SUPER DEFORMED SNATCHER @@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@ @ @@@@ @@ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @@ @ @@@ @@@ @ @@@@ @ @ @ @@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @@@ @ @ @ @ @@ @@ @ @ @ @ @@@ @ @ @ @ @ @@@ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @@@ @ @ @@ @ @ @@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@ @@ @@ RA011 (c) Konami 1990 Japanese to English translation by Project Melancholia Released 02.JAN.2014 [ DEMO VERSION ] ------------------------------------------------------------------[ FEATURES ]-- - Full translation of all text. - Authentic translation from Japanese to English. No limitations due to lack of space or any other technical reason. - Text printing speed adjusted to English readers. Fitting use of pauses in printing and of printing speed, giving the conversations more emotional depth. - User name can now be up to seven characters (the name Gillian did not fit in the original six characters). - Graphical data is - wherever appropriate - translated to English as well. - A new proportional font, making use of both uppercase and lowercase characters. - System requirements remain the same: MSX2 with 64kB RAM and the special Sound Cartridge. An optional mapper version is available for people whose original sound cartridge got lost or broke down. - There are three versions available: [1] translation for the game with 64kB RAM & SD Snatcher sound cartridge. [2] translation for the game with 64kB RAM & Snatcher sound cartridge. [3] translation for the game with 128kB RAM (mapped) & ANY SCC/SCC-I sound cartridge available (tested with all MegaFlashROM cartridges/other SCC cartridges/Playsoniq/etc...). The patched game can detect up to 16 SCC cartridges; the player can choose one of them. It's also possible to play without an SCC cartridge (just PSG) or even without any sound at all (but we would not recommend this, because the SD Snatcher soundtrack is one of the best around for MSX). - Automatic activation of Turbo mode for all known MSX computers equipped with this extension (Turbo-R/Panasonic's MSX2+/Brazilian clones). - Optional patch to fix a "freezing bug" on Panasonic FS-A1FM. - Restored texts for all characters in the hidden map Survival World as they were originally planned in the game. Removed duplicate characters. An optional patch is available to open the door to Survival World from Syd Garden. - Re-connected the two maps of Survival World; the player can even make it to the Kremlin now! - Fixed some map bugs that allowed player to walk through walls. - Distribution as IPS patch, so without violating any third party copyrights. ---------------------------------------------------------------------[ FILES ]-- There are three main patches: [1], [2] & [3]. Apply the desired patch to disk 1 of the original game. We recommend to make a backup of your original SD Snatcher game disk. [1] SD092-1D.IPS ] Version for the original SD Snatcher sound cartridge; ] requires MSX2 or higher, 64kB RAM ] [2] SD092S1D.IPS ] Version for the Snatcher sound cartridge; ] requires MSX2 or higher, 64kB RAM ] [3] SD092M1D.IPS ] Version that works without the original sound ] cartridge; requires MSX2 or better, 128kB RAM and ] any SCC cartridge USERDISK.DSK - blank disk image to save your game progress data SD092D-M.TXT - this text file ------------------------------------------------------------------[ CONTROLS ]-- LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN: move character or cursor. SPACE: open menu; confirm selection; print next text message. GRAPH: increase message speed (if possible); cancel; exit menu. F1: pause the game. F2: save your game. F3: load your saved game. Note: the text routine Konami programmed, contained various pauses and variations in text printing speed, to add an extra layer of emotion or intonation to a message. We adopted this feature in our English version. If you use GRAPH to speed up the text printing speed, you may miss this extra layer. We therefore recommend not to make use of the GRAPH function too often, for a deeper playing experience. -----------------------------------[ HOW TO APPLY THIS PATCH & PLAY THE GAME ]-- 1. This patch is in IPS format. It needs to be applied to the original game using an IPS patch program. There are many IPS patch programs available. On a regular MSX you can use IPS4MSX.COM. On a PC, the patch programs Lunar IPS or IPS.EXE do the job nicely. MAC users can apply the patch using UIPS for instance. There are also many other programs around. If you're planning to play the translated version on openMSX, you don't need to patch your files at all. This emulator supports 'soft patching'. Consult the documentation that comes with openMSX on how to use 'soft patching'. 2. Make a disk image on your PC of the first game disk of SD Snatcher for MSX2. A way to do this is to use the program DCOPY.EXE. You will need to run it from the command line: DCOPY.EXE A: SDSNATC1.DSK /T:80 /S:9 DCOPY.EXE will, however, only work on 32bit Windows. If you have 64bit Windows, you will have to find another program to do the job. There are also programs for MSX to create disk images; you can find some of them here: Please note that any changes made to the original disk image, for instance an applied cheat or the Oasis English translation, might result in undesirable side-effects after patching. Make a backup of the dumped disk image just in case. 3. Place the IPS program, this patch and the SD Snatcher disk image in the same directory. Apply the patch as described in the "FILES" section above. 4. There are a few ways to run the patched disk image: a) Disk images can be used in any emulator that supports MSX2, MSX2+ or Turbo-R. The most popular emulators are openMSX and BlueMSX. When developing the patch, we used certain video modes of openMSX and BlueMSX that we believe are optimal to enjoy the patched game. You can find these settings in the two .png-files that are included in this package: openMSX_video.png blueMSX_video.png Obviously, it's nothing more than our opinion that these are the best settings to enjoy the patched game, so feel free to use the default settings of the emulator and/or any other settings you prefer. In case you do use an emulator to play the patched game, we recommend you select the Panasonic MSX Turbo R as the MSX system to run the game. b) You can write patched disk image back to a real floppy disk to run the game using a real MSX computer. c) You can use MegaFlashROM cartridges, such as: MegaFlashROM SCC+SD MegaFlashROM SCC+SD+512K MegaFlashROM SD Snatcher Edition Please note that you will need a real floppy disk drive and a real floppy disk to save your progress. If you have an MSX2/MSX2+ computer with only 64kB of RAM, the best solution is MegaFlashROM+SD+512K, because it has support for the SCC+ sound chip and 512kB of RAM to run the mapper version of the patch. You can flash disk images to the MegaFlashROM using the following command: OPFXSD ????????.DSK /D1 - for disk 1 The "????????" should be replaced with the name of the patched disk image. After you flash the image into the MegaFlashROM+SCC+SD+512K, restart your computer. If you want to use the SCC+ chip of the cartridge, hold "S" while booting your computer. To enable the 512KB on-board RAM (if you run the mapper version), hold "R" if your cartridge is inserted in SLOT1 and "F" if your cartridge is inserted in SLOT2. If you want to run the game with the SCC+ chip inside this cartridge and 512KB of RAM, you will need to press "S" and "R" or "F" at the same time. MegaFlashROM cartridges can be purchased at A manual on how to use MegaFlashROM cartridges can be found here:'s%20Manual.pdf A tutorial on how to use MegaFlashROM cartridges can be found here: -------------------------------------------------------------------[ CREDITS ]-- Rieks Warendorp Torringa: translation, beta testing, website, planning Max Iwamoto: reverse engineering, code, fonts, graphics, re-design, beta testing, planning Rene Lourens: main proofreader Dennis Bakker: final proofreader ------------------------------------------------------------[ SPECIAL THANKS ]-- While creating this patch, we used a lot of software and documentation that made our life easier. We want to thank the creators and maintainers of openMSX, BlueMSX, tniASM,, Also we want to thank some people who helped us in various ways during this long process: Wolf, Manuel Pazos, Robert Vroemisse, BiFi, John Hassink and many more! --------------------------------------------------------[ TERMS & CONDITIONS ]-- The files contained inside this package include only material that is created by the members of Project Melancholia, be it text, code or anything else. The copyright of the original SD Snatcher game belongs to Konami. The copyright of the materials contained inside these patch files belong to the responsible member of Project Melancholia. The coding and the text translation that is contained in this package is originally and authentically created by the members of Project Melancholia. This package does not contain any authentic SD Snatcher game data. These patches are free for non-commercial use. It is not allowed to redistribute a disk file with either the translation already applied to it or supply the patches together with the game disks. The contents of this archive should be distributed without any modifications to its contents. ----------------------------------------------------------------[ CONTACT US ]-- If you find any bugs or just want to contact us for any reason, please send an e-mail to More information about this package can be found at ----------------------------------------------------------------[ DISCLAIMER ]-- Even though we took great care creating this patch, we can not guarantee that there will not be any bugs or errors left in it. We kindly request you to let us know in case you encounter any kind of irregularity or problem. Use this patch at your own risk. The people who created this patch do not accept any liability for any damage caused by applying or using this patch. We therefore recommend you to use this patch with great care and to only apply it to a backup of your original game disk. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------