. ..... ..... . .. .. ........ ........ ... .... ....... ........ ..... . .. . . .. .. ... ... ... .... .. ..... ... ...... .. .... .. ... . .. ... . ........... ..... . ..... .. .... ... ..... ... .... . .... . ...... . ... .. @@@@@ .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . @ @@ @@ . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . .. . @@ @@ . .. . . . . . . . . @@ @@ . . . . @@@ . . . . . @@ @@ . . . . @@ @@ . @ . .. @@ @@ . . . . @@ . . . @@@ . . . @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @ . @@@@@ @@@@ @@ @ @@@ @@@ @@ @ @ @@@ @ @@@ @@@ .. . @ @@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ . . @ @@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @@@ @ @ @@@ @ . . . @ @ @ @@@@ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @@@@ @ @ @@@ . . @@@ @ @ @@@ @@ @@ @ @@@ @ @ @@@@ @ . . @@ @@@ @@ @ @ . . . --- @@@ @@@ @@@ @ . . | ----- --------- @ .. . --| ----- @@@@@@@@@@ -------- FAMILY | . . ----| ---------@-@----@----------- DRASLAY -------- . . . . ----| @ @ @ --------- . . ---------@--@--@------------ . . . . @ @@ .. . . . . .. @@@@@@@@@@ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ........... ..... . ..... .. .... ... ..... ... .... . .... . ...... . ... .. . . .. .. ... ... ... .... .. ..... ... ...... .. .... .. ... . .. ... . . ..... ..... . .. .. ........ ........ ... .... ....... ........ ..... . MXNW12001 (MSX2) Copyright (c) Falcom 1987 Japanese to English translation for MSX2 by MSX Translations version 1.0.0 Released 23.MAY.2010 NEW IN THIS VERSION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First public release. SPECIAL NOTE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that these patches doesn't work on the Famicom version of the same name. This package contains the patch for the MSX2 version. There is another package with the MSX1 version. These aren't interchangeable! FEATURES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Translation of the sound test text and improvements to the script in the end demo. - Added a feature to enable or disable the turbo mode on Panasonic FS A1 FX/WX/ WSX, Turbo-R ST/GT, and CIEL Expert 3 (MSX 2.0 Turbo/MSX 2+ Turbo) computers. - Removed some minor flaws in the game. - Passwords are now in English. The password can easily be entered, regardless of which MSX keyboard you are using, being either Japanese, German, French, Russian or one with the international layout. Passwords are compatible with Kralizec graphics password patch. - Added BACKSPACE to password edit keys. - DRASLE FAMILY changed to DRASLAY FAMILY seeing it is an abbreviation of Dragon Slayer Family and not the name of the family as some might think. Their surname is Worzen. CONTROLS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - GAME MODE - CURSOR KEYS: move UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. SHIFT: Jump. Z: Shoot. RETURN: Select item. SHIFT: Use item. ESC: in game -> inventory screen. SELECT: Switch ON/OFF the turbo mode during game (on all MSX computers supporting a turbo mode). - PASSWORD MODE - CURSOR KEYS: move UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. RETURN: submit password. ESC: exit password mode. INSERT: insert space and move symbols from the right to the right DELETE: delete symbol and move symbols from the right to the left. BACKSPACE: delete previous symbol and move symbols from the right side to the left. STORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a distant past, there was a woodcutters family who lived at the outskirts of a small forest. Inside their house Grandmother was talking to her grandchildren. "Long ago, there was a very violent dragon in this vicinity that was terrorising the villagers. Soon a wizard came from a country to the north, confined the dragon in a fresco and buried him deep inside the ground. Take a look at that picture. That wizard was your great-grandfather!" When Grandmother pointed to the picture hanging on the wall, their pet Pochi entered the door, holding some sharp object in his mouth. Wasn't that a scale from the dragon that should be buried deep within the ground?!! When they saw this, Father and Mother, realising the dragon is starting to revive, began to make preparations to go to the underground dungeon. They will slay the revived dragon. That is their true line of work. "You won't be able to win from something like a dragon!" Father smiled and responded to his concerned children: "Everything will be all right, there is a Dragon Slayer." The Dragon Slayer. It's a magical sword; the only weapon that can bring down the dragon. Therefore it is protected by 4 hidden crowns. "We can help you look for the crowns too, if it's okay with you, Dad." "Of course it is. If everyone cooperates, we will surely beat the dragon." Where are those 4 crowns, which protect the Dragon Slayer? Can they really defeat the dragon? Now the journey of their adventure has begun. FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DS42E100.IPS - Japanese to English translation patch for the MSX2 version of Dragon Slayer 4 Dragon Slayer Family. DS42E100.TXT - this text file. DS42-PW.IPS - Kralizec's MSX2 gfx password patch, located at http://ips.tni.nl/rom/gfx-modify/DS42-PW.IPS Use this patch if you prefer the font that is used above the gauges. If you apply this patch after applying the translation patch the game will remain compatible with all keyboards. HOW TO APPLY THIS PATCH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This patch is in the IPS format. That means you need to apply it with an IPS patch program. There are many programs to choose from. On a regular MSX you can use IPS4MSX.COM. Lunar IPS or IPS.EXE for instance do the job nicely on PCs. MAC-users can apply the patch with a program like UIPS. But there are many other suitable programs. If you're planning to play the translated version on openMSX you don't need to patch your ROM at all. This emulator supports soft patching. Look in openMSX' documentation on how to use patches in this way. 2. Make a dump of the Japanese Dragon Slayer 4 Dragon Slayer Family for MSX2. If you don't know how to do this or if you don't have the equipment to do it yourself AND own the original cartridge, then you can get one of the ROM files available on the internet. Be sure you use the patch on a clean dump though. Any changes made to the ROM file, like for instance an applied cheat, might result in undesirable side-effects after patching. Make a back up of the dumped ROM file just in case. 3. Place the IPS program, this patch and the ROM of Dragon Slayer 4 you want to patch in the same directory. Apply the patch to the ROM file. 4. On an MSX2, MSX2+ or Turbo R the game should work with any program you ordinarily load MegaROMs with. Provided that you have enough memory of course. On emulators that don't have auto ROM type detection or when it doesn't seem to work correctly, select the 'ASCII 8' ROM type. LIST OF ITEMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ITEMS MONSTERS DROP] Bread: You gain 5 life. Potion: You gain 5 magic. Key: This item can open treasure chests and doors. Gold: Money. It's necessary to stay the night at an inn or to buy items. Cross: This will make all monsters on screen perish. Scroll: Your character moving speed increases. Speed is raised by a factor 3. Ring: You become transparent for a certain time and won't receive damage from monsters. [SPECIAL ITEMS] Elixer: When your life has become 0, this item can restore it up to its max. Magic Bottle: When your magic has become 0, this item can restore it up to its max. Crystal: Instantly warps you above ground. Glove: With this item specific blocks can be moved. Wing: You can fly in the sky. It consumes magic every interval it is used. Powered Boots: This item can defeat monster by stepping onto them. Jump Shoes: Your jump power is doubled. Mattock: This item can break specific blocks. Rod: This item can make specific blocks fly. Fire Wand: Doubles the range of your weapons. Key Stick: Even without a key, this item can open doors and treasure chests. Power Knuckle: Your attack power is multiplied by 8. Armour: Monsters will be killed by ramming into them. It will consume magic as long as it's equipped. Shield: Shots fired by gigantic monsters will be repelled. Someone took it from a treasure chest and it is said he hid it somewhere. Crown: If you don't collect the 4 crowns, you cannot get a hold of the Dragon Slayer. Dragon Slayer: It's unique. It's the ultimate weapon that can defeat the dragon. [OBJECTS YOU ENCOUNTER] Stalagmites: Get on top of these and you will receive damage. Moving blocks: Not only can these be moved but also they can be destroyed with the Mattock. Treasure chests: They contain items. You'll need a key. Doors: Without a key you cannot open them. Pictures of princess Serina: There's some secret they conceal, but... Magic blocks: They block your way and are made up of a different kind of rock. HINTS & TRICKS (SPOILER ALERT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [NO DAMAGE FROM HIGH JUMPS] If you press ESC right before you land and then press it again, you will have a safe landing without losing life. [NO DAMAGE FROM STALAGMITES] If you hold UP and LEFT or RIGHT when going over them, you won't take damage. [SOUND TEST] There is a sound test in both the MSX1 and MSX2 version of the game. You have to trigger them in a slightly different way. MSX2: Hold SELECT, : and until you get a message. Start the game and point the hand on the wall above Geera Worzen and at the same height as the other painting. If you click here you can select which music to listen to. press again to select other tunes. CREDITS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tsunami : Translation, beta testing Max Iwamoto: Coding, graphics, redesign, beta testing Vampier : Proofing Kralizec : For allowing us to add their password patch in this package so there won't be another set of passwords that isn't compatible with the password system they created in the past. CONTACT US -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you find any bugs or just want to contact us, please email to msx.translations@gmail.com TERMS AND CONDITIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These patches are free for non-commercial use. It is not allowed to redistribute a ROM file with either of these translations already applied to it or supply the patches together with the game ROMs. The contents of this archive should be distributed without any modifications to its contents. If copyright holder(s) of Dragon Slayer 4 Dragon Slayer Family should want to contact us, please send us an email at msx.translations@gmail.com DISCLAIMER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though we took great care creating this translation, there still might be bugs or errors in it. If you find anything wrong, let us know. Use this patch at your own risk. We cannot be held responsible for any damages to files, either directly or indirectly. PREVIOUS TRANSLATIONS (Japanese to English) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Ganbare Goemon v0.9.5 - (c) Konami 1987 02. Yoshida Konzern v0.5.0 - (c) - MSX-MAGAZINE SOFTWARE 1990 03. Woody Poco v1.0.1 - (c) dB-SOFT 1987 04. Penguin Wars 2 v1.0 - (c) ASCII 1988 05. Romancia - Dragon Slayer Jr. MSX2 v1.0.0 - (c) Falcom 1986 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------