Shining Force Gaiden: Final Conflict for the Game Gear Original © 1995 Sonic Team, Sega Japan Shining Force Central (SFC) © 2000-2005 - Mariska 'Moogie' Nielsen Translation © 2005 Shining Force Central - Moogie's Final Conflict Guide © 2001-2005 - __________________________________________________________ 29 November 2005 Final(?!) Patch Released at SFC by Moogie Over the last few months a number of (mostly minor) bugs, typos and untranslated strings have been found and fixed. Thanks to all who reported these problems, and to those who solved them! Let's hope this is the final Final Conflict patch! __________________________________________________________ 23 August 2005 Full Patch Released Full patch released at SFC by Moogie. Thanks go out to: z80 gaiden - what can I say, dude you're a star! Thanks for your patience :) Heliophobe ChrisRPG XeroBourne - thanks for offering to help in a time of need. Aspartate Landius Lineage - without the three of you, this translation wouldn't be nearly so accurate. Without these people, this patch would not have been possible. Thanks also to the entire Shining Community for their patience and support. Finally, thanks to all the staff at Camelot, without whom we would never have had the oppportunity to play this game at all. The series may not be what it used to be, but we'll keep its spirit alive for its creators and its fans. Keep on Shining - Moogie __________________________________________________________ May 2005 Version 'WIP' Released These files are the technical notes left for others' perusal. They will document important routines changed in the Zilog Z80 ASM and their updated modifications. It's a slow textual progression of the improvements made. The files may not be in exact order timewise as different parts come online. Tools and their source code are made publicly available as well for anyone to have a basis for their own translation. Be sure to ask for permission though first. __________________________________________________________ Overview: 0. Modifying the font table 0a. Reworking the window codes 1. Expansion to 2-line items 1a. Adding compression to fit more data 1b. Finding space for the routine 1c. Writing a custom ROM-image insertion tool 1d. Converting symbols via tables and Huffman encoding 1e. Troubleshooting critical problems 1f. Finding a faster implementation 2. Hacking the menu strings 2a. Window strings 2b. Cursor positions 2c. The naming screen 2d. Correct selection alignment 3. Replacing the script 3a. Dumping volumes of text in UTF-8 3b. Testing the original script 3c. The script doesn't fit at all 3d. Preparing for the expansion 4. Taking apart the scrolling introduction 4a. Improving controller pad response 4b. The short entro 5. A glance at the graphic bitmaps 6. Modifying the windows 6a. Shifting around text 6b. Memory management 7. Auto-formatting the battle narratives 7a. More spillage corrections 7b. Extra coding bugs 8. Adding small details: START 8a. Putting up status symbols 8b. Name fixer for old SRAM files 8c. Overworld scroll triggers 8d. Adding in class abbreviations to overworld windows 8e. Touching up the 1-line monster windows 8f. Using full class names, gender-correct 8g. Number suffixes 8h. New shopkeeper lines 9. Other notes: RST 18H explained 9a. Brief overview of the main tools used in the project 9b. Read-only memory defragmentation 9c. Translating to other languages overview 9d. Indefinite articles of grammar 9e. 8x8 VWF teaser 9f. Extra recognition 9g. Extending VBlank time __________________________________________________________ . Disclaimer This package is unofficial and not supported by Sonic Team or Sega Japan. It is provided "as-is" with no warranty. Any enclosed files are offered at no charge and must be distributed together in original condition. These files -may not- be released for commercial sales without explicit authorisation from all parties who own copyright ownership. Sega Japan, Sonic Team and Shining Force Gaiden: Final Conflict are registered trademarks of their respective companies. No breach of copyright is intended with the release of this translation.