ICE Trans Rom Translations & Hacks Copyright 2000 NEKKETSU KOUHA - KUNIO KUN - BANGAI RANTOU HEN - PATCH VERSION 0.99 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Wee my second complete release. I feel special! - This patch translates all the text in the rom except for the credits(thanx for pointing out the two player story Kitsune ^^). CREDITS ------- icemanX - hacking, Script Revision Kitsune Sniper - Title Screen, Script Revision Aphixe, Killer Yoshi - Translations COMMENTS -------- icemanX(imx`) ------------- Well I first found this game on Dando's Translation site a looooooong time ago. I waited for a couple months as he stated he was translating it. But that never happend. I became pissed off. So instead of mailing X number of rom hackers I decided..."Hey I can haxor romz to!". So after about a month or two of reading docs and trying things I eventually figured out what to do and me and crazyahmed made our own story for the game. We finished in late August 1999 and thats when Ice Trans began. I made the site and uploaded it. Time passed and I re-downloaded my patch and noticed that my our story was garbage and with my new found friends in the translation scene I decided it was time for a TRUE translation. So I contacted Aphixe who then contacted Yoshi and they began thier translations for me. I got the translated script and sent it off to Kitsune for revisions. I got it back changed it a bit more to fit snuggly into the rom. After that Kitsune made the Title screen and I inserted the wee bit of text next and it was finished. So all in all this translation took about a month from start to finish. It could have been alot shorter if I wasn't so lazy and my trip to portugal. Kitsune Sniper ( ------------------------------------------------- The efforts made by yours truly were started on one of those time consuming #romhack chats with icemanX on November 7; I had seen the screen and how it was stored in the rom, and it would be an easy hack for me; so I asked him if he'd like to do it. He agreed, and on November 8 I contacted him with some screen proposals for the title. He told me his choices, and on November 9 I sent the complete title hack, completely done in 2 hours! ^^ I used Tile Layer .50 Beta to view the graphics in the rom and calculate the image size; then, I used Macromedia Fireworks 1 to create the four separate parts of the title hack, and save them to 4 BMP files; next, I used Bongo`'s Tile Edit .99 Final to cut and paste the BMPs in the rom, finally, I blanked out all unneeded tiles. This took me a while, but the final product was worth it. Well, time to go back to work! ^_-