EN ver. ==================================================== R A M B O I I I ( I D ) (Sega Genesis/Mega Drive) ==================================================== Patch by alkaadhitya --------------- I. Introduction --------------- Rambo III is an action game based on the 1988 movie of the same title. Released on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive in 1989, this game follows the titular character, Rambo, on a series of missions with various objectives in Soviet Union-controlled Afghanistan. All these missions culminate in one personal objective: the rescue of his best buddy and former commander, Colonel Trautman, whom was captured by the enemies. --------------------------- II. Translation Description --------------------------- This patch contains the Indonesian translation of Rambo III. All texts are translated, except a few: - The word 'MISSION ' in every level, before the level starts - The phrase 'I'M NOT A SECRET AGENT' in Level 2 - The phrases 'HIT RATIO' and 'GO TO THE EXIT!' in Level 4 ---------------------------- III. How to Apply the Patch? ---------------------------- Please make sure you have the original ROM of the game. The ROM must be of US region - the filename usually ended with the symbol (U), (U!), or (USA). Use the LunarIPS software to apply the patch on the original ROM. Enjoy! ID ver. ==================================================== R A M B O I I I ( I D ) (Sega Genesis/Mega Drive) ==================================================== Patch oleh alkaadhitya ------------ I. Pengantar ------------ Rambo III merupakan gim bergenre aksi yang diadaptasi dari film tahun 1988 berjudul sama. Dirilis pada konsol Sega Genesis/Mega Drive pada 1989, Anda akan menuntun sang tokoh utama, Rambo menyelesaikan serangkaian misi yang berbeda di wilayah Afghanistan yang diinvasi pasukan Uni Soviet. Semua misi ini berujung pada satu tujuan pribadi: menyelamatkan sang sahabat sekaligus mantan komandan, Kolonel Trautman yang telah ditangkap musuh. ------------------------ II. Deskripsi Terjemahan ------------------------ Patch ini berisi terjemahan bahasa Indonesia untuk gim Rambo III. Semua teks telah diterjemahkan kecuali sebagian kecil, yakni: - Kata 'MISSION ' di tiap level, sebelum level dimulai - Kalimat 'I'M NOT A SECRET AGENT' di Level 2 - Kalimat 'HIT RATIO' dan 'GO TO THE EXIT!' di Level 4 ------------------------------- III. Cara Mengaplikasikan Patch ------------------------------- Sediakan terlebih dahulu ROM asli gim ini. Pastikan ROM ini dari regional AS - biasanya nama file diakhiri simbol (U), (U!), atau (USA). Kemudian gunakan perangkat lunak LunarIPS untuk mengaplikasikan patch ini pada ROM asli. Selamat bermain! alkaadhitya, 17 Jan 2021