Tabo's Tactics addendum, by hap, Feb 18th 2006 I happen to like this game: 'Minna no Taabou no Nakayoshi Daisakusen', it's a remake of 2 similar games on the MSX1 system called 'Rotors' and 'Pairs', by ASCII. Use this patch in combination with Suicidal Translations' Tabo's Tactics Japanese to English translation v. 1.01. This fixes the problem that the game doesn't work on some emulators, and adds a missing translation. I actually started this somewhere in 2005, and tried to contact InVerse of Suicidal Translations, but didn't get any reply. If InVerse shows up again and decides to update his translation patch using the information underneath, please remove this additional patch. == the interesting stuff == The cause of the game crashing on some emulators is due to uninitialized RAM being flushed with $00 instead of the supposedly correct $ff. It locks up in an infinite NMI loop. Originally, NMI is enabled twice: once before checking if the PPU has warmed up, and once aftwerwards. Looks like a stupid game bug to me: normally NMI is disabled before checking $2002. offset $2b4a in .NES ROM (init routine): a9 80 lda #$80 8d 00 20 sta $2000 ;enable NMI change to: a9 00 lda #0 8d 00 20 sta $2000 ;disable NMI Another solution: luckily, the game only 'expects' RAM location $18 to be $ff. Hacking this into the game is quite ugly, so I favour the smaller fix above... offset $2b47 in .NES ROM a2 ff ldx #$ff 9a txs a9 80 lda #$80 8d 00 20 sta $2000 ;enable NMI a9 00 lda #0 8d 01 20 sta $2000 ;disable display change to: a2 ff ldx #$ff 9a txs 86 18 stx $18 ;[$18]=$ff a9 80 lda #$80 8d 00 20 sta $2000 ;enable NMI 8d 01 20 sta $2001 ;disable display, kinda A boring list: emu boots it original NMI disable [$18]=$ff ------------------------------------------------------------ FCEUclones yes yes yes Jnes no no yes Nessie no yes yes Nesterclones yes yes yes Nesticle :P yes yes yes Nestopia yes yes yes Nintendulator no yes yes No$nes no yes yes Olafnes no yes yes RockNES yes yes yes Schpune yes yes yes Sega Li yes yes yes UberNES no yes yes VirtuaNES yes yes yes Untranslated text, visible in attract mode (after the 1st demo) offset $7aa1 in .NES ROM: 3e 41 35 45 21 41 31 30 08 0f 44 1b linking to Japanese text: "press the start button" change to: 29 2b 1e 2c 2c 03 2c 2d 1a 2b 2d ae P R E S S S T A R T .