Super Robot Taisen D menu translation patch by Snesmaster40 ----------------------------------------------------------- Current version: 0.something ---------------- Intro: This is a translation patch for Super Robot Taisen D. The main purpose of this patch is to translate menus, and the names of Mobile Suits and Robots. I started this because I was interested in this game, but got annoyed at having to lookup a guide all the time. Please note that this was my first project and was a pretty messy one. Also some unit names haven't been translated (Katjina's and Chronicle's units and possibly some more) ---------------- Instructions: Patch the file Super Robot Taisen D (translation).ips to the ROM using a patching program (I recommand Lunar IPS). ---------------- Known bugs and glitches: - Sometimes Camille's portrait appears in the dialogue messages. - Ryouma's name has been shorted to Ryom, this is because the "a" was causing the game to crash on senario 14b ---------------- FAQ: 1. Q: Are you still working on this? A: No 2. Q: When did you last work on this? A: 07 June 2006 ---------------- Credits: snesmaster40 ---------------- Contact: If you have any questions or comments you can e-mail me at: snesmaster40(at)hotmail(dot)com