The goal of this project was to insert the independantly translated script of Phantasy Star 2 by Dennis Zickefoose and Richard Hirata into the rom of Phantasy Star 2 that was translated by Sega of America. The reason, quite simply, was that Sega of America did a very inaccurate translation of this game. Items and names were changed, text was both censored and removed, personalitys and motavations changed, and a large amount of additional dialouge they just made up themselves and put in. So, I began what I thought would be some pretty quick work. Unfourtunatly for me, I underestimated how much Sega of America had changed or mistranslated. The majority of the townsperson text was fairly well translated and not in need of work, but I think I had to replace almost all the event text except the intial dream sequence. Ugh. But, this version of Phantasy Star 2 is now accurate to a degree that I find acceptable. Enjoy! -----------NOTES--------------- *Abreviations C.HUNTER=Counter Hunter JUNKER=Closest I could get in to Junk yard owner. *Stuff There's no real designation betwean Parman imigrents to Motabia and the native Motabians. I considered keeping SOA's "Mota people" term, but feh, SOJ's the boss ^^ *IPS Patch If you're reading this from a zip that contains an ips patch, and not the rom, be sure that you're patching this to an English Phantasy Star 2 rom in, and this is important, .BIN format _not_ SMD. If you need to convert a smd rom to bin, head of to and get Grom. *Best run on? My personal prefrence in Genisis emulators is Kgen, which can be found at If you're on windows 2000,mac, or linux I hear Dgen Is probably your best bet....but who knows. *Requirments I require that anyone who uses this patch agree to not badmouth Magical School Lunar if you don't speak Japanese, and are basing you opinion on another non Japanese speakers opinion, or on a walkthrough that would give a bad impression of even Lunar SSS :) Well, ok, it's not a requirement, but this is something that _really_ bugs me. *Rom I dunno.... should have them, last I saw anyway. Check the download section. *Links ----------------- The Phantasy Star Compendium translation, by Rebecca Capowski Read this to increase your enjoyment of this, and other Phantasy Star games! Ye Olde disclaimer ------------------ Phantasy Star, and all games, spinoffs and sitcoms based on such are owned by Sega and respective design teams, creators, and publishers. This copyright message is an altered copy of one done by Rebecca Capowski, so you see how well I heed these types of things. Coming soon? ------------ Rebecca and I are working on an english PC version of Nei's Adventure, one of the eight Phantasy Star 2 prelude games collected on the two can cd's in Japan.