SSSSSSSSSSSS GGGGGGGGGGGG SSSSSSSSSSSS TTTTTTTTTTTTT SSSSSSSSSSSS GGGGGGGGGGGG SSSSSSSSSSSS TTTTTTTTTTTTT SSS SSS GGG GGG SSS SSS TTT SSS SSS GGG GGG SSS SSS TTT SSS GGG SSS TTT SSSSSSSSSSSS GGG GGGGGG SSSSSSSSSSSS TTT SSSSSSSSSSSS GGG GGGGGG SSSSSSSSSSSS TTT SSS GGG GGG SSS TTT SSS SSS GGG GGG SSS SSS TTT SSS SSS GGG GGG SSS SSS TTT SSSSSSSSSSSS GGGGGGGGGGGG SSSSSSSSSSSS TTT SSSSSSSSSSSS GGGGGGGGGGGG SSSSSSSSSSSS TTT Some Good Shit Translations Present SUPER CHINESE FIGHTER EX Ver.99 It's done! Let's party! SUPAA CHINESE FIE-TAA EX (plus alpha) is, for a lack of a better term, DONE! Only the Credits stand in the way, but that can be seen in the credits.txt file! Whoopie! Here's the guys responsible for the english version. ROMhacking shiznit ------------------ EsperKnight Opus Translation Bum --------------- DDS Okay...alright, it ain't too much of a README, and I expect that you all know how to USE THIS PATCH enjoy the game, and we'll be back with another project...hopefully. =-} Super Chinese Fighter EX is copyrighted to Culture Brain Unnoficial English Translation 2000 SGST Translations SGST, King Archibald of Turkey 2000 Giraffe's Broken Ankle, inc All Rights Preserved