.,g8&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&8g,. d$$$$$$$$ $$P"~"OY$$$ l$$$$$$$$$$$$$~~~~~$$$$$$$$$$$$$b l$$$$$$$$$ n $l dy, 'Y$ '$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$$$$ e l` l$$b Y 'Y$$$P` $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ o $$"" `` $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ b `Y$$$$$$$ by, ,d $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$P" $b $"""" $$$$y$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$P" ,y " , $ l $$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ d$$ ` $b $$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$b ~~~ b $$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$8y,. $8y, .,y8$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ggggg$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$P"~"OY P_"~"OY$"""""~~"OY$$$$$$$$$P"~"OY$$$$P"~"OY$$$$ $$l dy, . 'Y$$$8&by, 'Y$$$$$$l dy, 'Y$l dy, 'Y$$ $l` l$$b ,g, Y $b Y$$$$l` l$$b l` l$$b Y$ $ $$"" l$l l ' ,d$$$$ $$"" $$"" $ $b `Y$$$$$ ;$P d ` yy, `~l $$$$$$$$b `Y$$$$$$$$ $$b $$$; ;P d; $$$$b ; $$$$$"""" $"""" $" ,yy$$$l dl ; $$$$$l $$$$$ l , $ l $ `$$$$$$b `' d $$$$$$ . `Y$$b ` $b $ $$$$$$$b, ,d$ $$$$$$ b $ $$$$$$$$$by,.,yd$$$ggggg$$$$$$ $8y, .,y8$y, .,y8$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ trip(RMRS/iCE) " More oldskool than Jesus. " R E L E A S E ,d$b. "" $$b yy $$$$ ,db, ,d$b. $$ ' $$ $$Yb $$ $$yy $$ $$ ` $$ `qb $$ $$ Yb$$ $$~~ $$ $S qb' ,d$b. $$ ~~ $$$ $$ YyyP ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' Release : Wonderboy 6: Monster World 4 `qb ,d$b. File : WB6E.ZIP ,d$b. $$ ' Validity : [ ] Alpha [ ] Beta [x] Final ` $$ `qb Medium : Sega Genesis Translation (Jap -> Eng) qb' ,d$b. Version/Date : 1.02 5-29-1 ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb WHAT's NEW: qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ 1.02: This one dude, Ola Andersson, has been so unbelievably $$ ' qb' consistently freaky with bugging me about fixing the `qb ,d$b. remaining bugs in the game (most importantly being the ,d$b. $$ ' flickering bug), I decided I owed it to him to finally ` $$ `qb get off my ass and fix it up. Thanks for waiting, dude! qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ You need to use a fresh, unpatched Japanese ROM in order $$ ' qb' use this patch. Just search for it on Google, I found it `qb ,d$b. in five minutes. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' CREDIT: `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' Hack Translation ` $$ `qb ------------- ----------- qb' ,d$b. Antiriad Demi ,d$b. ` $$ Demi $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ CHEEZ: $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. you: "Demi." ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb Demi: "yo" qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ you: "What the fuck." $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. Demi: "I dunno man, I was bored one day and decided to bust ,d$b. $$ ' through one of my old projects." ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. you: "Well shit, tell me about this game." ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' Demi: "It's pretty good. It was the final chapter in West0ne's `qb ,d$b. flagship series. They really tried to go out with a bang ,d$b. $$ ' considering all the flare that's in this game. You're ` $$ `qb this girl trying to become serious and recognised, who qb' ,d$b. goes out and tries to find herself in the world. The ,d$b. ` $$ Wonderboy series were known for non-linear games, big $$ ' qb' on exploration." `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' you: "Yeah? you said this was one of your old projects. Why'd ` $$ `qb you stop?" qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ Demi: "Back in 1998, it was a project between me and a guy who $$ ' qb' now calls himself Antiriad. He came to me asking to `qb ,d$b. translate this game for him cuz he liked it but got ,d$b. $$ ' stuck in the Pyramid (so was I for a while, and so will ` $$ `qb you be). So we decided to work on it, but we got in over qb' ,d$b. heads and aborted the project cuz of all the wierd shit ,d$b. ` $$ in the script. Then, a couple of years later (feb. 2000) $$ ' qb' I decided to say 'fuck it' and translate it if it killed `qb ,d$b. me. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb you: "So it's translated." qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ Demi: "ya" $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. you: "all?" ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb Demi: "ya" qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ you: "how long that take?" $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. Demi: "I translated the script off and on, from February 2000 ,d$b. $$ ' until late june 2000. Once I had enough translated, I ` $$ `qb spent about a week in late June running through the qb' ,d$b. game to see where my translations were off." ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' you: "Who helped?" `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' Demi: "Nobody, aside from the initial help I got from Antiriad ` $$ `qb back in 1998. Although I should mention Neill1712 for qb' ,d$b. always being there for questions about the Genesis's ,d$b. ` $$ processor, Eidolon for helping me recover an old $$ ' qb' disassembly of the ROM I couldn't have done this `qb ,d$b. without, and of course the homeless freak Avicalendrya ,d$b. $$ ' Morgan, even though he never did end up translating ` $$ `qb for me." qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ you: "How tough was the job?" $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. Demi: "It required five assembly mods (half me, half Antiriad), ,d$b. $$ ' a script (Antiriad), and a thorough understanding of a ` $$ `qb sublanguage used within the script for stuff like speed qb' ,d$b. and colors (me). If you want to see the technical shit, ,d$b. ` $$ email me about it. $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. you: "k i'm bored of you" ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb Demi: "k" qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ ... $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' Demi: "oh shit, one last thing - mail me with any bugs you ` $$ `qb find. Please try to have a savegame of right before qb' ,d$b. the message if you can. Also, I'm a freelance coder ,d$b. ` $$ and gfx dude when I have to make ends. If you need $$ ' qb' professional looking work, I work fast and I do what `qb ,d$b. I do well. - demi@parodius.com ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' REZPEKT: ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. Koitsu, Icer Addis, Antiriad, Avicalendrya, Zoooooo0o0o0o0op, ,d$b. ` $$ Charlie Doty, BigWierd (good luck at Digital Eclipse, bud!), $$ ' qb' WombatGuy, gb, hyp0r, berzy, nommy, Quang, Mickoz, Darkforce, `qb ,d$b. Jogeir Liljedahl, PMI, wraith. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' DIRECTIONS: ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. To apply this patch, go get IPS.EXE off the net somewhere ,d$b. ` $$ and grab a jap Wonderboy 6 ROM in BIN format. Then, type $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. IPS wb6e.ips ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb and you will have magically transformed your very own ROM qb' ,d$b. into english. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. However, if you are upgrading from version 1.00, type: ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb IPS update.ips qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. DYSTRO ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb http://demiforce.parodius.com/ - Neo Demiforce page qb' ,d$b. http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Maze/6926/mw4.zip - ROM ,d$b. ` $$ http://www.powernet.net/~trzy/files/grom.zip - SMD->BIN thingy $$ ' qb' http://www.gay.com/ - Zophar's Domain `qb pz