ESPER DREAM 2 ENGLISH TRANSLATION V1.00 Copyright 2006 by Aeon Genesis ToC 1. About Esper Dream 2 2. Patch History 3. Patch Credits and Contributors 4. Known issues 5. Application Instructions --------------------- 1.About Esper Dream 2 --------------------- Esper Dream 2 is a fairly simplistic Action/RPG by Konami. The game has our protagonist chasing the missing Rings of the Book Worlds through a number of novels-come-to-life. Enemies in this are symbolized by walking pawprints; should the character come into contact with the prints, the scene switches to a battle arena in which the player, an ally (if one is present), and the enemies duke it out in similar fashion to a Zelda game. A few (extremely minor) changes were made to accomodate screen- space restrictions; since the name variable is four letters long, the main character's default name in the Japanese version ("Mamoru") was changed to "Matt." Similarly, the esper powers mostly underwent cosmetic changes: Esper Beam -> ESP Beam Esper Light -> Light Esper Stop -> ESP Stop Power Repair -> ESP Heal Teleport == Teleport Flash == Flash Foe Call == Foe Call Esper Barrier -> Barrier Everything else retained its original name. --------------- 2.Patch History --------------- Esper Dream 2 is a game I'd wanted to work on for a very long time, but was not able to do until recently. A few months ago I received some initial help from g8z et al. on shrinking the 16x16 font to an 8x16 font; their hack worked, but I was still stuck with the original number of characters onscreen at the same time, and there were other routines that needed changing (although they shared the actual print code with the main routine.) When DDS stepped up to the plate to translate, I fixed the font stuff, and when he finished the script in a week's time, I quickly got the rest of the game up and running. As a slightly humorous aside, shortly after launching the beta, my testers started to complain that the first boss was unbeatable. This couldn't be right, I thought, as I'd already played through the game in its entirety on my own. Sure enough, though, the boss's HP was set to 65535 if its health ever went negative. Turns out there was a checksum implemented to prevent the editing of the title screen... I removed the check and it worked fine, but still. Classic Konami, title checksums. September 12, 2006 - Initial version 1.0 release. --------------- 3.Patch Credits --------------- THE ESPER DREAM 2 TEAM Main Team: Gideon Zhi - Project leader, Romhacker, Translator DDS - Japanese Translator g8z et al - Initial font routine work Kitsune Sniper - Title screen -------------- 5.Known Issues -------------- -There are no known issues! Hooray! If you find anything wrong, please say so on The Pantheon ( Screenshots and savestates (FCE Ultra format only, please!) are preferred. -------------------------- 6.Application Instructions -------------------------- Quick ROM Info: 384KB (3mbit NES; 2mbit PRG/1mbit CHR) Simply apply the patch with a patching program of your choice. I personally recommend Lunar IPS (