**************************************************** * Wonder Project J 2 (N64) Translation Version 1.0 * * japanese -> english * **************************************************** This patch is freeware, you may redistribute it as long as it is accompanied by this readme. Please don't distribute ROMs where this patch is already applied, thank you. This document is best viewed with a fixed width font such as Fixedsys. ----------------------------------------------------- 0. Contents ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Version History 2. Installation 3. Emulation 4. Project 64 ROM Database Entry 5. Known Issues 6. Translation Notes 7. Credits ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Version History ----------------------------------------------------- 12.15.2007 - Second Release V1.0 What has been done: Everything with the exception of a few graphics is translated. 01.21.2007 - First Release V0.1 What has been done: The beginning of the game is completely translated. Your first, second and third tour around the two islands should be in english. You can work as a waitress and as a flyer handler. ----------------------------------------------------- 2. Installation ----------------------------------------------------- Use an IPS patcher like LunarIPS to apply the patch. It should go without saying, but use the z64 patch if you have the z64 version of the ROM, use the v64 patch if your ROM is in the v64 format. The z64 patch has to be applied to this ROM: Good Name: Wonder Project J2 (J) [!].z64 File Size: 8388608 Bytes CRC32: 5E8FC436 The v64 patch has to be applied to this ROM: Good Name: Wonder Project J2 (J) [!].v64 File Size: 8388608 Bytes CRC32: 8AAF74A3 Once you've applied the patch, the ROMs should have the following specs: z64 ROM File Size: 8912896 Bytes CRC32: E1094E29 v64 ROM File Size: 8912896 Bytes CRC32: 38401DDB ----------------------------------------------------- 4. Emulation ----------------------------------------------------- Even though it's one of the oldest N64 games, Wonder Project J 2 isn't supported as well as one might think by N64 emulators. It runs on the following emulators to varying degrees. Emulators not mentioned here either don't run it or I haven't tested them. Nemu64: ~~~~~~~ The best emulator for the game, period. It runs it out of the box, no special configuration needed, no crashes, clean sound, just don't use Nemu's own graphic plugin. If your system supports this emu, use it. You need to take some caution when using a digital only input devices, though. If you're using a gamepad that doesn't have an analog stick, it's recommended to set the cursor speed in the game to slow. And keyboard users have to take note that the default range of the 4 direction buttons is something like 60%. In certain situations you need 100% range, pressing Control plus a direction button will get you these 100%. Mupen64: ~~~~~~~~ Before you can even run the translated ROM with this emulator you need to make a new entry in your ROM database file, scroll down to point 4 in this readme for the details. Once you did that you will get very solid emulation. But there are two points in the game where the emulator might crash. The first crash can be bypassed, the second unfortunately not. The first crash occurs right in the intro after you read that letter. To bypass this one, simply start your game by making a new entry in the diary. Once it crashes reboot and load your save, you will resume where you left off. The second crash occurs during the rather lengthy ending of the game, also after a letter. You can beat the game, but you won't see the whole ending if the crash occurs. Either start playing with Nemu right away, or switch to it once you get there. Furthermore I recommend using Jabo's DirectInput plugin. You can use NRage's Input Plugin as well, but the emulator will crash whenever you stop the emulation. Also, you will get the best sound when using Azimer's HLE Audio v0.56 WIP2 plugin. Project64: ~~~~~~~~ Just as with Mupen, you need to make a new entry in your ROM database file or else the translated ROM won't run with this emulator, scroll down to point 4 in this readme for the details. You will also face the two same possible crashes as with Mupen, so read the entry above. This emulator is rather picky when it comes to plugins. From my experience you will only get good sound out of it if you use the following graphic/sound plugin combination: Jabo's Direct3D Plugin plus Jabo's Direct Sound Plugin. Every other combination will get you crackling or other similar issues. 1964: ~~~~~ I have yet to fully test the game with 1964. Regardless of the combination I have tested, I didn't manage to get perfect sound out of 1964. At least one reason to avoid this emulator. If you really have to use 1964, I recommend using version 0.8.3 and 0.8.5, not 0.9.9. With 0.9.9 you'll get the same crashes as with Mupen and PJ64 plus lots of random ones. With the other two versions I mentioned you'll "only" experience a random crash here and there. And now on to the graphic plugins. Your choice here is almost as important as the emulator itself. Rice's Video Plugin: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My personal favorite. It's the only plugin where the face close ups don't break up and it's the only plugin that doesn't filter the graphics, resulting in almost pixel perfect results. You have to do some configuring, though. In its standard settings the plugin will filter text that's getting close to the right border of the screen, which looks really odd. To turn this effect off, load up the configuration window. Set render engine to DirectX, uncheck "Hide Advanced Options", then head to the "Texture Filters" tab and change the "Force Texture Filter" option to "Force Nearest Filter". Also, when using this plugin you might get a problem with the view in the last 3D sequence of the game, switch to another graphic plugin for this scene if it's bothering you. Jabo's D3D 8 Plugin: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The graphics don't look that great with this plugin. But choosing this one will give you the least problems overall. If you're under Windows 98, you might want to use Jabo's D3D 6 Plugin, it's almost the same. I don't think these 2 plugins can be downloaded seperately, but they are included in Project64 releases. Direct64: ~~~~~~~~~ Results with this plugin are very similar to the ones you get with Jabo's Plugins. Just a tad cleaner. There's only one real negative aspect here, it can get really annoying when using this plugin in Nemu64 and playing in window mode. No issues with the fullscreen mode, though. Glide64: ~~~~~~~~ Almost the same as Jabo's Plugin, but resizing here looks a bit ugly. Jabo's isn't already perfect when it comes to resizing WPJ2's graphics, but this here is even worse. Nemu64 Graphics: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Has various clipping problems and doesn't render the text properly. Not recommended! glN64: ~~~~~~ Very similar to Nemu64's own plugin, but it also causes the game to hang in the intro. Not recommended! Rice's Daedalus: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Huge problems with the 3D graphics and horrible text rendering. Unplayable! ----------------------------------------------------- 4. Project 64 ROM Database Entry ----------------------------------------------------- Open up the file "Project64.rdb" with a text editor and add the following lines somewhere in there: [4F1E88F7-4A5A3F96-C:4A] Good Name=Wonder Project J2 (T-Eng) Internal Name=WONDER PROJECT J2 T-Eng RDRAM Size=4 Counter Factor=Default Save Type=First Save Type CPU Type=Recompiler Self-modifying code Method=Default Use TLB=Yes Linking=On Reg Cache=On Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible Delay SI=No Audio Signal=No SP Hack=No Core Note= Plugin Note= ----------------------------------------------------- 5. Known Issues ----------------------------------------------------- The controller pak management screen that is accessed by pressing "Start" during the boot process is not translated and probably somewhat broken as well. Just use another game to manage your controller paks. In main menu, when switching back and forth between the two name input screens several times, the game might hang. No major problem, you should manage to input your name in one go I think. When deleting a diary in the main menu, the name you've chosen for Josette might not be displayed correctly. I'm not aware of any other issues, if you find any serious ones I wouldn't mind it if you report them. ----------------------------------------------------- 6. Translation Notes ----------------------------------------------------- There is quite a lot I would like to write about, but I won't. The patch is ready and I don't want to delay it any further. Writing this passage would take me a considerable amount of time, time that I don't want to spend right now. The stuff I planned to write here would probably boring to most anyway. There is just one thing I'd like to mention, a part I didn't understand myself for a long time, that should probably be explained: In the game you might see the name "Daijinma". This is most likely a reference to a rather famous japanese movie creature named Daimajin. Use your favorite search engine to learn more. ----------------------------------------------------- 7. Credits ----------------------------------------------------- So, who's been working on this patch: Ryu - That's me. I did the hacking and the translation. If you need to contact me for some reason use ryu@seiyuu.info. Mark Datysgeld - The man responsible for the script editing. Garret Greenwood - Proofreading and testing. He also adapted a hard to translate joke. CZroe - He tested the translation on a real N64. satsu - He helped translating a short text passage. ------------------------------------------------------ The project's homepage is http://www.seiyuu.info/wpj2 Refer to that site for any possible future releases.