.,g8&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&8g,. d$$$$$$$$ $$P"~"OY$$$ l$$$$$$$$$$$$$~~~~~$$$$$$$$$$$$$b l$$$$$$$$$ n $l dy, 'Y$ '$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$$$$ e l` l$$b Y 'Y$$$P` $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ o $$"" `` $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ b `Y$$$$$$$ by, ,d $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$P" $b $"""" $$$$y$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$P" ,y " , $ l $$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ d$$ ` $b $$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$b ~~~ b $$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$8y,. $8y, .,y8$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ggggg$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$P"~"OY P_"~"OY$"""""~~"OY$$$$$$$$$P"~"OY$$$$P"~"OY$$$$ $$l dy, . 'Y$$$8&by, 'Y$$$$$$l dy, 'Y$l dy, 'Y$$ $l` l$$b ,g, Y $b Y$$$$l` l$$b l` l$$b Y$ $ $$"" l$l l ' ,d$$$$ $$"" $$"" $ $b `Y$$$$$ ;$P d ` yy, `~l $$$$$$$$b `Y$$$$$$$$ $$b $$$; ;P d; $$$$b ; $$$$$"""" $"""" $" ,yy$$$l dl ; $$$$$l $$$$$ l , $ l $ `$$$$$$b `' d $$$$$$ . `Y$$b ` $b $ $$$$$$$b, ,d$ $$$$$$ b $ $$$$$$$$$by,.,yd$$$ggggg$$$$$$ $8y, .,y8$y, .,y8$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ trip(RMRS/iCE) R E L E A S E ,d$b. "" $$b yy $$$$ ,db, ,d$b. $$ ' $$ $$Yb $$ $$yy $$ $$ ` $$ `qb $$ $$ Yb$$ $$~~ $$ $S qb' ,d$b. $$ ~~ $$$ $$ YyyP ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' Release : Final Fantasy 2j English Patch (c) `qb ,d$b. File : FF2PATCH.ZIP ,d$b. $$ ' Validity : [ ] Alpha [ ] Beta [x] Final ` $$ `qb Medium : [x] NES [x] PasoFami qb' ,d$b. Version/Date : 1.03 8/18/98 ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' CREDITS: `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' Translation Code Scripting ` $$ `qb ------------- ----------- ----------- qb' ,d$b. Flobbasko Alex W. Jackson Demi ,d$b. ` $$ Tomo1657 BiGWieRD $$ ' qb' Travis Golob Darkforce `qb ,d$b. Landy ,d$b. $$ ' Necrosaro ` $$ `qb Y0SHi qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' FILES INCLUDED: `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' FF2E.NFO ... This info file ` $$ `qb FILE_ID.DIZ ... your average run of the mill DIZ qb' ,d$b. FF2EPASO.IPS ... PasoFami format FF2 patch ,d$b. ` $$ FF2EINES.IPS ... iNES / NESticle / everything else FF2 patch $$ ' qb' FF2PATCH.EXE ... Wonderful magical patching program (use this)`qb ,d$b. IPS.EXE ... Executable to apply IPS patches ,d$b. $$ ' FF2E.NAM ... Replacement NAM file (PasoFami) ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ APPLICATION OF THE PATCH: $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. I pretty much set this whole thing up for you lamerz. ,d$b. $$ ' If you unzip the archive into a directory where a Pasofami ` $$ `qb or iNES format FF2j ROM is, my FF2PATCH program will search qb' ,d$b. for those ROMs and patch them. The new ROM will overwrite ,d$b. ` $$ the original ROM, so back it the fuck up. Still, if you feel $$ ' qb' like being an adventurous little hax0r dewd and want to patch `qb ,d$b. it manually or if my program didn't work, follow these steps: ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb 1. Unzip the archive into the directory where the japanese qb' ,d$b. Final Fantasy 2j ROM is located. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' 2A. If you see a FF2j ROM that ends with the extension NES, `qb ,d$b. type "IPS FF2J.NES FF2EINES.IPS" and it should patch ,d$b. $$ ' the ROM. ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. 2B. If you're using the PasoFami emulator to run FF2e, type ,d$b. ` $$ "IPS FF2J.PRG FF2EPASO.IPS". This will patch the ROM. $$ ' qb' (Optional) Replace the FF2J.NAM file with FF2E.NAM. `qb ,d$b. All it does is change the title bar info in PasoFami. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb 3. Go Play your patched ROM on your emulator of choice. duh.. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' *NOTE* The above steps assume that your unpatched ROM title is `qb ,d$b. named FF2J. If it's called anything else (like FF2 or ,d$b. $$ ' FinlFnt2), change the steps accordingly, see. ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. *NOTE* The patch MUST be applied to an original Japanese FF2 ,d$b. ` $$ ROM. If you try to patch it over any previously partially $$ ' qb' translated ROM, it'll fuck up. `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. A BRIEF INTRODUCTION.. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' This patch is a translation of an 8-bit Nintendo ROM image. `qb ,d$b. A ROM image is a file dumped from a cartridge copier device ,d$b. $$ ' onto a computer. Essentially, it's a replica of a Nintendo ` $$ `qb game on your computer, minus the cartridge itself. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ The particular ROM image that we've translated comes from $$ ' qb' a game called Final Fantasy 2, released by Square of Japan `qb ,d$b. in 1988. We are translating it because it was never brought ,d$b. $$ ' over to America originally. When most people think of Final ` $$ `qb Fantasy 2, they think of the Super Nintendo game featuring qb' ,d$b. Cecil and Kain, but that game was actually Final Fantasy 4. ,d$b. ` $$ (Square rearranged the numbers around for Americans to hide $$ ' qb' the fact that they had been denying us some of their games.) `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' With this in mind, we decided to finally ressurect the game ` $$ `qb and let Americans play it for the first time. Although by qb' ,d$b. today's standards it is far from state-of-the-art, many can ,d$b. ` $$ appreciate it for the sole fact of wanting to play every part $$ ' qb' of the series, or to admire its delicious oldskool gameplay. `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' It's very difficult to put a ROM back into a cartridge ever ` $$ `qb since Nintendo of America went to legal war with cartridge qb' ,d$b. copier manufacturers, so we reccomend you play the ROM on ,d$b. ` $$ a computer emulator. An emulator is a peice of software $$ ' qb' designed to mimic a gaming system, and there happens to be `qb ,d$b. a very good Nintendo emulator called NESticle available for ,d$b. $$ ' IBM-Compatible Computers. NESticle will play FF2j almost ` $$ `qb exactly like a real Nintendo would, and it supports many qb' ,d$b. features that even surpass the original Nintendo such as ,d$b. ` $$ a graphics editor, built-in game genie, and realtime saving. $$ ' qb' NESticle supports the 'NES' filename extension format. `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' It's not hard at all to find NESticle on the web. just go to ` $$ `qb your favorite search engine and type keywords like 'nintendo' qb' ,d$b. 'nesticle' or 'ROM' and you should have no problem. Best of ,d$b. ` $$ all, NESticle is free. =] $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' WHY A PATCH? ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. I'm assuming a lot of you out there are wondering why we're ,d$b. ` $$ distributing the translation in patch form, rather than just $$ ' qb' going ahead and releasing the translated ROM itself. `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' We do it this way because it's the only way around the law. ` $$ `qb if we were to distribute the translated ROM by itself, it qb' ,d$b. would not only be a copyright violation towards Square of ,d$b. ` $$ Japan, but they could also slap us with a lawsuit for $$ ' qb' modifying their material. Basically, companies can really `qb ,d$b. fuck us over if they want to, since they never gave us per- ,d$b. $$ ' mission to translate their games in the first place. ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. Distributing the translation in patch form prevents Square of ,d$b. ` $$ Japan from doing anything to us because we're not spreading $$ ' qb' any copyrighted material. Patches squeeze through a narrow `qb ,d$b. loophole in the law; it's a loophole which has allowed many ,d$b. $$ ' nice little toys like cracks and trainers to remain legal ` $$ `qb throughout the years. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ Patches are simply files that say "change byte so-and-so from $$ ' qb' this to that" over and over again. So in other words, they're `qb ,d$b. just files telling what needs to be changed in an assumed ,d$b. $$ ' file, without distributing any copyrighted part of the game ` $$ `qb itself. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ Don't email us asking for the ROM; we can't give it to you. $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' RELEASE NOTES `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' First of all i (Demi) would like to apologize to the entire ` $$ `qb community on behalf of myself and Som2Freak about the extreme qb' ,d$b. delay of the release of this translation. It was originally ,d$b. ` $$ a project between him and I almost a year ago. We couldn't $$ ' qb' stand each other so we broke up after getting only about 3% `qb ,d$b. of the translation done. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb When we broke up, I told him I would let him take over full qb' ,d$b. responsibility of getting it translated on his own, on a few ,d$b. ` $$ conditions. one of those conditions was that he had to DO $$ ' qb' something with it; he couldn't just let it go to waste. `qb ,d$b. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened. He was going ,d$b. $$ ' to finish it up, but he wanted to expand the overall ROM size ` $$ `qb to fit in all the extra text, which is near impossible. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ I, on the other hand, just wanted to get the game out to the $$ ' qb' public. It was apparent Som2Freak wasn't going forth with his `qb ,d$b. plans to expand the ROM, since it'd been about 8 months since ,d$b. $$ ' any work had been done with it. So, I decided to finish it up ` $$ `qb separately. Some text has been cut, but our group scrutinized qb' ,d$b. every sentence to make sure we fit the best wording into the ,d$b. ` $$ space provided. $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. Many techniques here go above 'classic' ROM hacking. For ,d$b. $$ ' instance, thanks to BiGWieRD's X-Late 3, we have the ability ` $$ `qb to manipulate the string pointers in the ROM. What this qb' ,d$b. means is that if we have a byte left over here and there, ,d$b. ` $$ we can optimize space by using that extra byte somewhere else $$ ' qb' that it's needed. If you would like to know more about this `qb ,d$b. technique, email Planet-X software at bigwierd@montana.com. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb Another technique is one of DTE (Dual Tile Encoding). DTE qb' ,d$b. method was cracked on 1/16/98, meshed by the combined talents ,d$b. ` $$ of Landy, Alex W. Jackson, and Dark Force. What it means is $$ ' qb' we took advantage of a coding technique Square uses in its `qb ,d$b. japanese for the "chon chon" marks. Since there are two tiles ,d$b. $$ ' used in chon chon characters, we took the subordinate tile ` $$ `qb and placed it after the dominant character, allowing us to qb' ,d$b. display two characters with just one byte call in the ROM. ,d$b. ` $$ When first implemented, we had about 1000 extra bytes to $$ ' qb' work with (!!!), so ever since then there's been a lot more `qb ,d$b. leniency concerning detail and story length. Without this, ,d$b. $$ ' we would have been nothing. I can't thank you enough, guys. ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. One other point that would be impossible to miss is the ,d$b. ` $$ title screen. It was completely redrawn by BiGWieRD and $$ ' qb' hacked by him and Y0SHi, starting on 3/6/98. I believe it's a `qb ,d$b. rip of the FF 1&2 NES ROM title graphic Square released in ,d$b. $$ ' Japan in '94. BiGWieRD took the graphic and recolored it, ` $$ `qb then did some dope shit with the credits. The remodeled qb' ,d$b. title screen was implanted directly over the original code. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ABOUT THE GAME ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. First of all, it's very easy to see that FF2j is a lot like ,d$b. ` $$ FF1. In fact, most of the graphics were reused, which kinda $$ ' qb' dissapointed me when I first played it. Nevertheless, I `qb ,d$b. thought along the same lines and decided it would look best ,d$b. $$ ' with the old FF1 font in it; Square of America probably would ` $$ `qb have done the same. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ I'm not going to go into detail about playing the game or $$ ' qb' give you a walkthru on it, since there are already two `qb ,d$b. documents on this at www.square.net. I'll just go over some ,d$b. $$ ' main points lightly: ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. -The Light Warriors' names are Frioniel (shortened to Fionir) ,d$b. ` $$ Lionheart (shortened to Leon), Maria, and Guy; in the order $$ ' qb' they appear in the name select boxes after the prologue. `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' -There are no experience points or levels. Instead, there are ` $$ `qb counters in the status menu that tally how much you use of qb' ,d$b. each weapon or spell. You gain skill only in what you use. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' -The map trick (TCELES B HSUP) works once you get the ring. `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' -There's a semi-confusing dialogue interaction system in ` $$ `qb FF2j. It works around the Say/Learn principle, meaning at qb' ,d$b. certain points in the game, you will have a chance to Learn ,d$b. ` $$ a password or keyword. Once you know a keyword, you can Say $$ ' qb' it to direct the conversation with particular people. `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' -Although the battle interface was improved over FF1, the AI ` $$ `qb which redirects an attack to another enemy after an enemy qb' ,d$b. dies one wasn't implemented yet. A lot of people hated this ,d$b. ` $$ about FF1; I'm the only person I know of who liked it. IMO, $$ ' qb' it adds a lot more strategy and thought to the battles. `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' -Chocobos made their first appearance in this game. Their ` $$ `qb forest is South of Kashuon. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ -Cid also made his debut in this game. Airships play a key $$ ' qb' role in the plot, too. At first you'll charter flights on `qb ,d$b. Cid's airship (which looks mysteriously similar to the FF1 ,d$b. $$ ' airship). Later on in the game, you'll see a larger ship ` $$ `qb called the Warship, being built by the Empire. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ -This game is definitely the hardest of the Final Fantasy $$ ' qb' series. IMO, FF started getting pussywhipped around the `qb ,d$b. 3rd or 4th game. If you go into an area on the world map ,d$b. $$ ' that has enemies that are really too hard, that's the game's ` $$ `qb way of saying "Don't go there yet". Like FF1, there's a ton qb' ,d$b. of leveling up to be done, but also a lot of plot. Good ,d$b. ` $$ luck! $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. FOLKS WHO HELPED OUT ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' Luke Drelick .................................... Save games `qb ,d$b. Opoth ........................................... Save games ,d$b. $$ ' Landy ................................. Original Method Code ` $$ `qb Necrosaro ...................................... Translation qb' ,d$b. Herman Ho ...................................... Translation ,d$b. ` $$ SgtBowHac ...................................... Translation $$ ' qb' Wildbill ....................................... Translation `qb ,d$b. Emperor Jim .................................... Translation ,d$b. $$ ' Darkniciad ..................................... Translation ` $$ `qb XxDethxX ...................................... Web Graphics qb' ,d$b. Chris Zakelj ........................................ Nuthin .d$b. ` $$ Nobuaki Andou ..................................... Debugger $$ ' qb' D ............................................ Pointer Table `qb ,d$b. Jason Li ............................... Original Web Design ,d$b. $$ ' The_Brain .................................... X-Late Schema ` $$ `qb Sardu ........................................... Intro Help qb' ,d$b. Matt Conte ...................................... Intro Help ,d$b. ` $$ Stumble ................................................ ROM $$ ' qb' Trip ...................................... ASCII, Beta test `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' MIDDLE FINGER AWARDS: ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. Akilla, for never believing we could do it in the first place ,d$b. ` $$ & trying to sabotage the group. For you sir, a hearty hand- $$ ' qb' shake and an endearing -fuck you- from all of us here at Neo `qb ,d$b. Demiforce. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb The Translation Corperation, for downgrading the translation qb' ,d$b. scene as a whole witht their shitty releases of FF3j. Take a ,d$b. ` $$ seat! $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. SoM2Freak - Well, let's see. First, when he heard we were ,d$b. $$ ' resurrecting the FF2j translation, the charming little lad ` $$ `qb threatened to start his own translation and beat us to it if qb' ,d$b. we didn't let him in our group. Then after he forced his way ,d$b. ` $$ in, he ditched us and never turned in any work, all while $$ ' qb' hanging things over our heads such as coding techniques and `qb ,d$b. connections to people who knew how to recode parts of the ,d$b. $$ ' ROM. 1000 bucks says he'll try FF2j again out of spite. Why? ` $$ `qb I dunno. He's a sleaze. qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ My parents, who believe anything that doesn't pay an hourly $$ ' qb' wage is a waste of time. `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. DISTRO ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb http://www.frognet.net/~demi/ Neo Demiforce home page qb' ,d$b. http://tc.simplenet.com/square/ Lots of Squaresoft ROMs ,d$b. ` $$ http://www.squareplanet.net/rpgemu/ Translation news site $$ ' qb' `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' ,d$b. ,d$b. ` $$ $$ ' qb' DISCLAIMER `qb ,d$b. ,d$b. $$ ' This file nor any work of Neo Demiforce was never intended ` $$ `qb to accompany any copywritten ROM or property. This file or qb' ,d$b. patch must never be distributed with the copywritten ROM. ,d$b. ` $$ If you're reading this out of an archive that has the ROM $$ ' qb' in it, we didn't put it there, so fuck yourself and have a `qb ,d$b. nice day. ,d$b. $$ ' ` $$ `qb qb' -Peace out xoxoxoxox