.====================================. ( Rockman.EXE 4.5: English Translation ) '====================================' by Spikeman of MMBNOnline (http://mmbno.com/) Last Update: 1/2/07 Yeah this readme file is really crappy... A better one will come in the next version. Here is a detailed list of every little thing I changed in the ROM. This is copy-pasted from my notes so don't expect it to be very readable. The information on my hack page (currently http://mmbno.com/?act=hack) is probably much better. The version of the ROM I have is called Ind-RMEXE 4.5-J. I will include a checksum in the near future. Progress: - Menu - Titles in Menu (subchips doesn't work??) - Table Complete? - Pseudo English of all Standard Chips - Some codes In newfonts.gba: - Inserted lowercase font for Big fonts - Chips in lowercase - Pseudo English for all Mega and Giga Chips (?) - ScriptDump complete and working - Tweaked PseudoEnglish for StandardChips - Every chip basically translated except Hayabu chips - Worked on what final names of chips will be (newchips.txt) - DTE for Thick fonts! - works in library and equipment screen (not battle yet) - fixed dte in newfonts_a - rearranged thin font - translated "Zenny" and "BugFrags" on menu - need to remove symbol after bugfrags - at 636396.. must be same length in bytes or everything else dies - moved digits after it up and B/W work and nothing seems to be broken should keep in mind if something turns up broken - pseudo english for rockman's equipment - translated a few web location names (internetx) - battle results screen graphics and tilemap! - psuedo for subchips (DTE doesn't work here either) - checked fonts and they are consistent - pseudo for email boxes - pseudo for save screen (fix J after cup.. like bugfrags) - wrote FontView to view small font and rearranged small font - newfonts_c - wrote DTECount, optimized newchips.txt, and adjusted DTE routine and table - fixed ScriptDump to work for DTE and inserted newchips.txt (adjusted tiny bit) - fixed freeze in newfonts_c, backed up in newfonts - added SP and DS tiles in both big fonts (and in tables) - may need to be added in other fonts - made DTECount very uber and redid DTE table (WAY smaller now!) - translated almost all of first chip offset using bn4 tut and inserted - pseudo for all of second chip offset and translated all of chips there - DTE for in battle routine!!! - note: to fix savestates load newmem.dmp at 300684a - DTE for small font!! - problem I was having was conflicting routines, two ram areas fixed it - tweaked area names from intrnet to internet - numberman game graphics - big start graphic, success graphic - in shops translated "items" - used tile from bugfrags.. but it is a duplicate so tilemap can be hacked if needed (x705624ish) - hacked font to one from BN4 not everything though - hacked font width-table, still need numbers, punctation ect.. - thanks xdaniel! - fixed a few chip translations, now all standard, mega, and giga are right - find out what Marking is.. - Inserted punctuation from BN4 and fixed some spacing - Hacked some text on menu.. not at all final versions.. tests really - Replaced font table with one from BN4 (a few tests.. it looks good) - bn4 font table at x515f4 - Changed some text in new game setup.. not final - Date and Time input graphics. Changed zeros to O's (looks better). Changed kanji for day of week to 3 letter abbreviations - Fixed error in Virii pointer table.. (are there more errors?) - BN4.5Ed now inserts successfully! - Fixed BN4.5Ed's insertion (hopefully for good) - Translated a bit of new game start - Translated most of new game start, some tweaks still needed - Translated Day Kanji for Menu Screen - Stays on Sunday..? - Translated navis names (added to BN4.5Ed) - Not enough room so left of some "Man"s. Maybe adjust DTE table. - Decide if should use MegaMan or Megaman. Also if should abbreviate at all. - Tried to add Rockman's dialog to BN4.5Ed - Added someone else? . . . Oh yes. This patch is Copyright © 2006-2007 Spikeman and MMBNOnline. No part of it may be reproduced without permission. (For permission contact me at spikeman[at]mmbno[dot]com).