Cosmo Genesis English Translation AGTP Version 1.0 ----------------- New in this version ----------------- Fixed one line of cavespeak found by (wraith) ----------------- Those Responsible ----------------- Gideon Zhi - Romhacker, Translator Megaman X - Beta tester (Thanks, man!) ----------------- Stuff Done ----------------- As many messages as I (or X) could find. ----------------- Stuff Not Done ----------------- Nothing, I hope. ----------------- Patching Instructions ----------------- Go to your favorite emulation site and download SNESTool. Drop it, the patch, and the Japanese Cosmo Genesis ROM into the same directory. Then open SNESTool. If it's missing some extenders, you'll have to find 'em on your own. Once you get SNESTool running, select (Use IPS) then the cosmogen.ips patch file, then the Japanese Cosmo Genesis ROM. You should now be patched. ----------------- If you find a bug ----------------- More than likely, it's untranslated text. Send a savestate or screenshot (preferably the former, in NESticle format) to Gideon Zhi, and I'll try to fix it. ----------------- How to Play ----------------- Since this game can be complicated, I've included this section to try and help beginners. First, the basic controls. A-Button fires your laser cannon. If you hold the A-Button down, you accelerate. If you tap it, you decelerate. If you hold it until the bar on the left is in the red, you'll accumulate small squares in the upper-left hand corner of the screen. These are jumps. Fill the bar and you'll jump as many systems as there are squares. Start button pauses, select opens the subscreen. Note that the bar on the right is the energy remaining in the current tank; the red circles in the upper-right are your reserve tanks. You'll go through plenty of 'em, trust me. The dial in the lower-left is your heading, the number in the low-center is the number of jumps until you reach your targetted sector (as seen in the map in the subscreen and on the heading dial.) The low-right circle is your rear radar. In the subscreen, A button will activate shields (this will make your main view display green but will show your damage report display as yellow, I think.) The cursors will allow you to choose a system to warp to, and your ship will be automatically aligned for the jump. It's pretty convenient, actually. -Finding your targets- When you enter a system that has something in it, a message will flash across the top of the screen. To find it, spin around in circles until your system bleeps and/or you see something on your radar or visual display. If it's your radar, it'll be a small blue dot; otherwise, it'll be arrows that direct you to your target or a small circle with a T in the upper right if you're far away. Otherwise, your target should be clearly visible. Approach planets and space stations using your boosters -- it takes forever if you just coast. -Refueling- You're gonna run out of energy, so be sure to stop at the space stations that are scattered throughout the small piece of the universe that the game takes place in. Just try and kamikaze a space station and you'll automatically refuel. -Landing- You can land on planets in the same fasion that you land on space stations. They don't refuel, and most of the planets don't have anything for you, but occasionally... -Mission Objective- Wipe out the enemy fleet before they wipe out your base. Oh, and don't get killed. Good luck; you'll NEED it.