Woody Poko (うっでいぽこ) NES/Famicom translation patch v 1.00 1/14/09 sqpat http://www.sqpat.com/trans ----------------------------- Disclaimer------------------- ----------------------------- This is a fan translation project. This project is not affiliated with Nintendo or dB-Soft. This translation is not for sale and was not made for profit. ----------------------------- Patching--------------------- ----------------------------- Apply the included .IPS patch to a Woody Poko NES/famicom ROM image using Snes-Tool or some other IPS patching tool. ----------------------------- Woody Poko------------------- ----------------------------- This game is an early famicom title (1987) made by dB-SOFT, who I've never heard of. It's an adventure game with platforming and RPG elements. You collect items and money, go to shops, get information, and progress through four or five levels. That said, the game is a little confusing. The hints are sometimes vague, and you're sometimes expected to find hidden holes which only appear if you walk over them. The control doesn't always make sense. For example, when you first go to a shop, you might end up stealing an item by accident and being branded a thief for the rest of the game. Unless you are in one of the last levels, being branded a thief pretty much spells the end of your quest since you can't really use the shops anymore. Overall the game is pretty mediocre. You can have fun with it, and it was probably a good game when it was released, considering it's era. ----------------------------- Gameplay Issues-------------- ----------------------------- I don't think there are any problems in the gameplay stemming from the translation hack itself. ----------------------------- Translation Commentary------- ----------------------------- First of all, the game had only a hiragana alphabet, so besides the normal obstacles in translating an NES game lacking kanji, the script was now even more confusing than usual. There were a few lines that i wasn't happy with, but they did not come up in game, so I really don't know how to gather the context to better translate them. There was a series of dialogue mentioning ingredients for some kind of recipe that involved fetching one or two things. I couldn't find this in the game, and it mentioned getting a bee, which i didn't find in the game, either. Pointers exist for this text in the ROM, but I don't know whether it's ever actually used. If a lot of the "hints" you pay and trade items for seem useless or confusing, that's because they generally are. The guy who asks for money seems particularly useless in general, while the girl who asks for items is more hit or miss. Speaking of that useless guy asking you for money all the time, some of his lines were kind of confusing. I don't know if they were puns or word plays or something. One other line i didnt understand was this one: こびとの「はんんす」は なんかくれるってさ I think it means "a dwarf said a 'hannsu' or something was coming." The intent seems to be to allude to something that sounds like 'hannsu' in Japanese, but I'm completely in the dark. I also don't know who the heck this dwarf is. The ending mentions an old man named Matsumura. Perhaps the game's manual mentioned who this 'Matsumura' was, since the name appears nowhere else in the entire script. I can only assume that the old man refers to the guy Poko speaks to in the first stage's opening dialogue. Speaking of that opening, it seemed Poko had awoke from a nightmare involving wooden dolls. I wasn't sure this would make very much sense, so I changed it to a Jason reference. And speaking of that ending, i have no idea what the "Bunny Dance" is all about. This translation could probably use some work, since it's my first translation hack and second script translation. I hope for my Japanese to improve in the future, so I might come back to it to make things better. However, I think it's more than adequate as it stands. ----------------------------- Tools Used------------------- ----------------------------- FCEUXDSP Hexposure XVI32 hex editor Paint Tile Layer Pro yy-chr Cartographer Atlas Notepad Wordpad NJStar http://www.jisho.org ----------------------------- Special Thanks--------------- ----------------------------- GilGalad - helping me with a lot of general questions regarding ROM translations, and for helping me with utilities. SliverX - helping me with some PPU hacking/debugging #arc-nova.org on DarkMyst.org - Pretty much the only ROM hacking related community i frequent.