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As such, the script for these games is in most cases identical, as far as we can tell. We're not planning on creating a patch for other systems. If someone feels inclined to do so, you can use the script from this version. The Famicom game is completely different from the MSX2 one, so many similarities between the two scripts aren't to be expected. FEATURES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Full translation of all the texts in the game. - Placed MESSAGE in the actual window instead of inside it to create more room - Created a variable width lowercase font and the means to display texts that span more than one text window. - Completely recoded print subroutine with support of new lowercase font and on the fly conversion from a multicolor font to a black & white font for uppercase letters. - Slightly altered intro screen and adapted game over screen, which had Japanese texts on them. - Completely recoded keyword system. Now all keywords can use English letters from A to Z, a to z, numbers from 0 to 9 and the + and *. The keyword can easily be entered, regardless of which MSX keyboard you are using, being either Japanese, German, French, Russian or one with the international layout. - Added a state to the keyword that wasn't recorded in the password before. This also fixes a major bug if you return to previously played levels. - Added support for FM-PAC SRAM. Now you can save your game to SRAM. - Added a feature to enable or disable the R800 mode on MSX Turbo-R computers (please note there is a small glitch in the turbo mode when you use the dedicated rom loader, see KNOWN BUGS section) - Added a special password as was intended to be in the game. - Removed a bug which allowed you to warp from screen to screen - Removed a bug which caused you to be stuck if you'd use a password that you created while you were on a stairway in level 6. - Removed some other minor bugs and flaws in the game. - Added Dedicated ROM Loader for English translation of Woody Poco (this is the only ROM loader that properly works from disk. All other versions have a bug that prevents Woody from picking up items in the game). FEATURES THAT ARE MISSING FROM THE GAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When we worked on the translation and started beta testing the game, we soon found out that a number of features weren't implemented in the MSX2 version. Obvious hints seemed to point to nothing and the use of one item eluded us completely. Then we found out that some of these features are present in the PC-8801 version. Perhaps dB-SOFT couldn't fit them in the 128Kb MegaROM and a 256Kb MegaROM would have been too expensive. The PC-8801 version was released on disk, so it was less trouble to fit it on the medium. This is conjecture on our part. Whatever the reason may be, this is what's missing in the game: - There are no hidden gold coins in the MSX version as far as we know. In the PC-8801 version you can find hidden treasure (gold coins) at a tree or bush. You can find them in level 1 in the tree next to the shoe seller, in level 2 in the screen with the pirate (the tree in the middle), in level 3 at the base of the tree where you find the key and in level 5 in the first screen when checking the last bushes. These places are all 'protected' by gas clouds. On the MSX these are also missing. This brings us to the next issue. - Since there are no gas clouds protecting the hidden coins, the gas mask you can find has no real use. - In some of the caves water drops should be coming from the ceiling. Once or twice hints are given which still are present in the MSX version. Now these hints are redundant, because the water drops are no longer part of the game. This greatly reduces the use of the 'safety first helmet'. - The Uparupa (type of lizard) in level 5 has no tongue, thus it doesn't deter you in anyway, unlike in the other versions. - In level 6 there are two opposing creatures. They do no harm in the MSX version. You can just walk between them, but in other versions they shoot out a beam. You need to destroy at least one in order to stop that beam. - There are no in-game text windows like 'get box', 'use key' and 'power up'. - Supposedly you can become an upstanding citizen once you win back the same amount of money at the slot machines you stole from a shop. This is what it says on the internet for the Famicom version. But we cannot onfirm it on either PC-8801 or MSX so perhaps that just doesn't work at all for either of the games. - The PC-8801 version has a credits part and a small text stating the number of days it took you to free the fairy. If anyone out there likes to reintroduce these missing features, we welcome you to do so. It would heighten the overall game experience. CONTROLS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURSOR KEYS: move UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. HOME: music on/off. You only hear sound effects if music is off. SPACE: in menu -> cancel option; in game -> FIRE. RETURN: in menu -> accept option; game -> go to menu. ESC: in game -> PAUSE. TAB: pause game and play frame by frame (press TAB again and again). 6: Start game in 60Hz NTSC mode (very useful for PAL computers). Hold it until Woody Poco logo appears. SELECT: Switch ON/OFF the turbo mode (R800 mode). KEYWORDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The original Japanese keyword system used up to 64 characters. The English version uses up to 80 characters. But most keywords consist of 28 to 47 characters. You can use LEFT and RIGHT cursor keys if you need to edit the keyword. Use SPACE key to delete the current character or you can just type another character to replace it. Press ENTER when you are ready to submit the keyword. Every keyword has a checksum and will show an error message if one or more characters are wrong. You can use the following characters to enter a keyword: 0..9 , a..z , A..Z , + , * FM-PAC SRAM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If an FM-PAC cartridge is present, you will be given the option in the keyword menu to use the FM-PAC's SRAM. You can select 8 slots and 16 data positions in each slot. Remember, if you have a different game saved in the same slot, all data will be destroyed. Slots are numbered from 1 to 8 and data positions from A to P. We added this feature for greater playability, since those long passwords aren't that user friendly. Also, in the other Woody Poco games you can save your progress as well. SPECIAL PASSWORDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aside from the regular keywords there is a special password which you get when you've finished the game. Originally it wasn't enabled in the game. Since its use was illustrated in the end demo, we restored this feature. SPECIAL PASSWORD: I ???ea??? ???d ??l B?b? - Please play the game to get the full password ;) - CHEATS YOU ENABLE WHEN APPLYING THE +3 TRAINER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Unlimited POWER 2. Unlimited FOOD 3. Unlimited GOLD FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WP100ENG.IPS - Japanese to English translation patch for the MSX2 version of Woody Poco. WP100ENT.IPS - +3 trainer to be used on a translated Woody Poco ROM. You need to apply it after the English translation patch. You cannot apply it to the Japanese Woody Poco ROM file. WP100ENG.TXT - this text file. WP100DRL.COM - Dedicated ROM Loader for the English translation of Woody Poco. The Dedicated ROM Loader has a built-in trainer for the game! This is meant for those who don't have a program to load MegaROMs with or if you are having trouble using it with the translated version. You also need the translated ROM file you (see HOW TO APPLY THIS PATCH). If you want to use this program, you should rename your ROM to WPENG.ROM. The DRL is compatible with all MSX2 computers and up; even with Russian MSX2 computers in which the Network Module is automatically disabled. You need at least 128KB of RAM/ 128KB VRAM to be able to use the DRL. For 256KB computers only 64KB VRAM is required. If you do use the Dedicated Rom Loader you don't need to apply the trainer patch. You can choose which cheats you want to use in the DRL itself. HOW TO APPLY THIS PATCH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This patch is in the IPS format. That means you need to apply it with an IPS patch program. There are many programs to choose from. On a regular MSX you can use IPS4MSX.COM. Lunar IPS or IPS.EXE for instance do the job nicely on PCs. MAC-users can apply the patch with a program like UIPS. But there are many other suitable programs. 2. Make a dump of the Japanese Woody Poco game for MSX2. If you don't know how to do this or if you don't have the equipment to do it yourself AND own the original cartridge, then you can get one of the ROM files available on the internet. Be sure you use the patch on a clean dump though. Any changes made to the ROM file, like for instance an applied cheat, might result in undesirable side-effects after patching. Make a back up of the dumped ROM file just in case. 3. Place the IPS program, this patch and the ROM for Woody Poco in the same directory. Apply the patch to the ROM file. 4. On an MSX2, MSX2+ or Turbo R the game should work with any program you ordinarily load MegaROMs with. Provided that you have enough memory off course. In some cases a particular program doesn't seem to work, like for instance romload on a Turbo R. If that is the case and you can also try the provided Dedicated Rom Loader. On emulators that don't have auto ROM type detection or when it doesn't seem to work correctly, choose the 'ASCII 16' ROM type. MORE ABOUT THE CHARACTERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Woody Poco is loosely based on the story of Pinocchio. You'll obviously notice that he is also made of wood. He is on a quest for the fairy (with turquoise hair) as well and he too almost changes into a donkey when he goes to the equivalent of the Land of Play. To see if there are any more similarities check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinocchio or read the book. LIST OF ITEMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of all the items in the game. Items are named after their description in the manual unless they aren't in there. If that's the case we thought one up. For some items we added a description, because it is real hard to find out what they do. The rest you can add yourself. Croissant: Slice of bread Loaf of bread: Baguette: Common bag: Satchel: Backpack: Blue shoes: Red shoes: Red boots: Grapes: Lamp: Lantern: Crystall ball: Suzuki's sake of choice: Life medicine A: Wooden ball: Safety first helmet: Lucky key: Demon key: Tower Key: Trumpet: Secret Medicine: Gas mask: has no real use in the MSX version; protects you against gas clouds False cross: Magnifying glass: helps you find hidden underground caves Bag of salt: Little sword: Shield: Treasure chest: Alarm clock: Ice pyramid: HINTS & TRICKS (SPOILER ALERT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember that Woody Poco actually is an aRPG. You need to defeat creatures to get experience eventhough it isn't displayed. If you defeated enough creatures, your shot power and your life (power) will be raised as well. There is a way to become unvulnerable all the time. If you have the pyramid item you need to request a password or save. Then you need to use the item which will render you invincible. Afterward that enter the password or load your game. You will remain invincible but you have the pyramid item in your inventory again. You can keep repeating this trick. Thanks to Pocomania for pointing out this trick. You can play the slot machines if you have nothing in your hands. But once you quit playing them, you can't play again straight away. You need to go to the inn and find an guy with a beard. After talking to him, you can play again. KNOWN BUGS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a small bug in the turbo mode on MSX Turbo-R computers. When turbo mode is enabled, the bottom half of the first letter may dissappear. The ROM file is working fine on a real Turbo-R, but the dedicated ROM loader has this bug. In BlueMSX this bug is present even when you insert the translated ROM in a cartridge slot. TRANSLATION OF A JOKE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is one message in level 1 which is some sort of joke. The text reads: The girl's cute. kan kan, ran ran, huan huan. What kan kan, ran ran, huan huan mean is tough to figure out without some context. We used a translation in the game that shouldn't raise many questions. But there might be a better translation. Boukichi told us that Kan Kan and Ran Ran are panda names. Some additional research pointed out they were given to Japan by the Chinese government in 1972. Huan Huan seemed to be a name of a younger female panda Communist Party Chairman Hua Guofeng gave to Japan in 1980. They hoped Kan Kan would mate with the younger female and that they'd have offspring. If that is what dB-soft was getting at, the "girl" refers to Huan Huan. What any of this has to do with the game is beyond our comprehension. Perhaps they liked pandas. Perhaps it's just a coincidence and it's just about the three words rhyming. CREDITS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tsunami : Translation, game & character research, beta testing Max Iwamoto: Coding, graphics, font, redesign, trainer, beta testing, DRL Vampier : Proofing, beta testing, YouTube video Special thanks to Rikusu, Gilneas2, Vampier and Boukichi for their help with translating one particularly difficult message. Also special thanks to Pocomania for describing some of the bugs which were present in the game so we could correct them. CONTACT US -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you find any bugs or just want to contact us, please email to msx.translations@gmail.com TERMS AND CONDITIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch is free for non-commercial use. It is not allowed to redistribute a ROM file with this translation already applied to it or supply the patch together with the game ROM. The contents of this archive should be distributed without any modifications to its contents. If copyright holder(s) of Woody Poco should want to contact us, please send us an email at msx.translations@gmail.com DISCLAIMER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though we took great care creating this translation, there still might be bugs or errors in it. If you find anything wrong, let us know. Use this patch at your own risk. We cannot be held responsible for any damages to files, either directly or indirectly. PREVIOUS TRANSLATIONS (Japanese to English) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Ganbare Goemon v0.9 - (c) Konami 1987 02. Yoshida Konzern v0.5.0 - (c) - MSX-MAGAZINE SOFTWARE 1990 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------