Ola, my name is André Mena Calavia, known in Romhacking.net as RetGal, acronym of "Retro Galicia". This is a fully functional Galician translation patch for Metroid II - Return of Samus, for the original Game Boy. After my last translation of The Legend of Zelda for the NES I decided to try another game developed by Nintendo, since I figured out that the codification table would be the same for this (still undecided) game. And it was! At least, for the first game I tried. It was the original Metroid for NES, and fastly enough I succeed translating it... but I found out a little tiny problem ABOUT the password screen... or so I thought it was, since it became to have so many ramifications that I definitively decided to let it aside for a while. As such (and after thinking about other projects in between) I moved on to the next of the saga: Metroid II for the original GB. It became clear to me that, even with so little text, there where two different fonts totally unrelated (from the structure of the table in the ROM point of view), and even both fonts use two different tables in the same ROM, making a total of 4 tables to encode the few lines of text in the entire game... I mean, wow. As many of you must know by now I am not a real programmer, and I am used to follow the most unorthodox method to find every translatable text in the game: creating 256* different tables with the alphabet and checking the original ROM with my very own eyes so I find if there where any piece of information with sense. * -- in the very end there could be "only" 230 tables, since the English alphabet has on its own 26 letters, and this is the theorical way since I finally noticed after trying the first couple of tables that it would be quite silly starting a table, for instance, in the value 15 or 2c, and it was reduced to just the tables where the A would have the values $0, $1 or $A (due to the A being the first value of the table (0 or 1) or being after the numerical values (being 0 the $0, 1 the $1, up to 9 being the $9)). So, in the end, it would be a maximum total of 42 tables. There were a few words that were out of my comprehension where they were located, like the flashing "PRESS START" to save, that in the very end I deduced it was just codified with one of the previous tables but with in-between code to make it flash. What I mean with all these bambling is that even if there is no much text to translate it took me many, s many hours and days to succeed that in the very end it became a translation just for the proud of it (yikes!)... and, after checking the game, I am pretty confident it is 100% translated and bugless Feel free to let me know if there is any glitch during your playthrough; Galician may not be the most popular language, but is my mother language and any product related with it may have the best quality. -- Tools used -- • Excel, paper, pencil and enough early-morning hours. -- What does this patch change -- ♠ Title screen ♠ Item names (even the ones that are never displayed) ♠ The icons of "Ice Beam" and "Wave Beam", changed from "I" ("Ice") and "W" ("Wave") to "X" ("Xeo") and "O" ("Ondas") ♠ Game Over text ♠ Staff credits (respected all members of the original staff) ♠ Translation credit (displayed after the original staff roll) ♠ Add some Galician stressed vowels É and Ó -- Work in progress (undone things needed to improve) -- ♣ Checksum OK (is there a Checksum in the GB to begin with? I do not know) ♣ Check all texts (just some item names, since I did not played the whole game to check every one of them) ♣ The "L" that is displayed when you pause the game... I do not really know what it means... "LEVEL"? Then it should be "N" (from "NIVEL"), but I am not competent to find that lone word in the 3FFFFF-long ROM, and as it is said "one must know which fights must fight"... and this one is definitively not one of them. -- Contact -- If you find any glich or want to mail me for reasons, you can do it through my Romhacking.net profile --> https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=91332 Have a nice day 🎮🐈