Doki! Doki! Yuuenchi (Doki! Doki! Amusement Park!) English Translation v1.1 (31 October 2000) No Talent Translations -------------------- Members -------------------- - Klarth ( -------------------- What's new? -------------------- - I seemed to have forgotten something that made the title screen look empty, and thus crappy. Now I've added a horrible rendition of that something to the title screen, making it still crappy but a little nicer to look at. -------------------- I. The Game II. Project History III. Completed IV. Incomplete V. Thanks VI. Tools Used VII. Legal Crap -------------------- -------------------- I. The Game -------------------- - You're a child that wears a helmet and walks around killing things with balls and stuff. And you get to ride a roller coaster type thing. Um, yeah.. it's fun, anyway.. go play it! -------------------- II. Project History -------------------- - I was searching for a new project after I finished the Mini Putt page, and I saw "Doki! Doki! Yuuenchi" as the game's title. That made me think of Doki! Doki! Panic, and being that it was 4 in the morning and I'd been studying calculus for 3 hours, I thought that perhaps Yuuenchi meant Panic, or something. So I played the game, quickly realized that it was not Doki Doki Panic (which is an FDS game, btw), but was hooked on the game by then. Once again, I saw no japanese text, nor did I find any text when I went through the rom with Tile Layer. Anyway, I decided to "translate" the title screen again. I was rolling right along, and had an awesome font kicking for the word "amusement" that looked like a roller coaster, and was just about ready to make the IPS. And then I stupidly closed Tile Layer and erased the editted game when I meant to copy it to a different folder. So then I got pissed, went and took my Calculus final, came back here and made a really poor imitation of my original efforts. So that's why it looks like crap.. maybe I'll try and fix it again another day when I'm not as tired and not so bored with that particular game. Well, at least to my credit, the tile-layout in this game was much more confusing and difficult to edit than the Mini Putt tiles were. - I decided to leave the title as Doki! Doki! Amusement park, because it sounds and looks cooler than Thump! Thump! Amusement Park! -------------------- III. Completed -------------------- - To the best of my knowledge, everything. -------------------- IV. Incomplete -------------------- - Nothing, hopefully. May make the title screen prettier sometime, though. -------------------- V. Thanks -------------------- - Ballz, for reminding me what "Doki! Doki!" meant. - Gideon Zhi and the others from The Whirlpool's message board, for tolerating my stupid questions and helping me out. - The Whirlpool (, RPGd (, and all the other cool translation/emulation sites I regularly visit. - final exams for summer school, for giving me the drive to do something creative other than studying. - my computer, for not completely dying yet. - all other people out there who helped or encouraged me, or who are just cool people. -------------------- VI. Tools Used -------------------- - Tile Layer v0.50b by Snow Bro - JNES v0.30a by Jabo ( - Snes-Tool 1.2 by the M.C.A and Elite -------------------- VII. Legal Crap -------------------- - You may not redistribute this patch without this readme file included. You may not sell this patch for profit of any kind. Doki! Doki! Yuuenchi is property of Vap, copyright 1991. Blah blah. Thump! Thump! Amusement Park!