23-9-2006 ---------- Lanstalker-ita_v1.0 ---------- Disclaimer: Copyright for the game are property of their legal owner. This patch doesn't helps illegal duplication of copyrighted material. This patch comes with NO WARRANTY to the maximum extents, so the author is NOT to be considered responsible for any event or damage or data-loss caused by the use or mis-use of the patch. This patch HAS TO BE distributed free of charge and in its original form (a zip archive containing this text file, an italian text file, the patch file and GeneTic v0.1 software). The author is NOT responsible for other people using this patch to gain money, or for any other illegal use, or use against the terms of this disclaimer. ------------ This patch translate the game "Landstalker" from English to Italian language. The patch comes in a zip file containing: the patch file (landstalker-ita_1-0.ips) this text file (readme.txt) italian text file (leggimi.txt) a GeneTic_v01 folder, containing GeneTic software, that could be used to apply the patch. ---------------- HOW TO APPLY THE PATCH: This patch is meant to be applied ONLY to English PAL version of Landstalker rom. The rom HAS to be in BIN format. An easy way to know if your rom is the right version of the rom is using the Rom Info feature of GeneTic v0.1 (included in the patch zip archive). Open GeneTic, and from the Tools menu choose Rom Info, and select your rom file. If the results reads exactly like the following: Landstalker (C)SEGA 1993.JUL E then your rom is the right versione, otherise you SHOULD NOT apply the patch, or you'll screw your file. Remember, it is ILLEGAL having a rom file without owning the orinigal cartridge. If you have the right rom version, but in SMD format, you can convert it to BIN format using another feature of GeneTic v0.1 ( Tools menu, SMD->BIN ). When you're sure you have the right rom version, you can apply the patch. Here's how you can do it using GeneTic: 1) IMPORTANT: make a backup copy of your rom 2) Open GeneTic software 3) From Tools menu choose Apply IPS Patch 4) You'll be asked to select the patch file, choose landstalker-ita_0-1.ips 5) You'll be asked to select your Landstalker rom file 6) Some messages will tell you about succesfull checksum fixing and rom patching, and your rom is in italian language, now. Have fun :D ---------- Contacts: For any bug submission, patch error, or other stuff, mail me at: bugsman@libero.it or on this site's guestbook: http://gufospace.altervista.org/genesis/Landstalker.html