Seven Islands translation patch c. 2005-2008 all rights reserved. The snark. :) Enjoy! ******************************************************************************************** Higemaru Walkthrough c. 2009 snark c. pest-O c. 1987 Capcom/ NES original game Updates: See the bottom for new codes! See *** for location of all three pearls! "Higemaru Makaijima Nanatsu Shimanodai Bouken" -Higmemaru Seven Islands Adventure- You are a sea adventurer, sailing through the seven isles to find the long lost treasure of the ill-fated pirate captain Beard. Seven pirates ship will have a key to each island. Moving ships have clues, and moving pirate ships have treasure chests to increase hp. Your adventure is on land and sea. All the ports at first are locked. Sail around, speak to the other captains' ships to find out important clues, and defeat the first moving pirate ship. A Stationary pirate ship will have key when you defeat the captain, and you have to defeat his crew before you can reach him. Sail east towards Cook Island where the natives are always restless, and they want to "cook" you. :) COOK ISLAND At the top of the island is a strange monument with ghostly ciphers. Make a note of them for later. Go upward to find a POW Block for 2000 pts and through a passageway to talk to an old man of the sea. He tells you only the best can find captain beards treasure. Go to leftwards and south to find and defeat the Chief Headhunter Boribito. After you defeat him, then walk to the left through the open foliage to speak to the old man of the sea, He tells you that a tome is on skull island. He seems to be standing next to a candelabra of sorts. Sail away and scout the seas to find the next stationary pirate ship, and defeat the pirate to get the key to Curse Island. CURSE ISLAND This island has two cavern entrances. First, go to the left entrance. The iron gateway looks curious. Throw all four rocks at the wall and it will open. The alcove has the ***first blue pearl.*** Take it. Next go to the right entrance of the cave. There is another monumnet with ghostly ciphers. Make a note of them for later.There are three "POW" blocks in the passageways,you'll need them all for the next boss. Go northward to find a a strange altar to a blue demon. Defeat the Archbishop, and dodge his fireballs. Sail away again and find the pirate ship with the key to Mermaid Island. MERMAID ISLAND Talk to the old man at the beginning of town .Heed his advice, because if you fall into the water in this area, you will drown. Find the boss, a two tentacled tube worm. Go upward and find the first stone tome. Go back down where you defeated the monster and go down, left, up, left, and up again to a field of rocks. Remove them all to find a trapped mermaid. Escort her to the ramp, and she will give you the ***second blue pearl.*** At the right topmost area of the island, an old sailor by a mermaid statue tells you to find Beards tombstone. Sail away again and find the pirate ship with the key to Asp Island. ASP ISLAND This island is a place of lost souls who were deserters in battle. A lone soldier warns you at the door. Enter the stone tower and go left and find stairs hidden underneath a rock. Go left up and right to talk to the old man.He has a red lantern to give you. He warns of the ghouls on Skull Island. Find the boss, Cycoclops and defeat him for another stone tome. He mocks you and returns to hell. Sail away and find the pirate ship with the key to Skull Island. SKULL ISLAND This island looks like Halloween. If you try to go to Skull Island directly, it will be pitch black. Go back to Cook Island and find the man with the candelabras. The candles will burn, removing the darkness from Skull Island. Go leftward until you find a tree eye, as it moves it will reveal a path up into the mountains. This place is creepy, flying skulls, snakes, and red lava that flows from a giant beating heart in the mountains. Spoooky. Defeat Giant Zombi and go upward to get the third stone tome. Get the Key to Wolf Island. WOLF ISLAND Before you enter Wolf island, a grey ghost ship appears. Defeat the pirate to get a real stone tome, the one from Asp Island was a decoy. The three tomes make up a chart to help you decode the ghost ciphers. Go to Wolf island and talk to the first old man on the beach. He tells you that Captain beard has a jeweled eye. Find a lone cactus on the left side of the island. Throw five rocks at it to reveal the ***third blue pearl.*** Go left and defeat Fire Kong and go up to get the Map. Go down twice to talk to the old man, he tells you that Jacknife Island is the key to Beards tomb. Go rightwards and downwards to the old sea wolf, who tells you to check your map when the earth shakes. Go upwards and rightwards as far as you can to find a locked door. If you go around from the other side, you will see that it is the ghost of Captain Beard! Leave the island and defeat another stationary pirate ship to get the Jacknife Island key. JACKNIFE ISLAND It looks all frozen, like Canada. The pirates look like lumberjacks. Defeat the Iceberg and go upwards to learn of the fate of Beard and his crew, whose ship went to the devil. Go downwards and hop across the iced sink-holes to speak to a man in an igloo. He tells you the key to beards tomb is in a monolith oracle. On the island is another monument with ghost ciphers. Use your chart to decipher them. CIPHER: It reads "BOAT- THIRD WEST TEN - BARRELS" Where have you seen lots of cargo ships and barrels? At Wolf island. Go to the right and count three ships at the docks. If you throw ten barrels into the third cargo boat from the west, the bridge will open. Or you could be a scalawag and throw ten barrels at each ship, if you like to fight salty pirates. Go to the bridge that has opened and cross it. You will see an abandoned stone dwelling, with a large iron ball in the front. Throw four rocks at it, and the earth will shake! Look at your map, like the old sea wolf said and you will see why they call it Jacknife Island! There is a long peninsula now on the map. Go to Jacknife Island. Go right and downwards to a lone igloo after crossing more ice quagmires. Fall into an ancient Grecian-looking sunken palace. SUNKEN PALACE Go all the way to six headless Grecian statues, and remove the rocks to find a hidden passageway. Fall in the hole to speak to the monolith oracle who cryptically speaks about passing through one door to reach another. Where have we seen a barricaded door before? WOLF ISLAND Sail back to Wolf Island and cross through the old barred door to defeat the pirate Captain Beard. Take his jeweled eye.Sail back to Jacknife Island, and return to the igloo to the sunken palace. Instead of seeing the monument in the passageway,this time something is waiting for us! We find the cause of Captain Beards demise, the the old Red Rogue, the Devil! Defeat him, and then fall through to the monolith oracle, and enjoy the hoards of treasure and the exciting ending! BOSS FAQ COOK ISLAND - BORIBITO Stand to his side and avoid his tomahawks, and throw 10 rocks to defeat him. You can hit him only when he is stationary. He gives 300 HP damage. CURSE ISLAND - ARCHBISHOP He spits out fire. Throw at least ten rocks to defeat him. He gives 500 HP damage per hit. wOLF ISLAND -FIRE KONG Watch out for this fiery orange gorilla's fireball. -CAPTAIN BEARD Watch out for his hook it goes a long way. -JACKNIFE ISLAND -ICE BERG Watch out for his icicles, and sstay out of the path of his rocks. -SUNKEN PALACE -DEVIL THE RED ROGUE Do you have the courraage to defeat him and claim Beard's treasure? ENEMIEs COOK ISLAND UHARU They hurl spears at you. BUSH They may be slow but they run right into you. BONGO They thow rocks at you. CURSE ISLAND APOSTLE A APOSTLE B REAPER MERMAID ISLAND CRAKEN CRSH FISH TUBE WORM ASP ISLAND BLUE GHOST ZOMBI FIRE FLY SKULL ISLAND TREE EYE SKULLFLY GHOST SNAKE WOLF ISLAND PIRATEER SCORPION JACKNIFE ISLAND GHOST SHARK SNOW MAN BOMBER TURTLE ************************ Password Codes: COOK ISLAND: PNAC JJAJ BAKD BHGM LKDE MIIN CURSE ISLAND: AAAA AAMA IAAC ABEA GAMA JBDE MERMAID ISLAND: AAAA AAOA MAAD ACFB HADJ PEJP ASP ISLAND: AAEA CAPA OOAE ADDF DANH CBJE SKULL ISLAND: AAFA HAPI PAAF AHDH HABK HBOG WOLF ISLAND: BAFA HEPM PIAG AFBJ JAAL PMID JACKNIFE ISLAND: DAPB PGBO PPAH AFIJ FADK EAHC ************************ Happy Sailing!:)