Sin and Punishment English (Release 1.1) Translated by Vanit Made for rom header: TSUMI TO BATSU Website - Email - ---------------------------------------- Introduction: I translated this wonderful game because it is just so great and lots of people didn't give it the time it deserved because it wasn't in their native language. However, now you will be able to enjoy this game in full English curtesy of yours truly. Updates: In this minor second release I have changed the following: -Updated the tutorial in the readme -Added the dlls people were emailing me about saying it asked for them - see the tutorial below for more info. -Turns out I left 3 lines untranslated in the Training tutorial and I have put them in this time round. Thanks to everyone who emailed me about it. Take care, -Vanit ---------------------------------------- Tutorial: You might find yourself wondering how to install this translation because I did not make it in the ordinary way. So with this release I have also attached the required plugins and if you read on I will explain how to use them. Files Attached In Folder 'Rice': HiRezTexture.txt - has additional information on the plugin RiceVideo6.1.ini RiceVideo6.1.0-Readme.txt - even more information RiceVideo.dll RiceVideoDbg.dll hires_texture - this one is an empty folder, put it there anyways to save confusion ^Plop all of these into the plugin folder of the N64 emulator of your choosing^ BMGLibPNG.dll BMGlib.dll ^Plop these into the MAIN folder of the same emulator of your choosing^ Now in that empty folder in your plugin directory (hires_texture) place the 'TSUMI TO BATSU' folder. Then after that open your emulator and set the graphics plugin to 'Rice's Video Plugin 6.1.1 beta 10'... AFTER THAT... yes we're almost done; run the game and then go to the graphics options, then the 'Texture Filters' tab, and lastly make sure that the 'Load hi-res textures if available' box is checked, if it already is then just click 'Ok' and away you go! Enjoy! Note: If you can't find any of the tabs I refer to seem empty, make sure in the General Options tab that "Hide Advanced Options' is UNCHECKED. :) Note2: You will also find another 2 dlls in this pack that people have reportedly been getting errors from because their computer doesn't have them. Simply place the regarded dll in the main directory of your emulator if you get an error asking for it. If your dll is not on the list email me and I'll be more than happy to find it for you. The dlls included are: MSVCP71.dll msvcr70.dll ---------------------------------------- FAQS 1Q Is the game COMPLETELY translated to English? 1A Most probably! There's probably a few things I missed out that I'll add in the next release. Also keep in mind that in some places it is not a word for word translation and, like in anime dubs, in some cases its more timing/space effecient to rewrite certain sentences so the meaning is clearer. 2Q What DID you leave out? 2A I didn't get a chance to include the tranlsations of the features you get from finishing Normal and Hard mode. 3Q I can't get the translation to load, why? 3A Chances are you don't have the correct rom. Try getting another one. 4Q Is it properly translated or did you guess some of it? 4A 99% of this translation is accurate and I only guessed a single sentence in the demo tutorial. 5Q I found some parts that are still Japanese, what do I do? 5A Email me where you found them and I'll fix them for the next release. If you have any more questions email me at the address at the top of this document ---------------------------------------- Special Thanks: TheFreak - You provided the translation of the epilogue! Have a cookie! Rice - You made the plugin that made this possible! If you have emailed me about anything (at all) I thank you because your feedback/support has helped me better this pack!