Survival Kids 2 Patch Version: v0.9 ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ Changes: ------------------ +Translated entire game's script and inserted +Changes to menu structure to accommodate larger English words Future Changes: ------------------ +Fix any remaining typos/overflows (if any) +Decompress, redraw, and insert English graphics for title screen, 'Select Character' header, 'Days Survived', and ending credits ------------------ How to patch: ------------------ Grab your favorite patching program (for instance, Lunar IPS). Open up the program, and select Apply IPS. Select the patch and apply it to the original ROM. Now you can play Survival Kids ENGLISH! ------------------ Spot a problem in the game? Let us know and we'll try to fix it! Shoot an email to with the following info: 1) Type of problem (typo/text overflow, garbled text, game-breaking problem, etc) 2) Screenshot of the problem 3) Explanation of how you got the bug (savestates are nice too, if you happen to have one) Thanks for your help in making this a better release! ====================================== Using the Link Cable features ====================================== The most common emulator to play GameBoy games on is VBA. Unfortunately, it doesn't support link cables for Game Boy Color games. We recommend playing this game on KiGB or TGB Dual if you want to access the secret ending and get all of the in-game items. However, if you've already started playing on VBA, here's a round-about way to still use the link cable features. 1) Download the TGB Dual emulator. 2) In VBA, save the game (using the in-game menus, not a save state). 3) Find SurvivalKids2.sav, the save file that VBA generators. 4) Paste it into TGB's 'save' folder; make a copy of it, and change the extension to '.sa2' 5) Boot up TGB Dual, open Survival Kids 2 on both GB 1 and GB 2 6) Play through the game and do whatever link cable related things you need to do. 7) Once again, save the game using the in-game menus. 8) Copy SurvivalKids2.sav back to where VBA had placed it. Repeat as many times as you want. ====================================== A Note From Hattontown ====================================== I am honored and humbled to finally release the first public, playable patch of Survival Kids 2. This journey has taken me over three years, literally to live in Japan, and to learn Japanese. I went from zero knowledge to JLPT N3 (Intermediate Japanese). I'd like to thank my Japanese tutor and everyone else who helped me improve my Japanese along the way. If you're reading this, I'd like to encourage you to contribute. Not to this project- just to anything. I was able to complete this project because people shared their gifts with me. Now I share this gift with you. If you appreciate it, just do something for someone else. Tutor kids after school. Help clean up a park. Anything. Have fun :)