-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Othello Millenium - IPS v.001 by Dark Tetsuya (DrkTetsuya@aol.com)| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Information 2. How to use 3. Bugs/etc. 1. Information-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I saw this game one day, and checked it out, since I've had a soft spot for Othello ;) but there didn't seem to be much text to translate and I thought 'what the hell,I'll give it a go' ... so I grabbed 'NaGA Sprite Editor' (VERY Cool editor, I might add, maybe they could release a companion 'ROM Hacking for Dummies (hell I could use one :P)) and went to work. Then someone on ND's message board reminded me of SNESTool's IPS creation feature... and this is how it came out :) 2. How to use-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Simple enough, just use either SNESTool or IPS.exe (you could probably find them at zophar.net or somewhere) and glue this to your rom image (and you've read enough readme's I hope so I won't have to remind you that I can't help you find the rom... you'll 'just' have to find it yourself! ;) 3. Bugs/etc.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I've tested the patched game on various emulators with varying results: DBoy (Latest ver.): 'Checksum error' then exits, probably the same with any IPS patched game ;\ SMYGB: it runs, but locks up occasionally, press escape to exit; using the restore game feature returns to frozen saved game. :\ HGB: as far as I can tell, works 100% Release version .001: ------------------------ - I modified all the katakana into english ('romaji') characters. - What's left: * Translating the 'Adventure Mode' portion of the game. * Translation of the quiz segments that preceed each match. * Translating the 'Replay?: Yes/No'/'Restore: Yes/No' options into english. * Possibly finding a better font. Upcomming: * I *might* seek Neo Demiforce's guidance on this one, since I'm new to this stuff ;)