Borfes to Go-nin no Akuma, (C) 1987 XTALSOFT on MSX, Japanese to English translation patch by hap, Nov 5th 2008, Thanks to DJANGO for his kata/hiragana to hex table, and to Streaks and GuyveR800 for help with part of the translation. This patch is free, but please don't distribute a pre-patched ROM. == I'M STUCK! == Use your favourite IPS patching tool, for example Lunar IPS, to patch the MSX game ROM file. It's a 128KB file called "Borfesu (1987) (Xtal Soft) (J).rom" in GoodMSX1 with CRC32 E040E8A1. Its mapper type is ASCII16. The game is a typical, but fun action RPG with familiar elements I'm not getting into. In-game controls are SPACE/GRPH (or joystick button A/B) for right/left actions, ESC to bring up the item menu, and STOP to pause. If you die, you'll be able to continue from the titlescreen, near the last point where you requested a password (with a certain item). Though most players will probably just use an MSX emulator and savestate their way through. If you find a jar, it means you found an ally demon. Replenish their health (that's their skill power at the same time) by killing monsters with the jar in one hand. Call for their help by using the jar, be sure to check out the item menu again to see their useful (and sometimes necessary) abilities.