Ring 0 All [D&P] Demon Felis Ring 0 All Hit+4 Toad Ring 0 All [R] Poison Guard Ring -4 All [U] Ward 5% Life Ring 0 All [U] Cure [G] 8 Boots -1 FTPBSLN Tora Emblem -3 SN [D&P] Animal & Beast Sylphy -2 All [U] Float 5% [G] 1 Scarab -2 PB [M] 25% [C] 50% [D&P] Insect Amulet -2 All [R] Fire & Cold 2.7 Event Items Permit Allows you to pass the barred temple doors at 5E-5N and 5E-6N on Basement 3. Key Unlocks the door at E12-N1 on Basement 1. Clock Need to use in conjunction with the explosives inside Chest, to create a time bomb which will open up new areas of the dungeon for exploration. Chest Found at E10-N15 on Basement 4. This chest contains the explosives that you need to combine with the clock item in order to create a time bomb that you will eventually use to open up new areas in the dungeon. Chest£¨Fake£© Found at E9-N15 on Basement 4. This item is actually a useless fake. Orb A "game half clear" item you're awarded after defeating Taros and Flack in B6. Bring it to the Castle to advance the game's storyline and receive diamond symbol status markers after your party's names. Book of Nature You must fill up the shop in Boltac's Trading Post with at least one of EVERY single item in the game in order to obtain this extremely rare object. SP this item and you will get a password of your character who take it, then you can "reincarnate" this character by typing the code in Gaiden II. Eye of Odin Need to present as proof of your wisdom so that you may pass through various "locked" portals. [M&C] 20% [U] Panic 0% [R] Posion, Level drain, Petrification & Death [G] 3