KingMike's Translation kingmike2001 AT hotmail DOT com Stargazers Patch v0.80 Release date: 04/01/2008 ********************************************* Original Title: Hoshi wo Miru Hito Original Language: Japanese ********************************************* Introduction: (thanks Eien Ni Hen) Sometime in the future, there is a boy named "Minami". He doesn't know who he is or where he is from. However, he is not without enemies. A group of fierce psychic hunters called the Death Psychics, and the Guard Force, together with its army of robots, all seek to capture him because he is a powerful Psychic. They find him and prepare to attack... A computer called "Crew III" was built inside the metropolis of Ark City to oversee things. Crew III has now assumed complete control, to the point of invading people's minds. The system was built to cleanse the city of people with harmful thoughts by using a form of mind control. The effects of Crew III are powerful enough to strip you of your very identity. However, there are a select group of people called "Psychics" who aren't effected by its mind control. And so, the Crew III begins to hunt them down. These Psychics are captured and taken to Ark City, leaving the 4 main characters behind. Honestly, apparently this game is a legendary kusoge (sh** game) in Japan. To sum up some of the problems: the initial town (as well as other places) are invisible, exiting many locations on the world map warps you to the first town. The battle cursor defaults to "ESP", and once you've selected ESP (or medicine) on the battle menu, there's no cancel button. You can't escape, either. Passwords don't save your money or medicine ingreditents, and when you die, you'll have to re-enter the password (a maximum 35 characters long, if I remember) to try again. Now, you all can have fun trying to play it. The main patch will add password memory, so you can save to three files. (when saving, just select a file to save to and push A. To load passwords, just select a save slot and press A to load the password, then press A again to confirm) I also sped up the characters' walking speed. Though I think most of you would want those, I've included an alternate "purist" patch that does not include either of those extras (version "a") ********************************************* Thanks to odino - translation KingMike - hacking, script writing (hope odino doesn't mind the extreme liberties I took. For a "futuristic" themed-game, I decided to attempt to go with a more colloquial script). If anybody wants a direct translation, I can do that.) message board members - lists and some spot translations ********************************************* Contents of package. sge080.ips :Japanese to English translation patch. sge080a.ips :Japanese to English translation patch, without saving/walking speed enhancements. sge080.txt :this document. ********************************************* Emulation Status: This game should be playable in most emulators. I expanded the ROM from 128KB to 256KB, but it should still work in most emulators. ********************************************* What's done: - All dialouge has been inserted. Menus should be translated. What's not done: - Much of the battle text has not been translated, thus not inserted. (I just wanted to get what I have so far out on this fitting date) ********************************************* How to patch: MAKE SURE YOU USE A NES ROM EXPANSION PROGRAM FIRST, such as my program nflate. If not, you'll have to use a hex editor and make a new file with: -the first 112KB (0-1C000F) of the original ROM -128KB blank space ($1C010-$3C00F) -the last 16KB of the original ROM How to use IPS. - Download this zip file. - Download the game ROM. (I won't provide this. You find it.) - Download Lunar IPS. - Open Lunar IPS. Click Apply patch. Pick the ROM and the patch. -If that is too difficult, open Lunar IPS, then close it. Do this to associate IPS files with Lunar IPS. -Now just double-click the IPS file, and double click the ROM. ********************************************* How to play: On the title screen, select START to begin a new game or CONTINUE to enter a password or load a saved game. (note that you lose all money and medicine ingredients whenever you load a saved game) Controls: D-pad : Move character Select : Switch current member on the main screen. Only the current member can buy equipment, view their status, or use ESP. Start : Unused. B : Cancel selections. A : Open Command menu in the field, confirm selections. Commands: Speak : talk to people ESP : Use a character's field ESP, if they have any. Break : Break certain barriers. Jump : With a higher combined Jump rating, you can jump across rivers and walls. Also, some characters can use Jump ESP to teleport the party to another place. Telepathy : ???? Save : Get a password or save a game. Medicine : Use a potion. Discard : Drop an unwated Item. Strength : Body: Current status ailment if any. Level: Current experience level. Hit Points: Life energy. The character will die if it reaches 0. First number if remaining, second is maximum. Psychic Points: You must have so many left to use ESP in battle. Speed: ??? Defence: Reduces damage from enemy attacks. Proficiency: Ability to use weapons. More proficinet characters will do more damage. Experience Points: the first number is the amount of Experience collected, the second is how many total points the character needs to raise their experience level. Item: Item: View items in hand. Ingredients: View how many you have of each of the ten Nuts. Break, Jump, Telepathy, Shield: Proficency at each type of ESP. Weapon, Protection: Equipped weapon and armor. Gold: How much gold you've accumulated. Each party member has their own reserve of Gold. To use the nuts, there is a guy in Mamus Village who can mix up to three nuts for 15 Gold. You will receieve a potion depending on which nuts you mix. There is a lady in Mamus Village who will recover a party member's HP, PP and body for free whenever you need. Battles: When you have two or more members, you will be prompted to choose the turn order at the start of every battle. Note that in battles, the ones digit of each character's HP is not displayed. This is because you have a five-digit maximum, but the screen was designed for four digits. ESP : Use an ESP power. After selecting a power, you can power it up to four times (increasing PP usage and strength). Use left and right to choose (you'll be shown how much PP will remain after casting) Fight : Use a weapon to attack the enemy. Protect : Take no action, but reduce damage taken. Medicine : Use a potion. Power : Check a character's statistics. You will be prompted for whose status to check. ******************************************* Hoshi wo Miruhito (c) 1987 Hot-B Stargazers (c) 2008 KingMike, odino No distributing the patch with ROM, either pre-patched, or in one zip. That's wrong.