.,g8&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&8g,. d$$$$$$$$ $$P"~"OY$$$ l$$$$$$$$$$$$$~~~~~$$$$$$$$$$$$$b l$$$$$$$$$ n $l dy, 'Y$ '$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$$$$ e l` l$$b Y 'Y$$$P` $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ o $$"" `` $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ b `Y$$$$$$$ by, ,d $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$P" $b $"""" $$$$y$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$P" ,y " , $ l $$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ d$$ ` $b $$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$b ~~~ b $$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$8y,. $8y, .,y8$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ggggg$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$P"~"OY P_"~"OY$"""""~~"OY$$$$$$$$$P"~"OY$$$$P"~"OY$$$$ $$l dy, . 'Y$$$8&by, 'Y$$$$$$l dy, 'Y$l dy, 'Y$$ $l` l$$b ,g, Y $b Y$$$$l` l$$b l` l$$b Y$ $ $$"" l$l l ' ,d$$$$ $$"" $$"" $ $b `Y$$$$$ ;$P d ` yy, `~l $$$$$$$$b `Y$$$$$$$$ $$b $$$; ;P d; $$$$b ; $$$$$"""" $"""" $" ,yy$$$l dl ; $$$$$l $$$$$ l , $ l $ `$$$$$$b `' d $$$$$$ . `Y$$b ` $b $ $$$$$$$b, ,d$ $$$$$$ b $ $$$$$$$$$by,.,yd$$$ggggg$$$$$$ $8y, .,y8$y, .,y8$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ trip(RMRS/iCE) " I can compliment you well. " R E L E A S E ,d$b. "" $$b yy $$$$ ,db, ,d$b. $$ ' $$ $$Yb $$ $$yy $$ $$ ` $$ `qb $$ $$ Yb$$ $$~~ $$ $S qb' ,d$b. $$ ~~ $$$ $$ YyyP ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' Release : Final Fantasy 1 & 2 `qb ,d$b. File : FF1&2.ZIP ,d$b. $$ ' Validity : [ ] Alpha [ ] Beta [x] Final ` $$ `qb Medium : NES Translation (Jap -> Eng) qb' ,d$b. Version/Date : 1.00 2-10-01 ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb THE SHIT qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ This is a translation for the rereleased combo ROM that had $$ ' qb' both Final Fantasy 1 and 2 included. It was for the Famicom, `qb ,d$b. and it was released in '94. It had all this neat crap in it, ,d$b. $$ ' like maps of both worlds and hint books and all that Working ` $$ `qb Designs type stuff. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ I picked up a copy when I was in Japan. I saw it in this one $$ ' qb' store one day but it was like 5000 yen (50 bucks)! So I asked `qb ,d$b. Bill Fleming if there was enough money left over from the ,d$b. $$ ' Earthbound Zero fund to help me out, and there was. So I ` $$ `qb went back and bought it once he'd sent me the money, then once qb' ,d$b. I was back in the USA I sent it over to Barkley to get it ,d$b. ` $$ it dumped (a correctly dumped ROM of this game didn't exist $$ ' qb' yet at the time) and when everything was done and over with, `qb ,d$b. I got to keep the cartridge. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb I immediately started thinking about a translation for it, qb' ,d$b. cuz it would be so easy to do but still be pretty cool to ,d$b. ` $$ play. I contacted yoshi about it, and he was pretty eager $$ ' qb' to help. We had this whole thing where we were gonna have a `qb ,d$b. new intro, even better than the one in the FF2j thing. I ,d$b. $$ ' made up some prototype plans for the intro and sent them off ` $$ `qb to him. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ I waited and waited to a sign of progress, but nothing came. $$ ' qb' Eventually I emailed him asking what the fuck was up, and he `qb ,d$b. told me he was giving up console programming because it takes ,d$b. $$ ' away from the nostalgia for him. I disagreed; the only ` $$ `qb direction one can go is forward, but I respected his decision qb' ,d$b. and realised this translation may never be released. So I ,d$b. ` $$ just went on to other things. $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. Two years later, a guy with some horrible line of bullshit ,d$b. $$ ' (he said his brother had leukemia but he spelled it all wrong ` $$ `qb and stuff) begged me to just forget all the fancy smancy intro qb' ,d$b. stuff and just release the fuckin translation. So I put about ,d$b. ` $$ an hours worth of work into copy-pasting in hex workshop and $$ ' qb' here you are. `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' There's no frills to this thing - I don't even have the ' $$ `qb original Neo Demiforce intro in the FF2j part. It's just the qb' ,d$b. two games translated into English. FF1 uses Nintendo's ,d$b. ` $$ original translation, and FF2 uses my translation, ver 1.03. $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. Check out what it coulda been - ,d$b. $$ ' http://demiforce.parodius.com/k.gif ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. BUGS ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb There are bugs with this! This is another reason why I didn't qb' ,d$b. wanna release it in the first place! You can't save both games ,d$b. ` $$ at once! Like if you save a game in FF2, then save a game in $$ ' qb' FF1, then go back to FF2, the FF2 savegame will be ERASED! Use `qb ,d$b. savestates if you can! Yoshi was gonna recode some of it so ,d$b. $$ ' that this would be fixed, but again, he quit so I can't do $$ `qb anything for yall realy. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ This ROM won't work in Nesticle. It's the only 8bit FF that $$ ' qb' won't. Well, it sorta works - the FF1 part works, but the FF2 `qb ,d$b. part will just reset the ROM if you try it. I use LoopyNES for ,d$b. $$ ' a lot of stuff anymore, and it works fine with that. ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb CHANGES qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ - There were a few monster graphics changed in FF1. $$ ' qb' http://demiforce.parodius.com/ff1m1.gif `qb ,d$b. http://demiforce.parodius.com/ff1m2.gif ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb - In the original FF2 they made a spelling mistake (they qb' ,d$b. left out a 'ni' somewhere or something) and it's fixed ,d$b. ` $$ (but not that it'd make a difference here in the English $$ ' qb' version). `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb DEV qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ If you wanna try adding all that extra shit I was gonna add $$ ' qb' with yoshi, lemme know and I'll hook you up with all the `qb ,d$b. graphics and sources and shit. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. DYSTRO ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb http://demiforce.parodius.com/ - Nuts on Your Chin qb' pz