================Shinsenden============================ ==================V1.00=============================== Genre: RPG Source language: Japanese Patch language: English Author: aishsha E-mail: aishsha@gmail.com Web-site: aishsha.blogspot.com ====================================================== Shinsenden ====================================================== Background: Ok, for those willing to know the background of this story - please, refer to the info file attached in the same archive. To tell the story short, that's a pretty cool "pure" Oriental game with charming characters and rather good plot. This was one of the hardest hacks for me ever. The game has a dimwitted printing routine which was hell to change and still far from ideal. So don't be afraid of shortened monster names and different length for some dialogue lines - it HAS to be this way unless you want to rewrite the whole printing routine from the scratch. In that case - feel free to contact me and I'll gladly make an "expanded" translation :) Use a patching IPS utility of your choice to apply the patch (I do recommend Lunar IPS). I would be highly grateful, if you find some time to contact me with proposals or corrections. Information on found bugs or corrections would be highly appreciated. It refers to Encyclopedia, in particular. Enjoy the playing and do buy the game, if you like it! ====================================================== IMPORTANT NOTE BEFORE YOU START PLAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ====================================================== PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE SPEED FOR BATTLES AND TEXT! ONCE AGAIN - DO NOT DO IT, IF YOU WANT TO SEE CORRECT MESSAGES!!!!!!!! ====================================================== Credits go to: ASchultz - my constant helping hand in editing and proofreading activities. Thanks man, you're the best ;) bongo' - for useful notes and help at the start of this project. ded302 - one of the authors of this translation especially in the tasks related to expansion and fonts. Djinn - without him this project would be dead at its start. Another author of this work whose hacking skills did real magic in our case. fuzzball, BRPXQZME - for their professional help with Japanese in damn-hard cases. All those who contributed into this process. ====================================================== Compiled by aishsha. August 2009.