Ola, my name is André Mena Calavia, known in Romhacking.net as RetGal, acronym of "Retro Galicia". This is a fully functional Galician translation patch of Godzilla for the original Gameboy. Last week was a fruitfull week of translations I had last week (releasing SMW, SMB and Metroid translated to Galician). I remember writing down in the "Read me" of SMW that, after "Godzilla", that was my first videogame (kind-of-shared with my brothers). After that statement I started to recall memories of the game and a few days later I decided to translate it. This is a really clean hex-data to dive in, there is a lot (I mean A LOT) of space to be creative with translations and not being limited to arbitrary length of original words, since almost every screen of the game is coded tile by tile, spaces included, and is pretty easy to read and mod. Feel free to let me know if there is any glitch during your playthrough; Galician may not be the most popular language, but is my mother language and any product related with it may have the best quality. -- Tools used -- Usual: ♦ Tiny Hexer, as usual for reading hex and apply tables. ♦ CrystalTile2, easy enough tool to see and insert modified graphic tiles. ♦ Paint.net, my esential to modify graphics. ♦ Paper and pens. Specific for this project: ♦ None -- What does this patch change -- ♥ License screen ♥ Title screen ♥ Hud ♥ Sound test screen ♥ Password screen ♥ Game over screen ♥ In-between-stages screens* ♥ Ending text ♥ Secret messages* ♥ Everything translatable in the game, to um up (except stage 47 text) ♥ Added special some Galician letters (Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ñ) ♥ Added some tiles from the Japanese version of the game as hidden content ♥ Changed the name "GHIDRAH" in the name to the more correct "GHIDORAH". This was really annoying for me since my childhood as a King Ghidorah fan, actually. * -- I changed some of these in-between-levels messages to ad some more useful information that the original texts provided. ** -- I took the liberty to completely modify one of the messages that the programmer hid in the game that are only accessible by secret passwords (you can find those on the internet), specifically the one addressed to Darren Coats (I respected the more heart-warming messages to Norie and his friends). The old password "D#RR=N___ C/#TS____" is inoperative now, since this new message uses its own secret code to appear. I have put the new code in one of the in-between-levels, so there is something else to find in the Matrix appart from Minilla (is only a personal message from me to the player, so it is not much if you miss it tbh) -- WORK IN PROGRESS for the future -- ♣ Change the "GOOD LUCK!" readable in stage 47; I could not deduce how levels are coded in the game, and as such I have been unable to translate it. ♣ I tested to change the name "GHIDRAH" to not just "GHIDORAH" but "REI GHIDIRAH" (literally "King Ghidorah"), but the text was pretty tight in the border; could not find a way that the moving sprite and text could move one or two more tiles, so Il ft it just "GHIDORAH". If I discover some day a way to do it I will change it. ♣ Make a specific translation for the Japanese version, "Gojira-Kun: Kaijū Daikōshin", since it have different features and seems to be more interesting to play, but I need some time to aproach it due to the language barrier (I think I found translations of those texts into English but am unabe to find them right now to confirm it). -- Contact -- If you find any glich or want to mail me for reasons, you can do it through my Romhacking.net profile --> https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=91332 Have a nice day