******Brave Battle Saga - Legend The Magic Warrior English patch****** 2009/2010 Version history --------------- 21.02.2010: 1.00 - Not beta anymore! - Fixed original game bug when selling items from the bottom of a list. - Fixed some typos. - Fixed original game bug while switching spells' places in list. 02.01.2010: 0.99 beta 4 - Fixed freezing when scrolling to the bottom of the spell list to sell. - Fixed text control codes which were preventing player to go further in game. - Fixed some typos and text formating in some dialogs. - SRAM initialization fixed. 02.01.2010: 0.99 beta 3 - Fixed output of spell and item list in battle. - Spell "See" renamed to "Analyze" and fixed information output when it is used. - Fixed routine of numbers' output. - Fixed output of characters' names when switching their places in menu. 01.01.2010: 0.99 beta 2 - Text reinserted with correct encoding. All em dashes are back to normal. 31.01.2009: 0.99 beta - Initial release. About the game ------------ Released in 1996 in Taiwan as Barver Battle Saga - Tai Kong Zhan Shi - Mo Fa Zhan Shi, by ChuanPu Technology. The main title, Tai Kong Zhan Shi (literally translated as Space Warrior) is what Final Fantasy is called in Taiwan, a clear attempt the makers made in order to catch peoples attention. After all, Final Fantasy on the Genesis sounds pretty nice :) The game was later pirated in Russia under the name Final Fantasy. Unfortunately the company who produced that version were apparently not well versed in Russian, as the resulting translation is notoriously bad, possibly indicating an automatic translator was used. While making a translation of the Russian version maight have been a much simpler task than its Taiwanese original, due to how horrible the Russian was it just wouldn't have been possible. Like many unlicensed Taiwanese Megadrive games, the game uses a lot of copied content from other games, among other things numerous graphics, or "inspriration", from Seiken Densetsu 3 and Romancing Saga 3 for the SNES. The sound engine is also assumingly stolen directly from Data East's High Seas Havoc, the biggest giveaway being that engines trademark organ sound. This same sound engine is actually used in quite a few other Taiwanese originals :) The game engine itself also is reused in other unlicensed titles. About the patch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a 100% translation from Chinese to English. The whole game has gone through a huge process to get where it is now, including in order: -Disassembly and reassembly of the WHOLE game code -Insertion of 3 new fonts. One for dialogs and menus, a smaller one for items and magic, and a separate one for the intro text. -Completely working new VWF -Code modifications of the dialog, intro, shops, inns and battle text routines -Modified text windows -Modified Z80 code -Insertion of new title screen The most common circulating dump of the game, which can be found in the GoodGen set, has a bug that prevents the DAC drum channel from playing correctly. This translation was built off of a fixed version that has been ciculating throughout Chinese sites for awhile, so patching it on the common dump found on the net will not only translate it, but will also fix that glitch. Usage ******** The patch has been tested and works with the following ROM: Barver Battle Saga - The Space Fighter (Chinese).bin Usage with other versions might cause glitching. Credits @@@@@@@@@@ Romhacking - Jinny - www.magicteam.net Translation - SteveMartin Proofreading - zera9924 Titlescreen art - taizou Special Thanks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Many people have helped and showed their support for this project. Many thanks to all of the following: 108 Stars aishsha Gil_ Next gen Cowboy Pennywise Redcomet saito taizou The romhacking.net forums Zebbe ...and anyone else who ever showed their support!