Last Legion UX English Localization Complete localization of Last Legion UX into English. The original, unused English labels were utilized for the options and no controller screens. Images originally in English were left unaltered except for corrections to two typos in the attract mode character summaries. Apply the patch only to an unbyteswapped ROM. Xdeltas can be applied with the similarly named xdelta application. MD5 EB11FC0797AE1107201C4601FEE5471A The game uses 4k eeprom; if not found you should get save error messages but still be able to run. Was really hoping to slice another 0x6A400 off the filesize, but oh well. To make something clear: It's possible to make a patch within the limits of the law, but reproducing and distributing something you don't own is piracy. Don't be that guy that makes me start adding in anti-piracy code or limiting releases to specific hardware. -Zoinkity