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SPECIAL NOTE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that these patches don't work on the PC-8801, PC-9801, X-1 and Famicom versions of the same name. The PC-8801 version is almost identical to the MSX2 version. The PC-9801 and X-1 versions are rumoured to be very similar to the PC-8801 version. As such, the script for these games will probably be identical for the most part . We're not planning on creating a patch for other systems. If someone feels inclined to do so, you can use the script from this version. The Famicom game is completely different from the MSX2 one. The remake of Romancia called Romancia Another Legend for Windows PCs has a similar script but it's been elaborated upon and there are some changes in the game play. This patch doesn't work on the PC remake either. This package contains the patch for the MSX 1 version. There is another package with the MSX 2 version. These aren't interchangeable! FEATURES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Full translation of all the texts in the game. - Created a lowercase variable height font to match the uppercase one. - Increased text window size to fit bigger messages. - Texts can now span more than one window. - Changed game interrupts to VBLANK. - Added a feature to start game in NTSC mode on PAL computers (hold key "6" before the intro screen appears). - Fixed a map bug in Romancia. - Added Dedicated ROM Loader for English translation of Romancia. CONTROLS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURSOR KEYS: move UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. UP at highest point: Perform a double jump. of your jump Z: Swing sword or show next text. Hold Z: Throw sword. LEFT/ RIGHT + SHIFT: Select item. SHIFT: Use item. ESC: in game -> PAUSE. F1: Change the game speed. Default is 5, 1 is the fastest and 9 the slowest. 6: Start game in 60Hz NTSC mode (very useful for PAL computers). Hold it until the Romancia intro screen appears. STORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a far and distant past in a vast forest in the north, there were 2 small kingdoms next to each other. The kingdoms were ruled by two kings, who are brothers. The older brother is king of Romancia and the youngest ruled over Azorba. Every day brought peace and tranquillity. But those peaceful days didn't last long. One day, princess Serina from the kingdom of Romancia was kidnapped by someone. She was taken away in the direction of Azorba. In the kingdom, young warriors immediately organised a 'princess rescue expedition'. They went to Azorba. However, they've never returned since. Soon after, a disease spread through Romancia and in various places all kinds of disasters occurred... One day, a little while after that, a young man came to Romancia kingdom. His name is Fan Freddy. He's the prince of Ilsran and he's visiting various countries. He lost his way in the forest called the 'Forest of Adventure' surrounding Romancia and Azorba. In the end he reached the kingdom of Romancia. While wandering around in this country, prince Fan realised something had changed. He didn't see any young men in the town; all was calm and quiet. People are shaking as if frightened by something and they're weeping. Moreover, everywhere he sees scenes of struggling sick people who are in pain. Gradually he wants to know more about what has happened in the kingdom. Now Prince Fan is in front of Romancia Palace. He hears the entire story when he meets the king. Even without entering the castle he goes on a journey to search princess Serina. From here on, you're free to be prince Fan. However, there's no turning back. Your adventure has just begun. HINT STORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The manual contains an 8 page comic referred to as the 'hint story'. In it some hints are given which may help you finish the game. In this case you need to read it from left to right just like a regular comic book (not from right to left like most Japanese Manga). The frames are numbered in the order you need to read them. PAGE 5 (1) [prince Fan] I'm Fan Freddy. [prince Fan] Come, go on an adventure with me in Romancia!! PAGE 6 (1) [Prince Fan] First, let's see the king and do some investigations. [King Fanessa III] Oh, prince Freddy. Good thing you visited Romancia kingdom. (2) [King Fanessa III] My daughter Serina was abducted by someone. [King Fanessa III] It's suspicious my younger brother - the king ruling Azorba Kingdom - didn't bring her back home. He is connected somehow. (3) [Prince Fan] Understood, Your Excellency! This prediction tells me I need to go and search for princess Serina. (4) [Prince Fan] Well now, let's hear the stories from the town's people. What kind of place is this neighbouring kingdom of Azorba, I wonder? PAGE 7 (1) [Prince Fan] There are various people in town, but... [Prince Fan] What's this? Everyone is very worried. I want to see what this is all about. I wonder what's the matter. [Archbishop] Young man, approach us and you will be infected with the disease. (2) [Man near well] The well's water has completely gone bad... What's the best thing to do? (3) [Person talking from a window] How are your daughters' conditions? That is rather serious... (4) [Prince Fan] I would like to hear about the situation in Azorba kingdom. [Tavern keeper] This isn't a place for children! If you're not buying a drink, go home!! [Prince Fan] ... (5) [Blacksmith] That'll be 2 gold coins! [Blacksmith] I will give you a discount if you have much damage. [Prince Fan] Agreed, sir! (6) [Prince Fan] Next to the shop where you repair your shield, there is a hospital as well! Let's use it if I have enough money. [Doctor] Take care of yourself. Page 8 (1) [Prince Fan] If I find troubled people, I will help them with the wishes they bring up! (2) [Prince Fan] Drink this. [Prince Fan] I received it from the priest. It's a Potion of Longevity! You'll get well instantly because of this. (3) [Prince Fan] Each time you do something good on your journey, your karma increases. [Sound effect ring] SHINE (4) [Prince Fan] By the way, there's an old man sitting on a cloud on this side of Azorba kingdom! Don't talk too much with him in the beginning. But he's a good person, isn't he? [Sound effect hermit] STARE [Prince Fan] I'm getting out of the way... Page 9 (1) [Prince Fan] Your karma goes up and people who didn't talk before will teach you a secret... (2) [Prince Fan] You can get items you never dreamed of. (3) [Prince Fan] I wonder... [Prince Fan] You might say, it's smart to accumulate karma at first. [Sound effect] Hmm (4) [Prince Fan] Well, this brings us to Azorba kingdom at last!! [Prince Fan] There's a mysterious evil force in that country, that torments the people. Page 10 (1) [Prince Fan] Azorba kingdom is full of monsters. [Prince Fan] Chada and evil swordsmen oppose your path! [Prince Fan] If you have no DP your HP decreases in a blink of an eye!! (2) [Prince Fan] Princess Serina surely should be held captive somewhere over here. [Sound effect] Pant, pant (3) [Prince Fan] My, my! If you've defeated enemies, your karma will decrease! Why would that be? [Prince Fan] ? [Prince Fan] Do something evil or something you mustn't do and your karma will decrease as a result. (4) [Prince Fan] Okay! [Prince Fan] Do you want to examine fighting by using items? Page 11 (1) [Prince Fan] If you use an item, the evil swordsmen's true character will surface!! [Prince Fan] As a matter of fact, the true character of the monsters... [Prince Fan] Your karma will increase until it's full. (2) [King Crift IV] Well done! You've reached this point!! Fearless prince Fan Freddy! [Prince Fan] !! (3) [King Crift IV] Holding as much karma as possible is tricky! [King Crift IV] My magical powers relish good people!! [Prince Fan] Finally I have found Azorba's king!! [Prince Fan] Princess Serina is in the inner part of Azorba Castle!! Page 12 [Prince Fan] I did it!! I rescued princess Serina!! [Princess Serina] Thank you, sir Prince. [Prince Fan] There are many riddles and barriers to cross to achieve this. If you do, you will have half won. [Prince Fan] Now it's your turn!! [Banner] Do your best!! FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R1ENG070.IPS - Japanese to English translation patch for the MSX1 version of Romancia. R1ENG070.TXT - this text file. R1DRL070.COM - Dedicated ROM Loader for the English translation of Romancia MSX1. This DRL is meant for those who don't have a program to load MegaROMs with or if you are having trouble using it with the translated version. You also need the translated ROM file (see HOW TO APPLY THIS PATCH). If you want to use this program, you should rename your MSX1 ROM to ROM1ENG.ROM. The DRL is compatible with MSX1 computers and up; even with Russian MSX2 computers in which the Network Module is automatically disabled. You need at least 128KB of RAM/ 16KB VRAM to be able to use the DRL. HOW TO APPLY THIS PATCH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This patch is in the IPS format. That means you need to apply it with an IPS patch program. There are many programs to choose from. On a regular MSX you can use IPS4MSX.COM. Lunar IPS or IPS.EXE for instance do the job nicely on PCs. MAC-users can apply the patch with a program like UIPS. But there are many other suitable programs. If you're planning to play the translated version on openMSX you don't need to patch your ROM at all. This emulator supports soft patching. Look in openMSX' documentation on how to use patches in this way. 2. Make a dump of the Japanese Romancia for MSX1. If you don't know how to do this or if you don't have the equipment to do it yourself AND own the original cartridge, then you can get one of the ROM files available on the internet. Be sure you use the patch on a clean dump though. Any changes made to the ROM file, like for instance an applied cheat, might result in undesirable side-effects after patching. Make a back up of the dumped ROM file just in case. 3. Place the IPS program, this patch and the ROM of ROmancia you want to patch in the same directory. Apply the patch to the ROM file. 4. The game should work with any program you ordinarily load MegaROMs with on an MSX1, MSX2, MSX2+ or Turbo R. Provided that you have enough memory of course. If a ROM loader doesn't seem to work you can also try the provided Dedicated ROM Loader. On emulators that don't have auto ROM type detection or when it doesn't seem to work correctly, select the 'ASCII 16' ROM type for the MSX1 version. MORE ABOUT THE CHARACTERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prince Fan Freddy The hero of the story. He's the prince of Ilsran kingdom which lies to the east. Currently he's been travelling to various places to expand his knowledge. Princess Serina Levi Laura The heroine of the story. She's born a princess of the kingdom of Romancia. She has been abducted by someone and she's now missing. King Fanessa III The king who governs Romancia. He is princess Serina's father. His health is deteriorating, since his daughter's abduction. King Crift IV He's the brother of king Fanessa and he rules over Azorba. All of a sudden, he's become an evil king. Vaides An evil dragon with a long, snakelike body who was sealed underground 300 years ago. Manipulating king Crift, he plans his resurrection. The other characters in the game aren't addressed by their names in the game or the manual. Back in the day some guidebooks were released for this game and for Sorcerian in which you can also find a 'Romancia' scenario. In these, some additional names for some of the NPCs can be found. Below is a short list of those names (thanks to the Sorcerian Data Room): Archbishop Quorl: priest who has become infected with the disease. Lord Dion: his 3 daughters have fallen ill. Father Lorad: gives you Potions of Longevity. Lily: the fairy in Romancia. Pipi: the fairy in Azorba. Sage Valna: gives you a hint about a hidden item and resets your remaining time to 10 minutes. Enigmatic Tigello: gives you an indispensible weapon. LIST OF ITEMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of all the items in the game. Only three items were mentioned in the MSX manual. Most of the other items originally don't have a name or just a generic name, probably because the text window was limited to 3 lines. We did some additional research to find out their names for instance by looking at the names in the Romancia scenario from Sorcerian or the PC remake of Romancia. If items had a similar use, we incorporated their names in the game. Potion of Longevity: In the game this item is referred to as 'medicine'. Bible: Hermit's Robe: Golden Key: Ancient Scroll: Princess' Pendant: Crystal Ball of Foresight: Pegasus Wings: Rod: Lamp: Hourglass: HINTS & TRICKS (SPOILER ALERT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CONTINUE] You can continue if you press SHIFT in the game over screen. If you no longer want to continue you need to press Z to start all over again. That might be necessary if you die in the lava pit. This works in both the MSX1 and MSX2 versions of the game. [PRESSED FOR TIME] If your time is running out go back and see the king to get some more time to fulfil your quest. [PRINCESS SCENARIO] Both the MSX1 version and the MSX2 version have an alternate scenario you can play as well. The MSX1 version is mostly the same as the regular scenario, apart from you playing with princess Serina instead of with prince Fan. The MSX2 version is mostly different from the regular scenario. Here is how to activate the princess mode: MSX1: Press GRAPH, : and SHIFT simultaneously at the title screen. [PUZZLING CRIES FOR HELP] Somewhere near the end you will hear some cries for help coming from stone statues. These are probably from the soldiers that went to search for princess Serina. You cannot free them in the game, but probably when you defeat Vaides, they will return to their normal selves. [IF ALL ELSE FAILS] If you are stuck or want some hints, check out the walkthrough at www.cheatmsx.com But don't give up too easily, that will spoil the fun. CREDITS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original credits - Game Staff - Game design Yoshio Kiya Programming Yoshio Kiya Scenario Tetsuya Igarashi Graphic design Tomoo Yamane Music Takahito Abe Yuzo Koshiro Conversion Noriyoshi Akiba - Manual staff - Instructions Tsuneyuki Miyamoto Takahiro Ohura Tetsuya Igarashi Hint story Kazuhiko Tsuzuki Illustrations Kazuhiko Tsuzuki Takahiro Ohura Tomoo Yamane Yoshimi Satoh - Staff - Tadanobu Inoue Toshio Tachikawa - Producer - Masayuki Kato Translation credits Tsunami : Translation, game & character research, beta testing Max Iwamoto: Coding, graphics, font, redesign, beta testing, DRL Vampier : Proofing, beta testing, YouTube video CONTACT US -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you find any bugs or just want to contact us, please email to msx.translations@gmail.com TERMS AND CONDITIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These patches are free for non-commercial use. It is not allowed to redistribute a ROM file with either of these translations already applied to it or supply the patches together with the game ROMs. The contents of this archive should be distributed without any modifications to its contents. If copyright holder(s) of Romancia should want to contact us, please send us an email at msx.translations@gmail.com DISCLAIMER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though we took great care creating this translation, there still might be bugs or errors in it. If you find anything wrong, let us know. Use this patch at your own risk. We cannot be held responsible for any damages to files, either directly or indirectly. PREVIOUS TRANSLATIONS (Japanese to English) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Ganbare Goemon v0.9.5 - (c) Konami 1987 02. Yoshida Konzern v0.5.0 - (c) - MSX-MAGAZINE SOFTWARE 1990 03. Woody Poco v1.0.1 - (c) dB-SOFT 1987 04. Penguin Wars 2 v1.0 - (c) ASCII 1988 05. Romancia - Dragon Slayer Jr. MSX2 v1.0.0 - (c) Falcom 1986 06. Dragon Slayer 4 MSX2 v1.0.0 - (c) Falcom 1987 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------