KingMike's Translation kingmike2001 AT hotmail DOT com Heisei Genius Bakabon Patch v1.0 Release date: 09/23/2006 ********************************************* Original Language: Japanese ********************************************* ********************************************* Thanks to odino - translation ugetab - fixed the text display corruption bug from the last patch. ********************************************* Contents of package. baka-e10.ips :Japanese to English translation patch. baka-e10.txt :this document. ********************************************* Emulation Status: Tested in FCEUltra and NEStopia. NOTE THAT THE ROM MUST BE EXPANDED (from 256KB to 384KB) TO WORK! Expand only the PRG (program) ROM. Do not expand the CHR (graphics) ROM, or you'll get glitches, since then you'll have two copies of the graphics, but only one changed. And I shifted a few tiles around to make the title fit. FCEUltra (FCEUXD SP 1.07) and NEStopia (1.35) are the emulators I tested. ********************************************* What's done: - Text translated and inserted. - Graphics translated and inserted. Except for a couple I chose not to, during the Dojo level. - Thanks to ugetab for fixing the PPU corruption bug. - A couple tiny errors found in the last patch. What's not done: - No problems I'm aware of. ********************************************* How to patch: Using IPS: - Download this zip file. - Download the game ROM. (I won't provide this. You find it.) - Download Lunar IPS. - Download nflate, from either my site, or YOU MUST EXPAND THE ROM BEFORE YOU PATCH! - Follow the prompts. Enter the ROM name and a file name for the expanded ROM. Enter 1 to expand PRG, 0 to (not) expand CHR. - Open Lunar IPS. Click Apply patch. Pick the ROM and the patch. -If that is too difficult, open Lunar IPS, then close it. Do this to associate IPS files with Lunar IPS. -Now just double-click the IPS file, and double click the ROM. ********************************************* How to play: Press Start at the title screen. You'll go to the password entry screen. Use Left/Right to choose a letter, use Up/Down to change the letter, and press A when finished. If correct, you'll return to the level you left off at. In this game, you play as Papa. Your job is to travel through the various stages to save Mama and Hajime-chan from the enemies. This game is almost a puzzle game as much of an action game, as you must work through the sometimes-frustrating controls to solve each level. Each world in the game has four levels plus a boss, which are all fought in minigames. Here are Papa's actions: Move Press Left/Right. Duck Press Down. Crawl Hold Down and press Left or Right. Brake While running, press the opposite direction to slow Papa down before he hits a wall. If he hits a wall, he won't be able to move for a bit, and he takes damage. Climb ladders Press Up/Down. Jump Press A while still or moving. Climb Press A rapidly while on the edge of a block to pull him up. Wall-jump When two walls are close together, jump towards one side and press A a few times. Papa will stretch his body, and you can move him up or down. When he reaches the top, he will grab the edge where his hands and head are. Run While already holding a direction to move, begin to hold B. (you must press the directions first) Float Press B while standing still to pull out the umbrella. Papa will fall slowly, but he won't take damage when he lands. I think you can only open the umbrella on a jump's ascent. Pole Vault Very difficult to do. I'm not of the exact sequence, but I believe you need to first run (using directions and B) then in the air, release B and A. Tap A a couple times when you land for good measure. Tight-rope walk Just press B to take out the umbrella, and walk across a rope with the umbrella open. Fencing When an enemy Papa can fight appears (most must be simply avoided), Papa will pull out his umbrella automatically, in a fencing position. Use Left/Right to move, down to duck, A to jump, and B to stab. Papa begins the game with three dots, representing health. In later worlds, he will begin with more. Papa loses health when he touches enemies, spikes, lightning, and most other hazards. He will also be damaged by long falls. When Papa loses all his health, the game is over. You can choose to restart the level, or quit. If you quit, you will be told the password to replay that level later. When you step on certain places on the levels, bonus items will appear. Coins Worth varying amounts of points, from 100 to 1000 points. Rice bowls Eat to extend Papa's health meter by 1 dot. It does not restore any health, though. It is effective until a game over, or you finish the world. Papa can have up to 8 dots. If you find a rice bowl after that, you will get a coin instead. Milk Drink to recovers 3 dots. Clock Adds 100 ticks to the bonus timer. If time runs out, you can still play, but you won't get bonus points when you finish the level. If you finish a level with time remaining, you earn 100 points for every 10 ticks remaining. If you get enough points (I think it's every 10,000. But that's just a guess), you can be revived one time (when Papa dies, he'll get a free milk bottle, instead of game over). ******************************************* Heisei Tensai Bakabon (c) 1991 Fuijo-Pro, Kodansha, Studio Pierrot Game (c) 1991 Namco English Translation: (c) 2007 KingMike, odino No distributing the patch with ROM, either pre-patched, or in one zip. That's wrong.