__ __ |\ /| / / |\ /\ /\ ___ ___ /| / / /| |\ /\ |"\ /'| /./\ |.\ / .\ /""\ \. ||. / / | / /\/'| | \/_.\ |""\ /;.| / / .\|. \/.; /""/\\ \.||;/ /. | /./: \;| |:/ \\;\ |"""\/./||/./|\ :\ ()\ /\/""/ /"\ \||/ / '.|/ //\' \| |,\; \\/ |"|\"\/ |.:/;|/. / .__\ /\"/ /___\ __ /;/| /.// /. /|__|/\\ .\ |"| \"\ |./| . /|'|\\\/; \\ ___ / //./ |: /\\/. /\ : .\.\\./ |"| _\"\|/ |.; / |.| \\ ./ \\|""//.//./ | / \;'/ \. / \.-/ |_||____\ |__/ |_|__\\/ \__//_//_/ |/ \/ \/ \/ A.n.t.i - L.i.f.e t.r.o.o.p.e.r A.n.d.r.o.g.y.n.o.u.s Copyright (c) Telenet Japan 1988 Japanese to English translation for MSX2 by MSX Translations version [1.0.0] Released on 17.02.2021 NEW IN THIS VERSION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First public release. STORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bronze glow of the supernova URD was the fear of the whole universe. Space, where super nova explosions, cosmic dispersion and accretion perpetually repeat themselves. At the time of the birth of the universe matter and antimatter continuously annihilate each other violently. The two join and destroy one another. For now regular matter has barely won, but by creating the universe a long time of peace was managed. However in a remote region of space, like sly demons who deceive the eyes of god, remnants of antimatter gathered, created one planet and brought forth strange antimatter entities deep beneath the surface. This planet is URD. The plan URD thought up was to scatter groups of antimatter entities across the universe and cause the chaos of particle and anti-particle annihilations in all star systems. This will spiral the universe down into chaos once more and this is surely going to start the creation of the universe from scratch again. People say that they will take the universe from us if possible. There was close to nothing we could do against it. Anything attacking URD will cause annihilations and this will destroy the universe. That's just what URD wants. Is there no way to destroy URD without ushering in the destruction of the universe!? The last resort we took was Androgynous. Androgynous was built inside a nuclear reactor in an antimatter environment, with pieces of antimatter entities which caused annihilation flying from URD: an anti-life form was cultivated from antiprotons and antineutrons. It was a dreadful fighting machine. In its brain they planted an attack instinct to destroy antimatter entities. However, a few difficulties remained in its practical use. The following 2 points are most important: 1) There is a possibility the vector of the attack instinct to destroy antimatter entities will destroy itself. In addition, if it doesn't destroy itself, there is a possibility it will change into an extremely powerful weapon which will join the antimatter entities and threaten us instead. 2) Because the power of the groups of antimatter entities is unknown, there is a possibility that the attack power of Androgynous is insufficient. The following two points were adopted to counter measure these issues. 1) A measure to interfere with its self-consciousness which tells it that it is an antimatter entity itself and integrate our consciousness and memory elements in its brain. 2) In order to improve its attacking power, the development of more powerful weapon units is sped up and we will send these one by one. Finally we entrust the fate of our vast universe to Androgynous and send it to URD. Will Androgynous really be able to destroy URD!? And will we be able to restore peace once again!? FEATURES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Full translation of all the texts in the game. - Incorporated some extra texts that were in the PC88 version to add further details to the story, while keeping true to the MSX tone. The PC88 version has a detail in the intro demo that there is a third measure to "control" Androgynous (a self destruct device). This is not present in the MSX version. Texts reflect that. The PC88 version has different life sign details and different details of URD. In universe reason for this might be that it is a different URD. - Alligned naming of in universe names. - Added text in the game over screen to have an on screen indication what button needs to be pressed to continue. This is listed in the manual, but not having it on screen has created long lasting myths about what (sequence of) buttons needs to be pressed. - Corrected most of other texts such as level names, music names, etc... - Re-wrote the print subroutines with support of new lowercase variable width font. - New game logo in the title screen (with corrected title). - Translated game subtitle GFX. - Rewrote the game from delay based code to V-SYNC based code. Now it works properly on Turbo-R ST/GT & other MSX computers with enabled turbo. Turbo mode will be enabled by default if present. - Fixed bug that game always set refresh rate at 60Hz without updating RAM variables (it resulted in wrong music playback). Added ability to stay at 50Hz if original MSX default BIOS setting is 50Hz (Press "5" at the start of the game). - Added game over demo according to the one found on the PC88 version. - Added a new song "the URD" made by Meits for the game over demo that was not existing in the MSX version. The song is an arrangement based off of the PC88 version. - Added optional extra demo after level 3 according to the demo found on the pc88 version while keeping true to the msx story. - Added optional extra demo after level 9 according to the demo found on the PC88 version while keeping true to the msx story. - Added extra pictures to the extra demos based off of the PC88 version and updated them to true MSX pictures taking full use of all available colors. These pictures were made by Toni Galvez. - Re-created in-game compressor to be able to unpack new pictures and animations in the same way as original game GFX. - Fixed unsafe PSG initialization. - Fixed glitch in mid-game demo where hearbeat animation was damaging the GFX. - Added optional MSX-MUSIC and MSX-AUDIO music to the game based on the original music. If you have both MSX-MUSIC and MSX-AUDIO, both will be used. Original sound effects are still present in the game. The new music arrangements are made by Meits. - Synchronized music to parts of intro demo and end demo as it was in the original game. - Adjusted GFX for weapon names in 2nd part of the intro. - Many improvements to the game to remove some small flaws. - Added optional display of the weapon level and speed level. You can toggle between these by pressing F2 (default: lives), F3 (weapon level), F4 (speed level). VERSION TO APPLY IT TO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The patch was created based off of the ROM with the following SHA1: 55183B7B7DF66950DBB65EF1065D7D987E0FDF5A The patches should also be fully working with a ROM with the following SHA1: AE3C3C2C022F566D2E790ABA193470D5826F36CF The following ROM with SHA1 value won't work: 875A262BE44A27A8357F170080FB8466C9599B62 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of main characters (spoilers) The male main character is called Mars. The female main character is called Leaf - Weapon items - Normal shot: the weapon you have when starting the game. It's level changes if you take a level up unit. Level 1: 1 direction, Level 2: 2 directions, Level 3: 3 directions. Big shot: It defeats almost all enemies in one shot. Level 1: 1 direction, Level 2: 2 directions, Level 3: 3 directions. Laser: The laser goes in one straight line, shooting through enemies. Level 1: short laser, Level 2: normal laser, Level 3: long laser. Splash: If its shots hit the wall, they rebound. However at level 1, they don't rebound. Level 1: 1 direction, Level 2: 2 directions, Level 3: 3 directions. Delive: Shots go up and down from the departing shot. It has no level up. Back Polariser (weapon 2): If you have a Normal shot, Laser or Delive, normal shots will come from your Back Polariser. Its level follows the level of your weapon. If you have a Big shot or Splash, big shots or splash shots will come from your Back Polariser. Its level follows the level of your weapon. Name upgrade units Level: The number of your weapon's power level will change. There are levels 1 up to 3. Take an extra level item at level 3 and you will revert to level 1. Jet: If you take one, your speed goes up. There are levels 1 up to 3. (Level 1 - 2 pixels, LeveL 2 - 4 pixels, Level 3 - 8 pixels) Auto shot: You'll become able to auto fire. 1 Up: Your main character gains a life. However, you can have a stock of 10 lives max (9 max remaining will be displayed on the screen). Barrier: Revolving spheres protect the encircled main character from enemy bullets. The barrier dissipates when a bullet hits the main character's body. CONTROLS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN: Move. SPACE: Shoot. F1: Pause the game. F2: Continue after you get the GAME OVER screen. F5: Music test. (see below on how to get to it). 5: Keep MSX in 50Hz mode if it is default BIOS setting. Hold "5" until TELENET logo is displayed. MUSIC MODE AND CONTINUE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To get into the music library press after seeing the big image of Androgynous in the intro demo. After you get a game over you can continue by pressing F2. This is just not displayed on the screen in the Japanese version (but we added it in the translation). It was rumoured that the names you see on the screen when you enter a level are passwords, but they are not. They are just level names. !SPOILERS! FOR HOW TO DEFEAT THE BOSSES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss 1 (7): Hit the living part of the nautilus and then the opening to the shell. Boss 2 (8): Hit it in the red heart or just above it. Boss 3 (9): You probably can hit it anywhere. Boss 4 (10): Hit the turret part until destroyed then when the options come in, hit it where the turret was. Boss 5 (11): Hit it in its big eye . Boss 6 (12): Destroy the 4 pulsating orbs. Second time around: Everything is the same. Boss 13-1: - First shoot it at the base where it is connected to the floor. - Then it starts moving. Then destroy the 4 tips of its extremities Boss 13-2 - Level your weapon up to level 3 - Preferably use a Laser - You need to defeat the boss by destroying several points on the boss - First the top segment on the stinger - The second segment under that - The third segment under that - The fourth segment under that - Shoot the black and grey segment in the middle (you won't see it get destroyed) - In the end hit the black eye that opens up on the lower part FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AEN100V0.IPS - Japanese to English translation patch for Androgynous. Music will remain PSG for this version. ROM file is expanded by 3 of 16KB ROM pages because of additional CODE/GFX for demos after level 3 and 9. [version 0] AEN100V1.IPS - Music patch optimised for MSX-AUDIO with samples, but if MSX-MUSIC is present, it will be used too. ROM file is expanded by addtional 2 of 16KB ROM pages as SAMPLES attached at the end of the ROM file. Can be used if MSX-AUDIO not present at all but will not produce the best results. Additional CODE/GFX for demos after level 3 and 9 are present as well. [version 1] AEN100V2.IPS - Music patch for MSX-AUDIO without samples but if MSX-MUSIC is present, it will be used as well. ROM file is expanded by 3 of 16KB ROM pages because of additional GFX for demos after level 3 and 9. Can be used if MSX-AUDIO not present at all. [version 2] AEN100TR.IPS - in-game trainer (makes main character invincible). He still can be squashed by the terrain. You can apply it before or after other patches. ANDEN100.TXT - this text file. HOW TO APPLY THIS PATCH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This patch is in the IPS format. That means you need to apply it with an IPS patch program. There are many programs to choose from. On a regular MSX you can use IPS4MSX.COM. Lunar IPS or IPS.EXE for instance do the job nicely on PCs. MAC-users can apply the patch with a program like UIPS. But there are many other suitable programs. If you're planning to play the translated version on openMSX you don't need to patch your ROM at all. This emulator supports soft patching. Look in openMSX' documentation on how to use patches in this way. 2. Make a dump of Androgynous for MSX2. If you don't know how to do this or if you don't have the equipment to do it yourself AND own the original cartridge, then you can get one of the ROM files available on the internet. Be sure you use the patch on a clean dump though. Any changes made to the ROM file, like for instance an applied cheat, might result in undesirable side-effects after patching. Make a back up of the dumped ROM file just in case. 3. Place the IPS program, this patch and the ROM of Androgynous you want to patch in the same directory. Apply the patch to the ROM file. 4. On an MSX2, MSX2+ or Turbo R the game should work with any program you ordinarily load MegaROMs with. Provided that you have enough memory of course. On emulators that don't have auto ROM type detection or when it doesn't seem to work correctly, select the 'ASCII 8' ROM type. CREDITS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Translation credits - 232 : Translation, research, beta testing Max Iwamoto: Coding, graphics, fonts, redesign, beta testing Meits : MSX-MUSIC and MSX-AUDIO music, beta testing Toni Galvez: Graphics, beta testing VampierMSX : beta testing - Other credits - MoonBlaster music re-player in this release based on 2 versions: 1. MoonBlaster re-player from http://msxbanzai.tni.nl/dev/software.html 2. MoonBlaster re-player source code modified by Ro that could be found on http://www.msx.org/forum/development/msx-development/asm-player-MSX-MUSIC?page=2 CONTACT US -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you find any bugs or just want to contact us, please email to msx.translations@gmail.com TERMS AND CONDITIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These patches are free for non-commercial use. It is not allowed to redistribute a ROM file with either the translation and/ or music patches already applied to it or supply the patches together with the game ROMs. The contents of this archive should be distributed without any modifications to its contents. If copyright holder(s) of Androgynous should want to contact us, please send us an email at msx.translations@gmail.com DISCLAIMER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though we took great care creating this translation, there still might be bugs or errors in it. If you find anything wrong, let us know. Use this patch at your own risk. We cannot be held responsible for any damages to files, either directly or indirectly. PREVIOUS TRANSLATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Japanese to English) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Ganbare Goemon v0.9.5 - (c) Konami 1987 02. Yoshida Konzern v0.5.0 and Lubeck v1.0.0 - (c) - MSX-MAGAZINE SOFTWARE 1990 03. Woody Poco v1.0.1 - (c) dB-SOFT 1987 04. Penguin Wars 2 v1.0 - (c) ASCII 1988 05. Romancia - Dragon Slayer Jr. MSX2 v1.0.0 - (c) Falcom 1986 06. Dragon Slayer 4 MSX2 v1.0.0 - (c) Falcom 1987 07. Romancia - Dragon Slayer Jr. MSX1 v0.7.0 - (c) Falcom 1986 08. Welcome to Heaven v1.0.2 - (c) Taito 1987 09. Malaya's Treasure v1.0.0 - (c) Pony Canyon 1989 10. Ashguine Story 2: Citadel in the Void v1.0.0 - (c) T&E Soft 1987 11. Firebird v1.0.0 - (c) Konami 1987 12. Gladius v1.0.0: (c) MP 1992 13. Turtlemania demo msx2+ version v1.0.0 - (c) Agnes Muller 1992 14. Shot to another World v1.0.0 - (c) Doku 15. ParaDream v1.0.0 - (c) RAC House 1992 16. Mr. Ghost v1.0.0 - (c) System Sacom 1989 17. Sorcerer Lulba v1.0.0 - (c) Compile 1988 18. Puyo Puyo v1.0.0 - (c) Compile 1990 19. Maze v1.0.0 - (c) Compile 1988 20. Super Shang Hai Dragon's Eye v1.0.0 - (c) Hot B 1991 21. Turbo Booster v1.0.0 - (c) Kyoto Media 1990 22. Nyan Puzzle v1.0.0 - (c) Compile 1990 23. Yoshida Koumuten v1.0.0 - (c) ASCII 1988 24. Yoshida Koumuten Data Library Vol.1 - (c) ASCII 1988 25. Yoshida Koumuten Data Library Vol.2 - (c) ASCII 1988 26. Saladerman - (c) 1988 27. Final Potential - (c) ASCII 1990 28. Daisenryaku (c) - Microcabin 1986 29. Daisenryaku Map Selection (c) - Microcabin 1986 (Japanese to Spanish) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Romancia - Dragon Slayer Jr. MSX1 v0.7.0 - (c) Falcom 1986 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Dutch to English) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Tempo Typing MSX1 v1.0.0 - (c) Radar Soft 1986 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------