===============Ninja Jajamaru========================= ==========Legend of a Demon's Attack================== ==============Castle of Dreams======================== ==================V1.00=============================== Genre: ACT/RPG Source language: Japanese Patch language: English Author: aishsha/Pennywise E-mail: aishsha@gmail.com/ Web-site: aishsha.blogspot.com/http://yojimbo.eludevisibility.org/ ====================================================== Jajamaru Gekimaden - Maboroshi-no Kinmajou ====================================================== Background: The work on this project started like more than a year ago when me and Penywise finished working on Jarvas and were chatting about possible future projects. The talk was just talk back then and we forgot about that till August 2009. Pennywise coded a DTE routine for the game and passed that to me. I did some other additional hacking and translated the game. The game itself belong to the series of a Jaleco mascot, red-hooded and big-headed ninja Jajamaru-Kun, saving Princesses, Kings, Japan and the whole world altogether. This time he's fighting with a Hellish Monk from the Underworld to protect humanity. Again... Anyway, the plot is quite blunt but not the game itself. It's a very good Zelda-like ACT/RPG, quite long for this genre and very nice looking. We've both enjoyed the game enough to pass it twice, so believe me, it's good. Use a patching IPS utility of your choice to apply the patch (I do recommend Lunar IPS). We would be highly grateful, if you find some time to contact us with proposals or corrections. Information on found bugs or corrections would be highly appreciated. Enjoy the playing and do buy the game, if you like it! ====================================================== Credits go to: aishsha - translation, additional hacking, testing. Pennywise - main hacking, testing. Shmu-Hadron - that beatiful title screen is his own work - thanks for that, man! All those who contributed into this process. ====================================================== Compiled by aishsha. November 2009.