=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= POCKET BILLIARDS: FUNK THE 9 BALL -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- English translation project by PR Translations Version 1.00 Released 14th Jan 2006 http://prtranslations.cjb.net * Introduction Funk the 9 Ball is a GBC game produced by TAM and released in Japan in 2000. It is a game where you play 9 ball billiards (a game similar to snooker that I have no familiarity with outside this game) using monsters called Tamappii that have special powers which affect the game. Perhaps surprisingly, it was not the (fairly vague) Pokemon connection that prompted me to work on this - I didn't discover it until after I had already been sold by the game's truly bizarre cast of characters. This is just a weird, fun little game, which I thought deserved an English translation. So here it is. Note: While playing the game, do be sure to occasionally check out the menu that can be accessed by pressing Select while you're outside of a billiards match. You can see details about all the Tamappii and items you win during gameplay. * The Patch Included with this Readme file should be funk9-100.ips, a patch that needs to be applied to a Japanese ROM of Funk the 9 Ball using a program such as SNESTool or Lunar IPS. I will not supply you with the ROM, but I shouldn't need to, since it's really not hard to find. * What's Translated To the best of my knowledge, everything is now translated. This includes all the menus, dialogue, Tamappii names and descriptions, item names and descriptions, and credits. All the graphical text (which mainly consists of titles and manga-style "sound effects") is translated as well. This is the second released patch for the game (after version 0.65, which was released on 28th Dec 2004). New in this patch are the translations of the Tamappii and item descriptions. I also translated the few remaining bits of graphical text that I hadn't done before. Finally, I have gone through all the other text and improved accuracy and clarity where appropriate. * A Note on the Translation My Japanese has improved a lot in the past year, and in general I don't think I still need to give a warning about how accurate the translation may or may not be. It's still heavily paraphrased in a lot of places due to a lack of space (and hacking ability on my part), but bearing that in mind, I'd say it's a decent representation of the original game. It's worth noting that every character in this game has some odd quirk to their speech. I have attempted (often poorly) to represent these in English. Also, for the "Today's Fortune" descriptions ("Lucky Colour" and "Lucky Item"), I had a 7 whole letters to work with. The result is, in some cases, some severely abbreviated text. I'd try to find a more creative solution, but these bits of text are picked at random and have no relevance to the rest of the game, so... yeah. Finally, much of the game remains untested. This is because I, uh, kinda suck at it. I'm confident that there are no bugs, but if it turns out that the game suddenly turns into a garbled mess at some point, don't hesitate to contact me. * Contact Feel free to e-mail me (Philip Reuben) at tuxedotrout@hotmail.com for the aforementioned reason, or if you have any other questions or comments. * Thanks TAM, for making the game. Matio, for listening to all my ramblings, playing the game for 5 minutes before getting bored, and pretty much demanding that I translate Pokemon Card GB 2 (no, I won't be translating Pokemon Card GB 2 in the foreseeable future.) The creators of the tools I used to hack the game (most notably Kent Hansen for Tile Layer Pro, BreakPoint Software for Hex Workshop, and Jair for his Relative Search, Script Extractor and Script Inserter utilities). And finally, Jim Breen for WWWJDIC, and all the posters in the history of sci.lang.japan. * Disclaimer Put simply, what you do with this is your own damn fault. I am not responsible if you download the ROM, or for anything you do with the ROM or the patch. Please don't distribute the patched ROM, and please include this readme file if you distribute the patch. The original game is copyright 2000 TAM, and the translation and patch are copyright 2005 Philip Reuben.