VERSION 1.9: Okay let's just pretend that didn't happen. I still don't expect more releases, but explicitly declaring that hasn't exactly worked out well. Anway so the "Do Not Use" event works now! You can finally add sound effects to your game. They have been given numerical IDs, because I don't feel like trying to come up with, let alone translate, all 94 names. Also, there are some more fixes, like the World part of Move To Map. VERSION 1.8a (nee FINAL): For real this time, lol. I somehow forgot to make the apostrophe also work on the game title screen, so now you can finally put apostrophes everywhere. VERSION 1.8 (nee 1.7F+): I really hate doing this, but writing English dialogue is basically impossible without an apostrophe, so I managed to add one. I also took the opportunity to tidy up a few other things, including finally replacing the Japanese text in the "Stairs" sub-menu. VERSION 1.7a (nee 1.7F): I officially declare this the last version of this addendum, baring the discovery of a game-breaking problem, a giant untranslated menu, etc. It features renaming a few monster options to be more clear, along with a few other minor tweaks. VERSION 1.7: Thanks to Google Translate, I was able to determine the correct meanings for all of the Event movement patterns, and I renamed them accordingly. Furthermore, I realized that all of the first set of color events (e.g. "Blue" vs. "Blue Screen") are entirely wrong, and actually represent the actor moving and facing (as opposed to the party). So those got renamed, and then the party versions of those got renamed too, to be easier to understand. Some small things managed to be translated, such as the alternate event menus, the warning when you change the world map, and (again thanks to Google) the name of the creator of the Sample Game (to make it easier to look at when you accidentally start it up). I also decided to finally put my name on this hack, and added a little "OEA" to the MageCraft Translations splash screen. Finally, plenty of the tiny aesthetic changes you know and love have been made, including finally renaming "Messages" and "Monsters" to "Message Edit" and "Monster Edit". VERSION 1.6a: Edits the Inn dialogue to look the same no matter how many digits the Gold cost is. Also swaps the "Add" and "Edit" option names in the Events section, so everything does what it says. Finally, there are a few small tweaks to event names. VERSION 1.6: Translates the "Inn" event's dialogue and the magic animation viewing menu, along with using my questionable artistic skills to sort-of translate the Inn and Yes/No events' weird prompt. Also, the "Save Point" event is deliberately left untranslated, since the player can save at any time, and the file name would (mostly likely) be rendered in Japanese anyway. Finally, various inconsistencies have been addressed and small tweaks have been made, as per usual. VERSION 1.5: Translates the testing menu, accessible by pressing Select while in Test mode. Thanks to Supper for the translation of this menu. Also addresses other inconsistencies that only the author would notice, especially regarding the Map Edit menu. VERSION 1.4b: Corrects the typos in two of the BGM names, and replaces all hyphens in BGM names with spaces. VERSION 1.4a: Changes the first monster option to "Self-Destruct", since this is both more accurate and less upsetting. VERSION 1.4: Removes the few bits of lowercase from menus and translates the save game menu. More importantly, it finally fixes the in-game B-button menu. VERSION 1.3: Translates all remaining battle messages that could be found (do let the author know if you can get an enemy to inflict a status on you). Translates all Spell descriptions for spells usable outside of battle (since it appears only their descriptions can be accessed). Pedantically edits the fonts and positioning of all the menu titles so they match. Translates the battle testing menu (under Enemy Maps). Some other small translations and fixes as well. VERSION 1.2: Restores the "party start on overworld" menu, and translates all the various overworld map menus, along with un-blanking the "World" options that take you to them. Also there are some other small fixes. VERSION 1.1a: Fixes an inconsistency no-one except the author would notice, but which was bothering him. VERSION 1.1: Translates all of the event options, except for "Do Not Use" (formerly known as "Adversary"). Some other things were cleaned up as well. VERSION 1.0: Initial release.