=================The Glory of Heracles================= =================The Olympus Offensive================= ==========================V1.01======================== Genre: RPG Source language: Japanese Platform: Gameboy Patch language: English Author: Pennywise/aishsha E-mail: yojimbogarrett@gmail.com aishsha@gmail.com http://yojimbo.eludevisibility.org/ http://aishsha.blogspot.com ====================================================== About Glory of Heracles ====================================================== Background: Woo boy, this project is old. I was looking at aishsha's website and in May 2011, he made a post about a secret GB RPG announcement. aishsha says he was talking about the Oni games, but I still say it was Heracles :) Either way, this is project is 5+ years old and boy did it take me forever to finish. This is as good a time as any to address the existence of the already complete translation of this game. aishsha and I started this translation when that translation project looked like it would never be finished. While we were in the middle of working on this project, that other project finished before us. However, we noticed several cosmetic limitations and that the script had to be squeezed into the original space. Considering that, we decided to continue with our work knowing that we could do a much better job with the translation. This game was translated from scratch by aishsha while I did all the hacking. I can't speak much for the translation details, but I was able to accommodate a much larger script without much cuts, if any. I coded a super complicated DTE routine and moved some text to another bank. That was all fairly challenging, but it was the menus that were hell to deal with. Expanding and moving various menus were fairly easy, but when it came to stuff related to items, the hacks involved were stuff of nightmares. The game originally featured 2 columns of item names side by side for a character limit of 8. I hacked everything to display only 1 column, thus doubling the character limit to 16 and getting all the various screens to play nice was a bitch. The game also liked to print the name of character speaking on the same line as the dialogue, which when you have a name like Aphrodite, it just didn't mix well with the GB's small screen. So that was also hacked be displayed elsewhere. Those were the biggies, but also at aishsha's behest, I hacked the treasure chest text box to behave normally as it had some weird awkward behavior originally. Once I got most of that crap out of the way, I began my playtest and edit of the script, which took me several years to finish due to real life and other projects. Then my testers got ahold of the ROM and finished the game in only a few days. I guess that's just how this stuff goes... Special mention to DvD for hacking and designing the title screen. rainponcho for some misc hacking help late in the project's life. Ryusui, harmony7, Eien ni Hen and TheMajinZenki for their invaluable spot translation and editing help. Included with the patch is an image of the game's map from the manual. The original version can be found here: http://rrpg.jp/capture/hercules_gb/map.html danke has graciously photoshopped that up and given us an English version to release with the translation. This map might come in handy. ====================================================== Patch History ====================================================== V 1.0 - intial release V 1.01 - save bug fix ====================================================== Patching Instructions ====================================================== The patch is in either IPS, BPS or xdelta format. https://www.romhacking.net/patch/ The patch must be applied to the Japanese ROM: Hercules Eikou (J).gb Heracles no Eikou - Ugokidashita Kamigami (Japan).gb We would be highly grateful, if you find some time to contact us with proposals or corrections. Information on found bugs or corrections would be highly appreciated. P.S. Support the game industry by buying used games! Even if the money doesn't go to the developers directly, as the games become rare and harder to find, the price goes up, and people become more inclined to buy new releases "while they can!" ====================================================== Credits go to: Pennywise - hacking, text editing aishsha - translation Ryusui - spot translations, text editing Eien ni Hen - spot translations harmony7 - spot translations TheMajinZenki - spot translations DvD - title screen design and hacking rainponcho - misc hacking help danke - english map cccmar - testing Xanathis - testing ====================================================== Compiled by Pennywise. October 2021.