Cubivore / Doubutsu Banchou English Patch .: Introduction :. Here's a semi-direct downport of the Atlus script into the N64 prototype of Doubutsu Bancho. Translated images are original works. Their script was intentionally ruined in places where major deviations occured, with the singular exception of the clumsy comparison of Raw-Paw Sand Dunes to Africa and Tottori to avoid real-world references (see the Notes below for the line in question). Please note that "Clash" types do no exist in this prototype. Instead, they use "DarkRage", created similar to how "PaleDark" is. This affects the script marginally and play strategy significantly. Two gameplay changes were made: 1) Rage limbs have been added to Verdigrass Highlands. The rationale is...long-winded. Lap 3 stage 2: Verdigrass Highlands was incomplete. Besides the scripted Beastructions it only contained Pale, PaleDark, and Dark beasts. In addition, unlike every other stage it contained no replay (NewGame+) beasts and its special stage teleporter is always active. Without them, it isn't clear if getting all 150 mutations is possible. Your primary source of Rage meat on replay is special stages; normal play provides only a few, geared toward DarkRages. Lake Getum, specificly its bonus stage Snake in the Grassland, is the only source for the 3-limb Rage & DarkRage. However, it's also the only source for some of the 4-limb Rage, DarkRage, Dark, and PaleDark. This prototype was developed while they were creating the stage select menu used in GC to jump to any part of a lap; the images are compiled in but not used. You would need to play the entire game twice (and maybe a couple resets) to play this one stage twice just to complete both sets. Likewise, you can't amass a cheating number of lovebits to make these forms. Mating restrictions make it impossible to breed Rage without lovebits. With less than 150 Cubivores the highest you can naturally breed is a DarkRage Purpial, and it doesn't seem possible to have even 300 lovebits, much less more. Additionally, without any Rage meat in this stage it is impossible to collect 100 Cubivores by the end of the game and face King Cubivore on your first playthrough. With uncanny luck (aka savestates/resets) 96~98 appears to be the limit. Most important of all, it's dumb, I don't like that, and this is my patch. Long story short, Rage has been hacked into this stage to the disappointment of purists. The target was being able to create the same ~8 mutations available in final using the Clash counterparts for reference. An additional 1-Limb DarkRage Purple Rag unlocks on replay for an easy Rage Purpial. 2) Like in final, bonus EZ-Mutates will be added for your 20th, 50th, 80th, and 100th mutations. Remember all beasts become EZ-Mutates once you complete your Pokedex. This has a slightly hidden ramification, giving you another potential form against the King. * Be aware that the prototype is known to lag and occationally halt when there is too much to process. Prototypes are not complete games, and this translation makes no attempt to remedy the situation. It is possible to play the entire game through from start to finish despite these issues. No known bugs were addressed. For instance, the message that appears when the raw piece needed to move through a door is stolen shouldn't display in an endless stream until you step out of the door, and the descriptions for the six bonus stages on the inaccessible Map Select don't correspond. Not all doorways appear on the map all the time. Multiple faces on the replay character mapping onto each side is weird but probably intended, until they thought better of it before release. None of the missing or incomplete features besides those mentioned above were added. Map Select remains hidden, broken, and serves no function. The Stage Select (tiles ranging A-L) likely doesn't exist at all. The Bestiary's source images remain (and were pointlessly translated, whoops!) though the menus don't exist. Neither set of the file entry details were reactivated either. Only two of the six logos are loaded, and the one which is used is never, in fact, used. The boxes and arrows for a longer, more selectable file select menu go unutilized. Most unforgivable of all, the delightfully impressive and dubiously legible Saru Brunei logo remains only in memory. (For a taste of irony, all GC versions have at least one complete copy of all these unused images.) The patch adds in a game ID corresponding to the GC release GUID: NCVE. Like the original prototype it requires FLASHram to both save and run. The internal name was also changed to protect the innocent. .: Patching :. Apply the xdelta patch using the similarly named xdelta. The patch will only apply to a ROM in native (big-endian) byteorder. As of writing only one prototype has been found. Only apply to the nesworld 23 May 2021 dump. Common Names Doubutsu_Banchou.z64 Doubutsu Banchou - Unreleased - CARROT SHA-1 95A0F5F2545DD338FFEE85705A360AD161C835C7 SHA512 62CBD08BF18DCC3CFF4E74104D584AB0A3664CE46933367191824F6E0F06927F0790DB02F9C615D2E5106D4DCA6EF98569B15468CCED3D8228EB150A08DBAE9D .: Controls :. Control Stick Movement Tear Limb When biting a limb, hold down on the Control Stick to tear it off. Re-Bite Tap the Control Stick left or right while biting a limb to get a better grip. If you re-bite you cannot use Diet Plan. A Button Jump Break Free When bitten by another Cubivore repeatedly tap A to break free. B Button Cancel Pull (only during Bullfrogstool tongue training) After biting the mushroom's tab with Z, hold B to pull back on the tab. Press Z again to release. Z Button Pounce / Bite Hold Z to lock on. A pulsing light will appear on your current target. Release Z to pounce at the target. You will either bite the target, latch on with your mouth, or bite off its limbs. When biting a limb, hold down on the Control Stick to tear it off. When a beast tends to break free, tap the Control Stick after biting to re-bite the limb and get a better grip. Dash (once Raw-Paw obtained) Hold Z to run. L Button Poop Removes the left-most color from your body. R Button Block (once Raw-Bone obtained) Diet Plan Hold R when biting off meat. You will take one less than usual, or in the case of 2-limbed beasts, only one limb. C Down Use Rejuvenator Press once to display how many you have, and again to use one. C Up Roar (once Seed of Fright obtained) Scares away or knocks out weaker beasts. Also repositions the camera forward. C Left / Right Move camera 15 degrees left or right. + Down EZ-Mutate + Up Hold to switch between manual and automatic map controls. In manual mode, press + Up to switch between near radar, area map, or turn it off. .: Gameplay Notes :. There's surprisingly little difference in locations for beasts and items, as well as their colors. Notably, you will always collect Raw-Schnoz before Raw-Claw. Lovebugs add 5 lovebits instead of 3. Training grounds didn't move, but what type they are may differ. A few dynamics changed as well. Only your 50th mutation is automatically added to the EZ-Mutate list, Raw-Claw serves a completely different purpose, certain teleporters activate at different times, etc. Mating is always successful, and the forms available always range from (left to right) Pale Yellow to Rage Grey. As soon as you collect your 100th mutation you are whisked away to fight King Cubivore. If you lose, you'll appear on a partially-complete Venery Beach, be assualted by mobs of lesser beasts, and once you reach the exit face King Cubivore a loop, until you win ;*) Likewise, as soon as you collect your 150th mutation the "best ending" credit roll. When you restart from that file all mutations will be unlocked as EZ-Mutates. There's a limit on the number of active Cubivores at any given time, so some won't spawn in until others are disposed of. This is especially true of Ultimarsh. Scout ahead! When you eat beasts, bugs, and herbibeasts unloaded Cubivores will appear at the next refresh. These occur when you move between rooms, at the end of the day (following the poem), and when you enter and exit the Start menu. Most importantly, Clash doesn't exist. Instead, DarkRage is just a mix of Dark + Rage, similar to Pale + Dark. Unlike in final, Rage + Dark + Pale fulfills requirements for Dark mutations. Two of the bonus stages switched, affecting the limb count of the beasts therein. Colorful Crossings is now in Ultimarsh, and Smorgasbord Clearing in Wildlife Safari. Another--Zoo--exists in a semi-complete state but is not accessible. The cube-shaped head used in GC is the alternate head unlocked after finishing your first play through the game. Among their most peculiar design choices is that each face of this cube is one of your three faces [@,@] .: Dialog Notes :. Much of the dialog doesn't change between this prototype and the final release, though how it is written does. Many kanji that were difficult to read in this font were replaced with pure Japanese words. Tone also changes, favoring stronger statements over rhetorical questions. The final Japanese script avoids most real-world references, though this isn't always true of Altus' translation. * For the examples below all control codes, including newlines and clears, are removed. Text during cutscenes saw the greatest revision. Several lines are duplicated or shifted, which may or may not be correct. GC can afford to be wordier; its text buffer is larger to support these longer lines. The Raw-Paw Sand Dunes "dream poem" is the most dramatic change, removing a clumsy comparison with the deserts in Africa and Tottori. For those unfamiliar with Tottori, it's has largest set of dunes in Japan, has the world's only indoor sand sculpture exhibition (replaced annually unless earthquakes intervene), home to several prominent manga authors, and among other things is a general tourist trap. Where else in Japan can you take a camel tour? It's one of the only references to the real-world in the Japanese, and just like the alternate introduction was completely rewritten. N64 アフリカの砂ばくのようだなニクキュウ砂丘アフリカのおくトットリあたりか? GC ラーララーすなまじりで血がさきニクはあとかよニクキュウ砂丘 Line 81 counts three enemies, not two. There are three bosses in Killing Grounds, eat with Raw-Meat. N64 ナマニクをもういくつ喰えばオショーがスリーていうかボスが3匹もいる GC ナマニクをもういくつ喰えばオショーがツーつか、ボスもツーつか、2ひきかよ! Line 84 is another significant deviation, though not sure if it's introducing the same enemy or not: N64 ナマメダマ消えることのないナマのチカラコブンひきつれ動物特攻隊長 GC あら ステキ!キレイな、おニクがそこ、ここにタダでは、くれない?まぁ、ケチね! Line 91 is identical in both Japanese versions but is omitted--like the test strings--in English: N64 / GC パンモロはしつこいくらいにタックル野郎ギリギリでよけてやるしかないのか The Rebirth dialogs all underwent some degree of revision. In general the game became a bit wordier. I felt obligated to ruin a perfectly good script to represent some of these changes, so apologies. Line 124: N64 あ〜、喰われた〜安くて、あったかくって気持ちい〜ブタをみがいてニク3枚、できるかぎり大きくなってはみたけれど、 しょせんはブタ内新きろく、それがブタの限界だった。百獣の押をめざすには、ブタこえるブタにならなくちゃ… GC あ〜、喰われた〜くらくて、あったかくってキモチい〜ブタをみがいてニク3枚、できるかぎり大きくなってはみたけれど、しょせんはブタのしんきろく、それがブタのゲンカイだった。ここでおわるわけにはいかない! 百獣の押にならなくちゃ。 喰って喰って喰いまくって、ヤセイをとりもどし、ヘンタイやろうとよばれるくらいに、ヘンタイしまくって、モテてモテてモテモテてモテモテまくるんだ! もし、また生まれることができたなら… Line 127: turtles and soft-shelled turtles really are completely different. Otherwise, the thingamabob mentioned appears at the end of a different stage. It is, however, mentioned sporadicly in dream poems as well. N64 今日は、ブタさんのたくさんに雅った。もとい、たくさんのブタさんに雅った。ブタの顔を見ていると、なんだかムネがしめつけられるようなキムチになる。すごくおいしそうで、でもなんか、喰うことがためらわれるのはなんでだろ?もしかして、 むかしボクはブタとカンケイがあったのかな? いや、いや、ブタとクマじゃ、まるきり実力がちがう。つまりカメとスッポンです。ではなんでだろう?ナゾはふかまるばかりだね。ところで、ものすごく強いヤツにあった。その名も「ジン」。地上最強の「ジンバ」のファミリー。つぎにもっとでかいジンバのファミリーに出あったら、こんどはやられるかも!すれちがいハッとふりかえるとブタがいるかこのえにしかハラ減っただけか  GC 今日は、ブタさんのたくさんにあった。もとい、たくさんのブタさんにあった。ブタのカオをみていると、なんだかムネがしめつけられるようなキムチになる。 すごくおいしそうで、でもなんか、喰うことがためらわれるのはなんでだろ? もしかして、むかしボクはブタとカンケイがあったのかな?いや、いや、ブタとクマじゃ、まるきりつよさがちがう。いわば、カメとスッポンだ。ではこのキムチは、なんだろう?これってコイ?それともフナ? ていうか、ブタか。ナゾはふかまるばかりです。 それはおいといて、 ボクはクマ。ブタとくらべると、ものすごく強そうでしょう?ハラのカワがよじれるほど強そうです。「百獣の押クマ」…なんだかすごくにあいます。よし。このカオで、百獣の押めざして、 喰って喰ってヘンタイしてモテてやる!!クマのコは生まれたときはシロクマですかやがてパンダにさいごクロクマ? In Line 132; identical except for this phrase in the middle: N64 はたしてジンバに勝てるギャな?ジ、ジンバ! GC あのグループ! Line 133: N64 ナマニクがバラバラになってるとは!けっこうみんなアシが速いんで、アタフタしちゃって、みっともなかったすね。まあ、タビのハジはナマステってことでゆるしてください。あれでめちゃ強かったら、しゃれになんないッス。といいつつ、 次のナマニクをもっているのは、「ジンバ」のファミリーでも最強のヤツ!!はきそうなくらい、強そう!カラダにニクが6枚もついている!こ、こわい! でも、こんどのナマニクは、イノチ!こんどこそ!絶世のメスをくどくために、 ぜったい必要なナマっす。やらねばなるまい!ジンバさんつい、さんづけにしちゃうほど強いかぞくだジンバファミリー  GC ナマニクが、バラバラになってるとは!でもきっとトロいやつらだとアナゴってたら、 いがいと速くてびっクリ。 フグおいかけレバーよかったんだけど、トーフはなれちゃって、マッタケおいつけなくって、あせりましたびらめ。もっとカレーでステーキなところを見せたかったんですけども!マジメなハナシはこのへんにして、ところで、なんだかメスのにおいが、どんどんコクなってきてませんか?それもさいきょうに強まったメス、いわば絶世のメスのにおいが!ものすごくハラのへるにおいが!こんどこそ絶世のメスをくどきたい!そのためにはやっぱりナマです。ナマのイノチが…ほ、ほ、ほしぇー!ナマイノチ、うばわねばなるまい!イロコイにおぼれて気づいたでぃいえぬええイロがこいからイロコイなのね Line 134: GC includes the line Atlus read as "In other words: the only thing this beast lacks is lack itself." GC ぎゃくにいうと、よわさが、よわいヤツら! Line 136 stops at exceeding bearhood: N64 また、喰われた〜! こんどこそこんどこそ、絶世のメスとコウビができると思ったのに! コウビできるのはいつの日か。ニク5枚まで大きくなってはみたけれど、 しょせんはクマの限界だった。百獣の押をめざすには、クマこえるクマにならなくちゃ…こんどもちゃんと生まれ変われるだろうか? GC また、喰われた〜!こんどこそこんどこそ、絶世のメスとコウビができると思ったのに!コウビできるのはいつの日か。ニク5枚まで大きくなってはみたけれど、しょせんはクマのゲンカイだった。百獣の押をめざすには、クマこえるクマにならなくちゃ…ブタ、クマとすすんできたからには、もしつぎも生まれることができたならば、ドギモをぬくドーブツとなって生まれてくるにちがいない!もういちどだけ、生まれかわりたい!生きたい!生まれたい!生まれて、喰って、喰って、喰って、喰って、モテたい!こんどもちゃんと生まれかわれるだろうか?どきどきどきどきどきどきどきどきどきどき。 Line 137 stops at the bear to end all bears: N64 ウギャーッ! また、喰われたッギャーッ!ギャーッ!しかし、今度はいつもとはちがうたしかな手ごたえ!ただニクが5枚にふえただけじゃない、自分の中のヤセイが、どんどん大きくなってきていた!もし、もう違度、もう違度だけ生まれ変わることができたなら、クマをこえたヤセイのクマになれるのに… GC ウギャーッ! また、喰われたッギャーッ!ギャーッ!しかし、今度はいつもとはちがうたしかな手ごたえ!ただニクが5枚にふえただけじゃない、自分の中のヤセイが、どんどん大きくなってきていた!もし、もういちど、もういちどだけ生まれかわることができたなら、クマをこえたヤセイのクマになれるのに…これだけガンバッてんだもの。きっと、もういちど生まれかわれると思う! ブタからクマへとかわったんだもん。もしつぎに生まれられるとしたら、どえりゃー強えええドーブツになってるにちがいないんよガーガー。だから、どうかおねがい。もういちど。 もういちどだけ。すさまじく強いドーブツに生まれかわらせて!生まれたい。生まれたい。 Line 152: N64 ウギャー! ついに! ついに! ついに!ここまでやってきた! 最強! 最後の!ドーブツの押をたおした!おしくも!百獣の押にはとどかなかったけど、ニクを喰って喰って喰ってイロをあつめにあつめてヘンタイしたぶんだけ、血をうけついだドーブツたちが生きている!今、ボクのカラダには、ヤセイがみっしりつまってる! そして今、ヤセイが勝手に、さけびだす!ウギャーーーーーーーッ! GC ウギャー!ついに!ここまで!やってきたのはいいけど、倒せたのは、おしくも!元番長だけだったー!元ってなんだよ!元なのかよ!だけど、ニクを喰って喰って喰いまくり、イロをあつめにあつめてヘンタイしまくったぶんだけ、この血をうけついだドーブツたちが生きている!アイツらのためにも、こうなったら、もう違度、百獣の押をめざすしか!!今、またボクの中のヤセイがさけびだす、ウギャーーーーーーーーッ! でもホントーの番長に出雅ってたら、ホントーに百獣の押になれたら違体、 どんなキブンなんだろう… The script, though slightly expanded, saw less revision. Most changes amounted to control differences or exposition. (Note "@" in the below lines indicates a newline.) Not every line difference is given; this is just a summary of the most common or notable types of script revisions. GC tells you what things like a Wooden Horse are for. This applies to a range of different interactables; mushrooms, treadmills, snackgrass, etc. N64 15 「モクバ」が!  GC 15 「モクバ」!  @カラダをきたえて攻撃力をあげよう! -or what body parts like horns do: N64 18 ツノが生えてきた! GC 18 ちいさなツノが生えた!@攻撃力が、すこし上がった!  Lovebugs give 5 lovebits in the prototype, not 3: (〆 is the heart symbol) N64 56 「モテ〆ムシ」だ!@「モテ〆カケラ」 5個ぶんの効科! GC 56 「モテ〆ムシ」はっけん!@「モテ〆カケラ」 3コぶんだ! Completionists beware: N64 64 のこった白い土地は気にしないで@今は先にすすみましょう  GC 64 つぎの土地に行ってみよう!  The oasis' role is made more clear, not a vague "feel's good, man" vibe: N64 67 ハラにしみてゲンキになります   GC 67 オアシスにつかっていると@ゲンキになるようだ!   Your hump was originally stamina (体力), though most N64 images will read ハラ, including your HP bar. N64 73 コブがついたと!@体力があがりました   GC 73 コブがついた!@ハラの回復力が、上がった   A rare case where N64 provides more exposition than GC: N64 0161 動物水道局長@4枚のバラバラヅメをあつめなければ!  GC 0162 動物水道局長だ!  All of the Guardsman Beast dialog is slightly different. They drop parts of Raw-Claw instead of Raw-Schnoz. Here and in lap 3 you'll collect the schnoz before the claw. N64 0162 やや! 4つにバラバラになったナマヅメの@カケラをもっている!!  GC 0163 やや! ナマハナのカケラをもっている! @ぜったいに やっつけたいッ!! N64 0164 おお! @2つめのナマヅメのカケラもってるーッ!  GC 0165 おお! 2つめのカケラをもってるーッ! @コテンパンにして カケラをとりたいッ!!  N64 0166 あッ! 3つめのカケラッ!  GC 0167 あッ! 3つめのカケラッ!@コイツも ついでにやっつけたいッ!!   N64 0168 さいごのカケラッ!@これで全部そろうはず!  GC 0169 4つめのカケラッ!@これで、ぜんぶそろうぞ!!  N64 0170 「ジンバ」のなかまで最強だ!  GC 0171 今までの中でも、特に強そうだ!  These feel more like placeholders. There is a literal "time limit" and the exit is just an exit: N64 203+204 制限時間は 分です GC 207+208 ここに、いられるじかんは 分です N64 0207 出口です  GC 0211 マホージンです@元の土地にもどります  Controls were rarely given. Shame it didn't come with a manual ;*) As an example: N64 0237 てゆーか@うんこしないとダメ!  GC 0241 てゆーか うんこしないとダメ!@うんこは、∴でモリモリでます  Greyodons had somewhat different text: N64 0241 ひつようなイロをもったドーブツが@消えないうちに追いかけよう!  GC 0245 灰獣類ばかりが、いるらしい@イロこい灰獣類になれるチャンスだ!  -as did some of the varied-limbed beasts: N64 0242 「ゼネコン」ファミリーの1節、「イソーロー」だ!  GC 0246 違節の「イソーロー」だ!  N64 0243 「ゼネコン」のファミリーである@「イッコダテ」になれるかも!  GC 0247 アレレ?、 にげて・・・草の中にきえた!@こんどは、きえないうちに、おいかけていこう!  Originally Smorgasbord Clearing was the bonus stage for Wildlife Safari, filled with 6-limbed beasts: N64 0245 最大にニクづきのいい六節のドーブツで!@極まったイロをあつめられる場所!  GC 0249 ニクづきのいい五節のドーブツで!@極まったイロをあつめられる場所!  What Atlus called "Clash" types doesn't exist in the proto. Instead of clashing colors, these are Dark + Rage types: N64 0303 濃暴 GC 0308 混色 Besides the difference in the text, the color types originally gave the reading for the kanji following the name. They also told omitted controls for special abilities. N64 0334 王畜類(きちくるい)になった!@なんか! ガードがチョー強力! GC 0339 王畜類になった!@カワイイだけにガードがかたい N64 0335 赤翼類(せきよくるい)になった!@なんと! ジャンプ力がスゴイ! GC 0340 赤翼類になった!@なんと! ジャンプ力がスゴイ! N64 0346 青爬類(せいはるい)になった!@とおーくからタックルできる! GC 0351 青爬類になった!@とおくからタックルできる! N64 0337 紫乳類(しにゅうるい)になった!@バックが速い! GC 0342 紫乳類になった!@≦ボタンでのバックが速い! N64 0338 灰獣類(はいじゅうるい)になった!@何速がスルドイ! GC 0343 灰獣類になった!@>トリガーでのダッシュがスルドイ! Mating text goes out-of-order. Scar, hump, and horn points were renamed from conventional RPG names (DEF STA ATK): N64 0575 防御力がちょっとあがった  GC 0590 キズポイントが、ちょっとあがった@ポイントがたまると防御力があがる!  N64 0576 体力がちょっとついた  GC 0591 コブポイントが、ちょっとあがった@ポイントがたまるとハラの回復力がふえる!  N64 0577 攻撃力がちょっとあがった  GC 0592 ツノポイントが、ちょっとあがった@ポイントがたまると攻撃力があがる!足沖  Both Japanese versions contain an alternate, (probably) unused background story following their normal cutscene bank. It's identical in both versions and varies a bit from the introductory storyline when starting a new game: まだドーブツがにんげんだったころせかいは「ヤセイ」でみちていました。あらゆるものに「ヤセイ」はやどり、そこかしこにいのちがふきだしていましたしかし、いつしか「ヤセイ」はわすれられくだけてどこかへとびちりました「ヤセイ」がみえなくなると、せかいはイロをうしないましたでも「ヤセイ」はかんぜんにきえてしまったわけではありませんまだ、どこかにのこっているはずです「ヨクボー」というなの「ヤセイ」のかけらとなって…さあ、その「ヨクボー」さがしだしみにつけましょうからだに「ヨクボー」をみたしたときこのよに「ヤセイ」をよびさますひゃくじゅうのおうへのとびらがひらくでしょうしたいさいしょにボクは「したい」とおもったんだ The boring, dry version: When animals and humans lived together the world was full of Wilderness. Wilderness was in everything and life was abundant. But, without warning, the Wild was scattered to the ends of the earth and forgotten. With no Wild in sight, the world lost its color. Though scattered, it's not as though the Wild vanished. Where Appetite remained fragments of Wild could be found. Also, in the places Appetite can be found, satiating this Appetite could awaken the Wilderness. Can the Body of the King of All Animals open the door? I set forth. I want that Body. GC Cubivore contains an older variant of its own script near the end of the disk. For the most part it corrects grammatical and spelling mistakes, though several names did change. "Portfolio" was "TrapperKeeper", for instance. As far as this translation, I do apologize for mutilating a decidedly brilliant localization but can't, in good concience, just copypasta the GC script when it clearly changed. ハラ is an exception to this. Atlus alternately translated this as 'hump' or 'stomach' depending on the case, and in an unused image set had an icon of an intestinal tract. There are many other possible alternatives. To avoid changing quite a bit of layout, moving and/or resizing more buffers, etc., 'gut' is used when this refers to cubivore HP. Be thankful. On that same image are older, alternate color bubbles and the letters "HP" to the left of ハラ. You could have wound up with that. All of Atlus' other localizations--especially creature names--were retained. Literal interpretations of the ones that differ add no meaning. A different, recycled tile bank was being problematic so instead pagebreaks were added to ~5 of the cutscenes. Wasn't necessary, but didn't care to fix it. Language on some of the prompts may be abbreviated when compared to GC. EZ-Mute is used instead of EZ-Mutate, not just to avoid expanding buffers but also to avoid changing image layout. There are a couple known, minor issues that weren't deemed worth fixing. *) The species names displayed when you mutate and the one during gameplay use very different methods to assemble and print the strings. The colorwords don't match when layered on each other, and although they could probably be *made* to match it isn't really worth slicing that code up again. *) Not every string that should end in a period does. Pattern strings usually will, strings assembled word-by-word (or sometimes glyph-by-glyph) are a lot less likely. A two line prompt might consist of six or seven different lines visually appended together. In other words, it's a hassle. Thanks go out to Acey for preserving and releasing this prototype! -Zoinkity