Final Fantasy 2- The Lost Translation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by two bums who are too lazy too think of good name for their translation team Toma XIII ~~~~~~~~~ Midas ~~~~~ Version 0.36 -Translated the town inside of Leviathan's stomach -Fixed the item/weapon/armor/enemy names that were translated poorly -Figured out how to change Ivy back to Rose, Msk to Mask, B.Ship to BattleShip, D.Knight to DarkKnight, etc. -Menu is PERFECT looking! (no squished chars or partial words) YAHOO! -Happy looking new font! (???) Version 0.35 -Translated some more of those little losers -Retranslated the intro sequence and a few townspeople Version 0.34 -Translated a few more townspeople -Full menu translation ("Item Magic Equip Stats Save" as opposed to "Item Mgc Eqp Stat Save") Yahoo! -Changed Nina's name to Hilda (It may sound retarded but hey, I'm going for authenticity here!) Version 0.33 -All townspeople up to Pof are translated. -Retranslated some more crap -A few more passwords translated Version 0.32 -FINISHED THE ENDING SEQUENCE!!! -Retranslated a bunch of stuff -Fixed a few errors -A few more townspeople translated Version 0.31 -The first two towns are now completely translated -Old Charlie is now called Midas Version 0.3 -Old Charlie has joined the translation team! -Multiple Demiforce's name replaced with our names on title screen! -More characters' names translated! -Annoying blue lines no longer behind characters' faces on menu! -Almost all items translated! -All weapons/armor translated! -All enemies translated! (or at least have legible names...) -Ending sequence partially translated! -The password "Rose" has (reluctantly but necessarily) been changed to "Ivy" -A few more dialog boxes translated -Better font Version 0.2 -It wasn't done by Multiple Demiforce -Title sequence retranslated -Most characters' names translated! -Over half of the enemy names in the game translated! -A few more items translated -A few more weapons/armor translated -A few more dialog boxes translated -All other spells translated -Used a different font so that smaller text characters don't look weird Version 0.1a -Initial release by Multiple Demiforce What's Been Translated So Far ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, here are the stupid percentages of the crap that's been translated so far... Enemies.........100% Weapons.........100% Armor...........100% Spells..........100% Items...........100% Menus...........100% Passwords.......100% Battles.........100% Sequences........50% Townspeople......33% Other People.....13% As you can see, I did the easy stuff first. But hey, I'm doing the people pretty quickly (actually I do a few things a day!) so I might get the translation done by... hmm... how does February sound? Ya never know... :-) Toma's Dumb Little Story About The Transaltion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I started this translation around July. I did it cuz I was angry at that buddy who wrote the FF2j story. He left out the entire part about what to do with Josef and I, being Japanese illiterate at the time, was stuck. I downloaded Multiple Demiforce's translation to see what I it would help me. Guess what. They didn't have it either. In my frustration I downloaded X-Late and (still without any Japanese knowledge) started ahackin away. In my boredom, I gave every enemy that I had seen a name that worked well with it, changed a few items and spells and stuff, and put it on the net. I began to search for a Japanese-English dictionary to aid me, but I could only find an English-Japanese one. So I properly translated the enemies (I was surprised at how many I had right!) and tried with all my might to translate it with the wrong dictionary. After spending an hour on one person, I decided I had to change something. I quit using X-Late and went to something no one else (to my knowledge) has ever tried. MS-DOS Editor. Using Font Mania (a neat little thing to customize ASCII chars) and a chart that I had made, I decided to see if it would go any quicker. That had helped, byut I still needed a dictionary. Then, one day, I found it. A dictionary that had everything I needed to translate my beloved ROM. But there was one problem. It wasn't me who actually found it, but my brother Midas. He bought it himself and said I could only use it if I let him join my translation team. I agreed and went home rejoicing. After translating a big ole crapload of stuff, we released a much better translation. There was still a problem. I had no net access of my own. But hey, my birthday came, I got it, and now we update so much that... I don't know. We just update a lot more now. Blah. Oh by the way. I got past the Josef part now and I beat the entire game! (YAHOO!) Disclaimer ~~~~~~~~~~ I didn't make this game, Square did. I don't want the thing distributed with the ROM cuz that's just bad and I'd never do it so you shouldn't cuz it's illegal and all that crap. Umm... how's that?