-------------------------- | Magic Knight Rayearth 2nd: The Missing Colors | -------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Unofficial English Translation + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + July 2nd, 2014 - Version 0.99 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * Note * - Please do NOT distribute the patch file without this file, since it contains important information. This is the Unofficial Magic Knight Rayearth 2nd: The Missing Colors english translation! This is my first fan translation so it may not be "Professionally" done so possibly expect some mistakes here and there. I also had to take many liberties when translating the game such as rewriting dialogue and alot of stuff like that so the translation isn't perfect but it's understandable and that's what really counts so please provide feedback to me as I want to hear what you think. ---------------------------------------------------------- C O N T E N T S ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Changelog 2. Introduction 3. How to Start 4. Credits 5. Contact 6. Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Changelog ---------------------------------------------------------- V0.2 - The Blue Tower - 7th March V0.6 - The Green Fortress - 18th March v0.9 - The Red Castle - 30th March v0.99 - The 99% - 13th April v0.99 - Updated Release ---------------------------------------------------------- 2. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------- This translation is the result of a fans wish to actually play the Magic Knight Rayearth Games. Most are in Japanese and haven't Been Translated so im taking it upon myself to translate the rest. It is me and a friend, my friend is translating around 95% of the work (I do some of it myself) but 100% of that I rewrite as he is Japanese translating it into English so I have to fix it up. I also then have to shorten down and rewrite the sentences to make sure it all fits in as I don't know how to use text pointers so I have to take many liberties in translating the game. This may upset some as seen in the topic on romhacking but hey im doing the best I can. ---------------------------------------------------------- 3. How to Start ---------------------------------------------------------- The archive includes an IPS file. The IPS file is to be applied to ROM images acquired from somewhere else, and it's up to you to obtain it. First, you need a copy of the ROM image, and an IPS patching program. An easy-to-use patching program is Lunar IPS and it can be obtained from Romhacking. (http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/240/). This patch must be applied to the ORIGINAL, unmodified ROM. After you've patched your ROM image, load the game inside your favorite emulator, and you should see the game load. You're now ready to start. ---------------------------------------------------------- 4. Credits ---------------------------------------------------------- Pearse Hillock (Me) (Username Bob Liu) - Hacker/Translator/Everything else Kiiri - Translator (Rough translations that I nearly 100% rewrite) ---------------------------------------------------------- 5. Contact ---------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions you can contact me at my blog e-mail or on Romhacking. Blog : http://pearsehillock.blogspot.co.uk/ E-Mail: emperor117@hotmail.co.uk Romhacking : http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=16606 ---------------------------------------------------------- 6. Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------------------- Magic Knight Rayearth and all other likenesses are copyright of CLAMP. (c) 2014 There is no video game company or any other company associated with translation. In no event shall we be held liable or responsible for any damages that may occur from direct, indirect, or consequential results of the ability or disability to use or misuse any material it provides.