Langrisser 2 English Patch - 3/21/2001 (released 9/16/2004) ========================================================================== The translations contained within the included patch were provided by Hiryuu'Honyaku, as well as much of the original information I used to create this patch. What I have done is totally rehack L2 using the original information and translations. The result is a non-expanded ROM that works in Genecyst as well as Gens and KGen. Unfortunately, because of a bug in Genecyst (the original Japanese ROM did it too), the intro text looks funny - the 8x16 tile pairs are being drawn horizontally instead of vertically. It's been 3 1/2 years since I completed my portion of the Langrisser II project and sent my changes back to the others involved. I had been waiting to hear back with finalized translations of the ending to put up a patch for download, but I'm guessing they've moved on to other things like I have. Included within is the .ips file I created when I finished my modifications. Other than a recent test to ensure I had the right file, I have not looked at this project since then. I know there are some formatting problems, these would have been corrected in the script dump. I also know that if you change the hero's name, he'll still be referred to by the default name in the dialogs. This was a choice I made because of the way the 8x16 font interacts with the 16x16 font. The ending remains untranslated. I apologize to anyone who manages to play through the entire game. -- NoPrgress p.s. Please do not contact me regarding this or any of my other projects. I am no longer actively involved in the emulation community, and will not redistribute any project files I may or may not still have.