===============Ninja Jajamaru-kun===================== ==================V1.00=============================== Genre: ACT Source language: Japanese Patch language: English Author: aishsha/Pennywise E-mail: aishsha@gmail.com/ Web-site: aishsha.blogspot.com/http://yojimbo.eludevisibility.org/ ====================================================== Ninja-kun ====================================================== Background: Remember we said we wouldn't touch another Jajamaru game soon? Well, we kinda lied... The hack for this one was done by Pennywise like in a day, I did some additional pointer hacking, title screen and stage names. That was actually everything that had to be done. This Jaja-game has no plot at all except for that you have to defeat your ever-lasting foe - Namazu Daiyuu and his minions. This one is the first in the series and re-released several times for different platforms. Use a patching IPS utility of your choice to apply the patch (I do recommend Lunar IPS). We would be highly grateful, if you find some time to contact us with proposals or corrections. Information on found bugs or corrections would be highly appreciated. Enjoy the playing and do buy the game, if you like it! ====================================================== Credits go to: aishsha - translation, additional hacking, testing. Pennywise - main hacking, testing. ====================================================== Compiled by aishsha. November 2009.