Kaguya Hime Densetsu Translation Patch! "Moon Princess:The Bamboocutter's Legend" c. snark 2009 famicom translation patch and walk-through. Original game and characters are copyrighted by their respective copyright holders. Enjoy! :) www.boojumsnark.com Please do not modify sell or redistribute, etc, etc. Feel free to submit corrections, additions, bug encounters etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. The Moon Princess is a Famicom game based loosely upon The Legend of the Bamboo Cutter, an ancient science fiction tale from Japan. In this game, you seek the hand of the Moon Princess and a magical orb guarded by a fierce dragon, while sauntering through silly side-quests and other goofy adventures. This is a text and graphics adventure game with minor side-scrolling arcade sequences. ------------------------------------------------------------ There are three levels of difficulty, which provide small variations in the game. Walkthrough c. 2009 Part One -The Enchanted forest 1. Look at the apple tree and get the red apple for 2+ pts. 2. Enter the cave left. Use the whip in the center. 3. Move ahead in the center. 4. Look at the girl, until she awakes. 5. Give the apple to the girl and she will give you matches for 5 pts. (If you kiss the girl, you will get bad ending #2 at the bamboo tree later) 6. Exit the gave by going back and right. 7. Go right again and talk to Santa. 8. Ask him about the moon princess, the bamboo grove, the cabin, and the girl. 9. Give him a match, and he will give you a knife and a key. 10. He will leave, then go ahead to the cabin. 11. Light the candle, and the dog appears. Talk to him. 12. Go to the next room. 13. Use the key. 14. Get the teddy bear and the sunglasses. 15. Go back and exit the room. 16. Look at the trees, and find the axe. 17. Go left to the bamboo grove. 18. Take the leftmost path. 19. Use the knife to kill the cobra. +5-10 pts. 20. If you do no kill the cobra you will experience bad ending #1. (An eternity in the seedy back alley dive bar) 21. Go ahead in the grove until you see the bright light. 22. use your sunglasses. 23. Chop down the bamboo stalk with the axe. (If you kissed the girl in the cave instead of giving her the apple, bad ending #2 happens here.) 24. The princess appears, she is from a distant star, and requires the 5 star crystal. She gives you a magic coat that you can use 5 times to travel quickly to other places. 25. Go forward in the grove to the next area. *************************************************************************************** Part Two- The Beach. 1. Run three rounds with the jogger to receive the power drink. 2. Go ahead and then swim. Go to the left. 3.Look at the kelp and take it. 4.Go right, back and back to the beach. 5.From the Beach go right, fight with boys two times. Then fight again to make them go away for 5 pts. (They will apologize for 10 pts if you have maximum pts. and high power during this stage. (If you use the whip sveral times and do not fight them, then you will receive bad ending of the graveyard. 6. After the turtle Nonchi is saved get 9+ power points. 7. Talk to the turtle who leads you to the legendary Fair princess who has a magical treasure chest, if she could only wake up! 8. Give the kelp to the fair princess to revive her. (You can kiss her but this will alter the ending.) Get the treasure box. Return with your new sidekick, Nonchi the turtle. 9. Use the garment to the mountain cabin. 10.Hit dog with whip to get the sake. Difficult Level ***Go back again and hit the dog again to get the bathing-suit photo of Kumi. ****************************************************************** Lucky Lady Mountain Go back to the Wharf and go right. Go upwards and jump over the cliff, at the Turtle's instructions. Don't fall into the cliff's edge or get Bad ending #3. (Become a Sideshow at a freak carnival) Go to the right to the pond.Look at the pond and relax for 1 point.Dig in the trashcan. Take the card. Talk to the turtle, throw away the rusty axe. Difficult Level ***The card will be in pieces and must be put together like a puzzle. A picture of the card is included, and the picture must be put together exactly or the puzzle will be reset. Open the box, get the false teeth and the mirror. Go to Hello Sakura and show the card. Answer the phone calls, and talk to the ladies and agree to meet them at the pond. Leave and go to the pond. Talk to Nonchi and introduce him to Seiko. Give her a teddy bear for 2 coins, and some sake to soften her up. Don't forget to take the sake in her glass for a toast. Talk to her and agree with everything she says for more coins, until she leaves. Go to the charm School. Give 5 coins to the lovestruck receptionist, do not kiss her. Look at poor Sayuri and give her a much badly needed mirror and accept her gracious gift of lipstick. Next teacher is Momoko. Show off and watch her sweat. Look at his/her mouth. Yikes! She will give you the bug spray to get rid of you. Some bad biker girls beat you up and take the rest of your coins. Talk to Nonchi. Go to the pond and look at he picture. Take it. Go back to the right and up the stairs to the nuns cloister. Talk to the man but he won't let you in. Use the lipstick as your turtle friend catcalls you. Talk to the man, and he will now let you in. Go ahead and talk to the old nun with no teeth, talk to her and the turtle. Give her teeth, talk to her again and show her the picture. She will send you to the young nun. Do not kiss or showoff in front of the young nun, she will fume and throw you out. Talk to her, and Nonchi about all topics. Show her the picture and she will give you the amulet after her sad story. Wish her well and use the garment to go to the wharf, unless you are at the difficult level, where you should go via cliff. Difficult Level*** Do not use the angel cloak to return to the wharf. Go left to the beach from the wharf and see the odd young man. Give him the picture of Kumi and he will give you a thick book. ****************************************************************** Go to the wharf, and ride the boat. From the boat climb aboard the pirate ship. Whoops! The pirate has caught you! From the brig, look at Elisa. Talk to her about her pirate father twice. Look at her charm pendant.Ask her about it, and talk about her mother. After she takes you upstairs, talk to the pirate. Show off for 1 point. Give him the bug spray can. Listen to his talk about the dragon and the orb, and take his golden bullet, and select the second golden bullet. Return to your ship and go forward. (You can return to the convent and speak with the nuns formore clues, such as hints about a mermaid princess.) ------------------------------------ Sea Maze Avoid rocks, whirpools and dead-ends and you will eventually sail through the maze. You will randomly encounter several scenarios in this stage depending on difficulty level. 1. Quiz Master: Answer three questions quickly! Random Q and A Quiz Answers: 1. Oginome's first hit song: Far Seas 2. Game Creator: Mitsugu 3. Cabin dog's hobby: Videos 4. Pluto is a: Dog 5. The boy who hit the turtle: Right 6. The Name of Seiko's Cat: Marina 2. The Fish Agree to help him find the mermaid, and he will accompany you. 2A*** Difficult Level The Octopus - gain points and passage by throwing the book (a kanji dictionary) at him! A kiss will also make him leave (but may change the game's ending!)If you fight the Octopus he will black out your game with an ink squirt! 3. The Lightning -Use the amulet to calm the storm. 4. Mermaid: If you have not found the fish she will direct you to find him. If you have found him she will give you a stamina drink bottle, which you should drink immediately. 5. Bhutan Thumbwrestle him for passage through. It will cost life power even if you defeat him, so drink up beforehand! After this point the Sea Maze exit is ahead, and a warning about a ferocious fire breatjing dragon! 6. The Dragon - hit him twice with the golden bullets for victory! Take the sparkling orb and enjoy your ending! ****************************************************************** The are four endings: Endings High Score: (Over 90 pts for E-z Level 170 ? for Hard Level for difficult ) You Kiss the princess and fireworks erupt! 2. Not enough points: If you are not proud of your score, the princess will praise your honesty and smile at you. 3. If you are "proud" of your score you saunter off on your own in a trenchcoat and Deja-Vu style music plays in the background, and the "END" message appears. 4. If you have kissed girls (excluding the one in the cave) the princess will admonish you for lipstick kiss marks on your face, and will fall in love with the turtle instead and scold you! Your game is over! Enjoy! :)