PHANTASY STAR III: RETRANSLATED CLASSIC-STYLE NAMES v1.2-CN3 (Feb 1 2024) ==================================================================================================== Disclaimer ========== - Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom (c) Sega. All rights reserved. - No ownership is claimed by FlamePurge, Rebecca Capowski, Peaches, or lory1990 over Phantasy Star III or the franchise from which it originates. Commercial use of this patch, including but not limited to reproduction, sale, etc. is strictly prohibited. - This unofficial, fan-made patch is provided "as-is" on a voluntary (i.e. non-profit) basis. FlamePurge, Rebecca Capowski, Peaches, and lory1990 are not liable for damage incurred to the end-user, their OS, or their hardware while using this patch. - Apply this patch only to "Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (UE).bin" with the following specifications. Prepatched with Rebecca Capowski, Peaches, and lory1990's English translation, v1.2. Hashes: CRC32 - 5288DB02 MD5 - 025123D33BD5716D8508E6370CC39B85 SHA1 - B00E10A0AFCE454BC1A95A0D377EC40B6DE2D615 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phantasy Star III's official localization is largely unfaithful at all to the Japanese version. I tend to stick to the retranslation as a result, but as with the other games in this series, I prefer the names used internationally. Thus, I decided to make this patch for myself and release it for whomever felt the same. This archive contains 4 patches. 1. PSIII_ClassicNames_v12-CN3.ips After you have patched your unmodified PSIII ROM with Rebecca et al's retranslation, apply this to receive the base features of PSIII Classic-style Names. When the is accomplished, choose as many of these as you'd like, in any combination. 2. PSIII-CN_NormalBattleThemes.ips Restore the tracks Battle (Begin), Battle (Winning), and Battle (Losing), which PSIII Classic- style Names removes as the author finds them hard to listen to. 3. PSIII-CN_RewardsDoubler.ips Every enemy will give double the experience and meseta rewards after battle. 4. PS3T-ParallaxPatch.ips (lory1990) In the Japanese release of PSIII, both the top and bottom of the battlefields scrolled at all times. The international release made it so only outdoor sky scrolls. This patch restores the Japanese behavior. ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Changelog ========= v1.2-CN3 (Feb 1 2024) TEXT: - Corrected some dialogue from the android residents of Hazatak, who speak in all caps, and still called Liec "RIIK" and Techna "FLOTRAAN." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.2-CN2 Patch / v1.2-CN2a Readme (Jan 25 2024) OTHER: - There have been no patch changes this update. Bundled Equipment and Technique List appendices, as in my PSII and IV mods. This is because the freshly retranslated and abbreviated item names make it extremely difficult to navigate a walkthrough for the retail game. Thanks to splick for the helpful review that led to their creation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.2-CN2 (Jan 9 2024) TEXT: - Optimized several equipment names. SorrowSlc -> MournSlcr AncintVst -> RelicVest DelghtBow -> DeliteBow Protector -> ArmorSuit SteelPrtc -> SteelSuit CeramPrtc -> CeramSuit CometPrtc -> CometSuit LaconPrtc -> LaconSuit MaximPrtc -> MaximSuit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.2-CN1 (Jan 2 2024) GENERAL: - Includes the full retranslation and all enhancements from Phantasy Star III: Retranslated by Rebecca Capowski, Peaches, and lory1990. - Removed the game's checksum routine to make the addendum patches possible. GAMEPLAY: - [Applied Patch] PS3 Translation Walk Speed Patch (lory1990) Your characters will walk at double the speed of the unmodified game. - Included Rewards Doubler addendum, which increases EXP and MST rewards by 2x (final boss aside). If desired, apply after the main patch. SOUND: - Stopped Battle (Begin), Battle (Winning), and Battle (Losing) from playing at any point. Now Battle (Balanced) will play for every fight (final boss aside) and not change. - Included Classic Battle Themes addendum to revert the above change. If desired, apply after the main patch. GRAPHICS: - Restored "Generations of Doom" subtitle to the title screen. - Replaced the font of the opening credits with a fancier one to give the title screen more oomph. - Included Parallax Patch addendum by lory1990, which restores Japanese battle background behavior. If desired, apply after the main patch. TEXT: - Fixed an error in the retranslation where Siren confuses Laya and Orakio. - Gave one of Gwyn's lines in the ending to Wren, as in the official localization, since this particular line expects her to be named Laya. - Changed the family name Sa Riik to Sa Liec, as I believe it's supposed to be a roundabout reference to La Shiec (Lassic). - Changed the King of Liec's name from Saiki Sa Riik to Sykhe Sa Liec, just to localize the spelling a bit. - Reverted the name of each person and city to their international equivalent. 3 exceptions were made. 1. Liec -> Landen This would require changing the family name Sa Liec to Sa Landen, and I didn't want to expend the effort. It would also diminish the potential La Shiec reference. 2. Foundaury -> New Motavia There isn't enough space in the text files, and this village also has nothing to do with Motavia. 3. Alisa This not being changed to Alis in the official localization was always an oversight, which Classic-style Names corrects. - Many tech names have been changed. In some cases, not to match PSIII, but to match techs of similar effect in PSII and IV. OFFICIAL REBECCA'S MINE WHY? Foi Foie (official) Official name Zan <- <- Official name Gra <- <- Official name Tsu Barta Wat This is a water-elemental tech, not light-elemental like Thu Res SunForce (official) Matching similar tech from II/IV, backed by official name Gires StarForc Sar This is multi-target healing, like Sar; Gires is Heal 2 Rever MoonForc (official) Matching similar tech from II/IV, backed by official name Anti SeaForce (official) Matching similar tech from II/IV, backed by official name Fanbi Law Shift This raises ATK, like Shift; Fanbi is Drain Forsa Unbalanc Vol This causes instant death, like Vol; Forsa is Robot DEX Down Nasak Balance (official) Matching similar tech from II/IV, backed by official name Shu Chaos (official) Matching similar tech from II/IV, backed by official name Ner Rising (official) Matching similar tech from II/IV, backed by official name Rimit Noon Shinb This makes it easier to escape battle; Rimit is Organic Paralyze Shiza Fall Seals Stops any foe type's techs, like Seals; Shiza is Organic Silence Deban Night Gelun Lowers any foe type's ATK, like Gelun; Deban is Damage Barrier - Updated and optimized a plethora of equipment names for readability and presentation. OFFICIAL REBECCA'S MINE Monomate <- <- Dimate <- <- Trimate <- <- Antidote <- <- Star Mist Star Atom (official) Moon Dew Moon Atom (official) Escapipe Ocarina <- Monitor <- <- Short Swd SoldirSwd SoldrSwrd Sword KnightSwd <- Steel Swd PaladnSwd <- Ceram Swd <- CeramSwrd Laser Swd <- LaserSwrd Force Swd Anger Swd AngerSwrd Lacon Swd <- LaconSwrd Royal Swd Kings Swd KingSword PlanarSwd DimensSwd TimeSword OrakioSwd <- <- Nei Sword <- <- Knife <- <- Huntg Knf Huntr Knf HuntKnife Steel Knf ProtctKnf GuardKnfe Ceram Knf <- CeramKnfe Laser Knf <- LaserKnfe Force Knf Pity Knf PityKnfe Lacon Knf <- LaconKnfe Royal Knf <- RoyalKnfe Huntg Stf TravlrStf TravlCane Steel Stf SorcerStf Mage Cane Ceram Stf <- CeramCane Laser Stf Poem Stf PoemCane Force Stf Regal Stf RegalCane Lacon Stf Lacon Stf LaconCane Ceram Slr <- CeramSlcr Laser Slr <- LaserSlcr Force Slr SorrowSlr MournSlcr Lacon Slr <- LaconSlcr Royal Slr <- RoyalSlcr PlanarSlr Time Slcr TimeSlicr Lune'sSlr Lune Slcr LuneSlicr Nei Slicr <- NeiSlicer Claw <- <- Huntg Clw BastetClw Bast Claw Steel Clw Lynx Claw <- Ceram Clw <- CeramClaw Laser Clw <- LaserClaw Force Clw Grief Clw GriefClaw Lacon Clw <- LaconClaw Royal Clw <- RoyalClaw PlanarClw Chaos Clw ChaosClaw Miun'sClw Miun Claw <- Nei Claw <- <- Huntg Bow Noble Bow <- Ceram Bow Laser Bow <- Laser Bow DelightBw DeliteBow Force Bow ScorchBow <- Lacon Bow <- <- Royal Bow Order Bow <- Laya'sBow Laia'sBow (official) Nei Bow <- <- HuntgShot Handgun <- CeramShot Shotgun <- LaserShot Cannon <- LaconShot GrnLaunch Launcher Cannon LaserShot <- PulseCann LsrCannon <- Vulcan PulseShot <- PulseVlcn <- PulsVulcn SirenShot <- <- Nei Shot <- <- HuntgHelm Lthr Cap Hide Cap SteelHelm KnightHlm KnghtHelm CeramHelm <- <- ForceHelm Dawn Helm <- LaconHelm <- <- RoyalHelm KingsHelm King Helm Bandanna Headband <- HuntgBand CeramBand <- SteelBand <- <- CeramBand <- <- ForceBand SilvrBand <- LaconBand LaconBand <- RoyalBand PrismBand <- Staff Staff Cane Garment <- Clothes Slicer <- <- CeramCrwn SilvrCrwn <- ForceCrwn Snow Crwn SnowCrown LaconCrwn <- <- RoyalCrwn QueenCrwn <- Ribbon Ribbon <- HuntgRibn NobleRibn <- CeramRibn Dew Ribn DewRibbn ForceRibn Wind Ribn WindRibbn LaconRibn <- <- RoyalRibn <- <- Head Gear Headgear <- SteelGear <- <- CeramGear <- <- ForceGear StormGear <- LaconGear <- <- RoyalGear MaximGear <- HuntgArmr LthrArmor HideArmor SteelArmr ChainMail <- CeramArmr PlateArmr <- ForceArmr CeramArmr <- LaconArmr SolarArmr <- RoyalArmr LaconArmr <- PlanarArm KingsArmr KingArmor Cape Mantle Cape SteelCape SilvrMntl SilvrCape LaconCape AmberMntl AmberCape RoyalCape GalaxyMtl GalaxCape Robe <- <- SteelRobe LunarRobe <- LaconRobe <- <- RoyalRobe PrincssRb Lady Robe HuntgChst LthrChest HidePlate SteelChst SteelChst SteelPlte LaconChst CeramChst CeramPlte RoyalChst CometChst CometPlte Fiblira Fiblira Tunic Steel Fib Star Fibr StarTunic Lacon Fib Lacon Fib LaconTunc Royal Fib Queen Fib QueenTunc Vest Wool Vest <- HuntgVest Lthr Vest Hide Vest SteelVest ChainVest <- CeramVest <- <- ForceVest Star Vest <- LaconVest <- <- RoyalVest AncintVst RelicVest Protector <- ArmorSuit SteelPrtc <- SteelSuit CeramPrtc <- CeramSuit ForcePrtc CometPrtc CometSuit LaconPrtc <- LaconSuit RoyalPrtc MaximPrtc MaximSuit Boots LthrBoots HideBoots ForceBoot LongBoots <- RoyalBoot GuardBoot <- Shield Lthr Shld Hide Shld SteelShld KnghtShld <- CeramShld <- <- ForceShld SerenShld Calm Shld LaconShld <- <- RoyalShld KingsShld King Shld Emel <- <- SteelEmel Lthr Emel Hide Emel CeramEmel <- <- ForceEmel TruthSlvs <- LaconEmel <- <- RoyalEmel GrSleeves GreenSlvs Needle Needle Pin Huntg Ndl FowlngNdl FowlngPin Steel Ndl Shuriken <- Ceram Ndl Thief Ndl Thief Pin Laser Ndl AssasnNdl KillerPin Force Ndl Ceram Ndl CeramcPin Lacon Ndl Laser Ndl Laser Pin Royal Ndl Lacon Ndl Lacon Pin Sapphire <- <- MoonStone <- <- Moon Tear <- <- DragnTear <- <- Snow SnwCrystl SnowCryst TwinsRuby <- <- PowrTopaz <- <- MstryStar <- <- AquaParts MarinePts <- Sub Parts <- <- AeroParts Sky Parts <- LayaPndnt LaiaPndnt (official) ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Credits ======= - lory1990: Hacking, assistance - Rebecca Capowski: Translation - Peaches: Translation - Brandon: Testing - Dezmancer: Testing - Unknown User: Testing (I apologize for not crediting you by name, but you seem to have deleted your Discord before I could note it in a readme.) - splick: Feedback leading to appendices' creation - Sega ...and all you Phantasy Star fans out there! See you in the Algol system! ====================================================================================================