PHANTASY STAR ADVENTURE ENGLISH TRANSLATION V1.00 Copyright 2001 by Aeon Genesis ToC 1.About Phantasy Star Adventure 2.Patch History 3.Patch Credits 4.Known Issues 5.Application Instructions ------------------------------- 1.About Phantasy Star Adventure ------------------------------- PSA is a Game Gear text adventure based on the popular Phantasy Star mythos. In it, you play an unnamed Agent from Planet Motavia's City of Knowledge, Paseo, on his vacation to Dezolis to see a friend's new invention. However, Doctor Miller gets kidnapped and his invention is stolen; it's up to you to rescue the doctor and get the invention back! --------------- 2.Patch History --------------- Back in May of 1999, when I was still a fledgling romhacker and a stupid newbie (yes, even I was a stupid newbie at one point ^_^) there was a crappy little patch for Phantasy Star Adventure by Spiffmaster Cow. He included a text script with the game so non-Japanese and non- Cavespeak readers could play, but it wasn't REALLY a translation, per se. So I attempted to do the project, and for the longest time, didn't get any farther than Spiffmaster did :P Somewhere in the summer of '99, Roto handed me a script dumper for the game, but being the stupid newbie I was, I didn't know what to do with it and lost it in a format in early 2000 ^^;; I worked on it halfheartedly at irregular intervals between then and.... 'bout two months ago, Ipkiss showed me where some of the dialogue was. This was the first major step to seeing the completed project. I fiddled with it some, on and off, found out how some of the stuff was stored, and petitioned akujin to make a custom script dumper. Then I promptly forgot about it ^^; Maybe two weeks ago, akujin hands me a script dump and explains the REST of the stuff I hadn't quite figured out yet. Four days later, he hands me a translated script o_O About a week later, a beta patch is ready and out the door, an another week later, well, this is what you see :) --------------- 3.Patch Credits --------------- THE PHANTASY STAR ADVENTURE TEAM Gideon Zhi - Project leader, lead romhacker Akujin - Romhacker, translator SPECIAL THANKS Spiffmaster Cow - Original patch Josh Dammier - Original script Ipkiss - Located the dialogue -------------- 4.Known Issues -------------- -The passwords do not work. I have never recoded a password system before, and I have absolutely no clue how they work. If someone would want to give me a hand with it, I'd appreciate it. For now though, PSA is short enough that you can play through it in one sitting anyway, and if you absolutely HAVE to save, just use a savestate. -------------------------- 5.Application Instructions -------------------------- Make sure to have a backup of your ROM before applying the patch! Using SNESTool, choose "Use IPS" and follow the onscreen instructions.