Japan League Live 64 English Localization Patch I've oft been accused of making lousy localizations of crummy games. About time that's true. Ever play FIFA Soccer 64, or maybe FIFA 96 on PSX? Don't repress those memories just yet! For better or (more likely) for worse, J. League fell cleanly in the middle of 3D FIFA development in every conceivable way. Controls, gameplay, environmental design--it's all a bit...different. J. League Live 64 is developed directly from the PSX FIFA 96 title; there's certainly enough remnants left hanging around. FIFA 64 contains no references to its PSX predecessor but does contain a load of residual Japanese resources. Release dates mean nothing with these trash-fire promotional tie-ins; their progression is obvious to anyone with eyes. Just to be clear: this is not some "hidden gem". It's everything you've come to loathe from FIFA's first foray into 3D. Now unbound from the constraints of its language barrier, this travesty can be experienced by the English-speaking world. Notes: No effort whatsoever was made to preserve FIFA's usual language. If you really can't abide by "stoppage time", "pages empty", and "quit" the string table is plaintext so you can always attempt to change it yourself. One aspect that was preserved is using somewhat unhelpful letters for each team's standing in season play modes. These are, from left to right: [G]ames played, [W]ins, goals [F]or, goals [A]gainst, [D]ifference between goals for and against It's not obvious that on the team standing screen you can press C-Down to display a list of the highest scoring players. B returns from this screen. In all honesty none of the controls are terribly obvious. Name order has not been modified from the original release. People who have unusually strong opinions about naming conventions should know I went with the shortest possible method so every name would just barely fit within the original space provided. After all, the virginal purity of their questionable text alignments should not be tampered. A more spiteful person would intentionally use Hepburn. Patching: The patch will only apply to a ROM in native byte order (big-endian). Attempting to patch something else will result in a completely unhelpful checksum error. Xdelta patches can be applied with the aptly-named xdelta patcher. The SHA-512 for the original file, padded to the nearest viable chip size would be: 9563A4AC8D25C4163EFE0F99AC86EA0AAC20B21D2E91391EA70361711B808562174F18E55838A01494B9C6C041B81957E32CE1E115039E60400D3048A020813B The game uses one note and 35 pages on a Memory Pak to save "season" and "tournament" data. Save files remain compatible with the original Japanese title. If you are using HLE graphics plugins on an emulator you may need to add an entry for this game's settings. Specifics vary between plugins, but effectively consists of copying the original game's entry and using it as a base. Refer to your plugin or emulator's documentation on how to do this. If this is not an option, LLE emulation does not require game-specific settings, boasting much higher support and accuracy at the cost of performance. Emulation of EA sports titles leans toward lackluster. I can assure you though of a solid 20fps from my NEC 93.75 MHz VR4300. -Zoinkity